circuit module
- class tequila_code.circuit.circuit.Moment(gates: List[QGateImpl] = None, sort=False)[source]
the class which represents a set of simultaneously applicable gates.
- with_gate:
attempt to add a gate to the moment, replacing any gate it may conflict with.
- with_gates:
attempt to add multiple gates to the moment, replacing any gates they may conflict with.
- add_gate(gate: QCircuit | QGateImpl)[source]
add a gate to the moment.
- Parameters:
gate – the desired gate.
- Returns:
a new moment, of self + a new gate
- Return type:
- as_circuit()[source]
convert back into the unrestricted QCircuit. :returns: a circuit with the same gates as self. :rtype: QCircuit
- property canonical_depth
gate depth of the abstract circuit in alternating layer form. :returns: int :rtype: depth of the alternating layer form.
- property canonical_moments
Break self up into parametrized and unparametrized layers. :returns: list of 2 Moments, one of which may be empty. :rtype: list
- property depth
gate depth of the abstract circuit. :returns: int :rtype: the depth.
- fully_parametrized()[source]
Todo: Why not just inherit from base? :returns: whether or not EVERY gate in self.gates is parameterized. :rtype: bool
- property moments
Divide self into subcircuits representing layers of simultaneous gates. Attempts to minimize gate depth. :returns: list of Moment objects. :rtype: list
- replace_gate(position, gates)[source]
substitute a gate at a given position with other gates. :param position: where in the list of gates the gate to be replaced occurs. :param gates: the gates to replace the unwanted gate with.
- with_gate(gate: QCircuit | QGateImpl)[source]
Add a gate, or else replace some gate with it.
- Parameters:
gate – the gate to insert into the moment.
- Returns:
a New moment with the proper gates.
- Return type:
- class tequila_code.circuit.circuit.QCircuit(gates=None, parameter_map=None)[source]
Fundamental class representing an abstract circuit.
- canonical_depth
the depth of the circuit, if converted to alternating parametrized and unparametrized layers.
- canonical_moments
returns the circuit as a list of Moment objects alternating between parametrized and unparametrized layers.
- depth
returns the gate depth of the circuit.
- gates
returns the gates in the circuit, as a list.
- moments
returns the circuit as a list of Moment objects.
- n_qubits
the number of qubits on which the circuit operates.
- numbering
returns the numbering convention use by tequila circuits.
- qubits
returns a list of qubits acted upon by the circuit.
- make_parameter_map:
- add_controls(control, inpl: bool | None = False) QCircuit | None [source]
- Depending on the truth value of inpl:
return controlled version of self with control as the control qubits if inpl;
mutate self so that the qubits in control are added as the control qubits if not inpl.
Raise ValueError if there any qubits in common between self and control.
- property canonical_depth
gate depth of the abstract circuit in alternating layer form. :returns: int :rtype: depth of the alternating layer form.
- property canonical_moments
Divide self into subcircuits of alternating unparametrized and parametrized layers. :rtype: list of Moment objects.
- property depth
gate depth of the abstract circuit. :returns: int :rtype: the depth.
- export_to(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Export to png, pdf, qpic, tex with qpic backend Convenience: see src/tequila/circuit/ - export_to for more Parameters
- extract_variables() list [source]
return a list containing all the variable objects contained in any of the gates within the unitary including those nested within gates themselves.
- Returns:
the variables of the circuit
- Return type:
- static from_moments(moments: List)[source]
build a circuit from Moment objects.
- Parameters:
moments (list:) – a list of Moment objects.
- property gates
- is_fully_parametrized()[source]
- Returns:
whether or not all gates in the circuit are paremtrized
- Return type:
- is_fully_unparametrized()[source]
- Returns:
whether or not all gates in the circuit are unparametrized
- Return type:
- is_primitive()[source]
Check if this is a single gate wrapped in this structure :return: True if the circuit is just a single gate
- make_parameter_map() dict [source]
- Returns:
ParameterMap of the circuit (A dictionary with)
keys (variables in the circuit)
values (list of all gates and their positions in the circuit)
e.g. result[Variable(“a”)] = [(3, Rx), (5, Ry), …]
- map_qubits(qubit_map)[source]
E.G. Rx(1)Ry(2) –> Rx(3)Ry(1) with qubit_map = {1:3, 2:1}
- Parameters:
qubit_map – a dictionary which maps old to new qubits
- Return type:
A new circuit with mapped qubits
- map_variables(variables: dict, *args, **kwargs)[source]
- Parameters:
variables – dictionary with old variable names as keys and new variable names or values as values
- Return type:
Circuit with changed variables
- property moments
Divide self into subcircuits representing layers of simultaneous gates. Attempts to minimize gate depth. :returns: list of Moment objects. :rtype: list
- property n_qubits
- property numbering: BitNumbering
- property qubits
- replace_gates(positions: list, circuits: list, replace: list = None)[source]
Replace or insert gates at specific positions into the circuit at different positions (faster than multiple calls to replace_gate)
- Parameters:
positions (list of int:) – the positions at which the gates should be added. Always refer to the positions in the original circuit
circuits (list or QCircuit:) – the gates to add at the corresponding positions
replace (list of bool: (Default value: None)) – Default is None which corresponds to all true decide if gates shall be replaces or if the new parts shall be inserted without replacement if replace[i] = true: gate at position [i] will be replaces by gates[i] if replace[i] = false: gates[i] circuit will be inserted at position [i] (beaming before gate previously at position [i])
- Return type:
new circuit with inserted gates
- sort_gates()[source]
sort self into subcircuits corresponding to all simultaneous operations, greedily; then reinitialize gates. :rtype: None
- to_networkx()[source]
Turn a given quantum circuit from tequila into graph form via NetworkX :param self: tq.gates.QCircuit :return: G, a graph in NetworkX with qubits as nodes and gate connections as edges
compiler module
- class tequila_code.circuit.compiler.CircuitCompiler(multitarget=False, multicontrol=False, trotterized=False, generalized_rotation=False, exponential_pauli=False, controlled_exponential_pauli=False, hadamard_power=False, controlled_power=False, power=False, toffoli=False, controlled_phase=False, phase=False, phase_to_z=False, controlled_rotation=False, swap=False, cc_max=False, gradient_mode=False, ry_gate=False, y_gate=False, ch_gate=False, hadamard=False)[source]
an object that performs abstract compilation of QCircuits and Objectives.
see init for attributes, since all are specified there
- compile_circuit:
perform compilation on a circuit.
- compile_circuit(abstract_circuit: QCircuit, variables=None, *args, **kwargs) QCircuit [source]
compile a circuit. :param abstract_circuit: the circuit to compile. :type abstract_circuit: QCircuit :param variables: (Default value = None):
list of the variables whose gates, specifically, must compile. Used to prevent excess compilation in gates whose parameters are fixed. Default: compile every single gate.
- Parameters:
- Return type:
QCircuit; a compiled circuit.
- compile_objective(objective, *args, **kwargs)[source]
Compile an objective.
- Parameters:
objective (Objective:) – the objective.
- Return type:
the objective, compiled
- exception tequila_code.circuit.compiler.TequilaCompilerException(msg)[source]
- tequila_code.circuit.compiler.change_basis(target, axis=None, name=None, daggered=False)[source]
helper function; returns circuit that performs change of basis. :param target: the qubit having its basis changed :param axis: The axis of rotation to shift into. :param daggered: adjusts the sign of the gate if axis = 1, I.E, change of basis about Y axis. :type daggered: bool:
- Return type:
QCircuit that performs change of basis on target qubit onto desired axis
gates module
- tequila_code.circuit.gates.CNOT(control: int, target: int) QCircuit [source]
Convenience CNOT initialization
- Parameters:
control (int) – control qubit
target (int) – target qubit
- Return type:
QCircuit object
- tequila_code.circuit.gates.CRx(control: int, target: int, angle: float) QCircuit [source]
Convenience initialization CRx (controlled Pauli X Rotation)
- Parameters:
control (int) – control qubit
target (int) – target qubit
angle – Hashable type (will be treated as Variable) or Numeric type (static angle)
- Return type:
QCircuit object
- tequila_code.circuit.gates.CRy(control: int, target: int, angle: float) QCircuit [source]
Convenience initialization CRy (controlled Pauli Y Rotation)
- Parameters:
control (int) – control qubit
target (int) – target qubit
angle – Hashable type (will be treated as Variable) or Numeric type (static angle)
- Return type:
QCircuit object
- tequila_code.circuit.gates.CRz(control: int, target: int, angle: float) QCircuit [source]
Convenience initialization CRz (controlled Pauli Z Rotation)
- Parameters:
control (int) – control qubit
target (int) – target qubit
angle – Hashable type (will be treated as Variable) or Numeric type (static angle)
- Return type:
QCircuit object
- tequila_code.circuit.gates.CX(control: int, target: int) QCircuit [source]
Convenience initialization CX (CNOT)
- Parameters:
control (int) – control qubit
target (int) – target qubit
- Return type:
QCircuit object
- tequila_code.circuit.gates.CY(control: int, target: int) QCircuit [source]
Convenience initialization CY (controlled Pauli Y)
- Parameters:
control (int) – control qubit
target (int) – target qubit
- Return type:
QCircuit object
- tequila_code.circuit.gates.CZ(control: int, target: int) QCircuit [source]
Convenience initialization CZ (controlled Pauli Z)
- Parameters:
control (int) – control qubit
target (int) – target qubit
- Return type:
QCircuit object
- tequila_code.circuit.gates.ExpPauli(paulistring: PauliString | str | dict, angle, control: list | int = None, *args, **kwargs)[source]
Exponentiated Pauligate:
ExpPauli(PauliString, angle) = exp(-i* angle/2* PauliString)
- Parameters:
paulistring (Union[PauliString :) – given as PauliString structure or as string or dict or list if given as string: Format should be like X(0)Y(3)Z(2) if given as list: Format should be like [(0,’X’),(3,’Y’),(2,’Z’)] if given as dict: Format should be like { 0:’X’, 3:’Y’, 2:’Z’ }
angle – the angle (will be multiplied by paulistring coefficient if there is one)
control (Union[list :) – control qubits
int] – (Default value = None)
- Returns:
Gate wrapped in circuit
- Return type:
- tequila_code.circuit.gates.GeneralizedRotation(angle: List[Hashable] | List[Real], generator: QubitHamiltonian, control: list | int = None, eigenvalues_magnitude: float = 0.5, p0=None, steps: int = 1, assume_real=False) QCircuit [source]
- A gates which is shift-rule differentiable
its generator only has two distinguishable eigenvalues
it is then differentiable by the shift rule
eigenvalues_magnitude needs to be given upon initialization (this is “r” from Schuld et. al. and the default is r=1/2)
the generator will not (!) be verified to fullfill the properties
Compiling will be done in analogy to a trotterized gate with steps=1 as default
The gate will act in the same way as rotations and exppauli gates
\[U_{G}(\text{angle}) = e^{-i\frac{\text{angle}}{2} G}\]- Parameters:
angle – numeric type or hashable symbol or tequila objective
generator – tequila QubitHamiltonian or any other structure with paulistrings
control – list of control qubits
eigenvalues_magnitude – magnitude of eigenvalues, in most papers referred to as “r” (default 0.5)
p0 – possible nullspace projector (if the rotation is happens in Q = 1-P0). See arxiv:2011.05938
steps – possible Trotterization steps (default 1)
- Return type:
The gate wrapped in a circuit
- tequila_code.circuit.gates.Givens(first: int, second: int, control: int | list = None, angle: float = None, *args, **kwargs) QCircuit [source]
Givens gate G .. math:
G = e^{-i\theta \frac{(Y \otimes X - X \otimes Y )}{2}}
- Parameters:
first (int) – target qubit
second (int) – target qubit
control – int or list of ints
angle – numeric type (fixed exponent) or hashable type (parametrized exponent), theta in the above formula
- Return type:
- tequila_code.circuit.gates.H(target: list | int, control: list | int = None, power=None, angle=None, *args, **kwargs) QCircuit [source]
Hadamard gate
- Parameters:
target – int or list of int
control – int or list of int
power –
numeric type (fixed exponent) or hashable type (parametrized exponent) angle similar to power, but will be interpreted as .. math:
U(\text{angle})=e^{-i\frac{angle}{2} generator}
the default is angle=pi .. math:
U(\pi) = H
If angle and power are given both, tequila will combine them
- Return type:
QCircuit object
- tequila_code.circuit.gates.PauliGate(paulistring: PauliString | str | dict, control: list | int = None, *args, **kwargs) QCircuit [source]
Functions that converts a Pauli string into the corresponding quantum circuit.
- Parameters:
paulistring (Union[PauliString , str, dict])
list (if given as)
string (if given as)
dict (if given as)
control (Union[list, int] : (Default value = None)) – control qubits
- Raises:
Exception – Not a Pauli Operator.:
- Returns:
- Return type:
QCircuit object corresponding to the Pauli string.
- tequila_code.circuit.gates.Phase(target: list | int, control: list | int = None, angle: Hashable | Number = None, *args, **kwargs) QCircuit [source]
Initialize an abstract phase gate which acts as
\[\begin{split}S(\phi) = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & e^{i\phi} \end{pmatrix}\end{split}\]- Parameters:
angle – defines the phase, can be numeric type (static gate) or hashable non-numeric type (parametrized gate)
target – int or list of int
control – int or list of int
- Return type:
QCircuit object
- tequila_code.circuit.gates.PowerGate(name: str, target: list | int, power: float = None, control: list | int = None, generator: QubitHamiltonian = None, *args, **kwargs)[source]
Initialize a (potentially parametrized) gate which is supported on the backend
- Parameters:
name (str) – name of the gate on the backend (usually, H, X, Y, Z)
target – int or list of int
power – numeric type (fixed exponent) or hashable type (parametrized exponent) will be interpreted as
angle –
similar to power, but will be interpreted as .. math:
U=e^{-i\frac{angle}{2} generator}
control – int or list of int
- tequila_code.circuit.gates.QGate(name, target: list | int, control: list | int = None, generator: QubitHamiltonian = None)[source]
- tequila_code.circuit.gates.QubitExcitation(angle: Real | Variable | Hashable, target: List, control=None, assume_real: bool = False, compile_options='optimize')[source]
A Qubit Excitation, as described under “qubit perspective” in For the Fermionic operators under corresponding Qubit encodings: Use the chemistry interface :param angle: the angle of the excitation unitary :param target: even number of qubit indices interpreted as [0,1,2,3….] = [(0,1), (2,3), …]
i.e. as qubit excitations from 0 to 1, 2 to 3, etc
- Parameters:
control – possible control qubits
assume_real – assume the wavefunction on which this acts is always real (cheaper gradients: see
- Return type:
QubitExcitation gate wrapped into a tequila circuit
- class tequila_code.circuit.gates.QubitExcitationImpl(angle, target, generator=None, p0=None, assume_real=True, control=None, compile_options=None)[source]
- tequila_code.circuit.gates.RotationGate(axis: int, angle: Hashable | Number, target: list | int, control: list | int = None, assume_real=False)[source]
Initialize an abstract rotation gate of the form
\[R_{\text{axis}}(\text{angle}) = e^{-i\frac{\text{angle}}{2} \sigma_{\text{axis}}}\]- Parameters:
axis – integer 1 for x, 2 for y, 3 for z
angle – Hashable type (will be treated as Variable) or Numeric type (static angle)
target – integer or list of integers
control – integer or list of integers
assume_real – enable improved gradient compilation for controlled gates (wavefunction needs to be real)
- Return type:
QCircuit object with this RotationGate
- tequila_code.circuit.gates.Rp(paulistring: PauliString | str, angle, control: list | int = None, *args, **kwargs)[source]
Same as ExpPauli
- tequila_code.circuit.gates.Rx(angle, target: list | int, control: list | int = None, assume_real=False) QCircuit [source]
Rx gate of the form
\[R_{x}(\text{angle}) = e^{-i\frac{\text{angle}}{2} \sigma_{x}}\]- Parameters:
angle – Hashable type (will be treated as Variable) or Numeric type (static angle)
target – integer or list of integers
control – integer or list of integers
assume_real – enable improved gradient compilation for controlled gates
- Return type:
QCircuit object with this RotationGate
- tequila_code.circuit.gates.Ry(angle, target: list | int, control: list | int = None, assume_real=False) QCircuit [source]
Ry gate of the form
\[R_{y}(\text{angle}) = e^{-i\frac{\text{angle}}{2} \sigma_{y}}\]- Parameters:
angle – Hashable type (will be treated as Variable) or Numeric type (static angle)
target – integer or list of integers
control – integer or list of integers
- Return type:
QCircuit object with this RotationGate
- tequila_code.circuit.gates.Rz(angle, target: list | int, control: list | int = None, assume_real=False) QCircuit [source]
Rz gate of the form
\[R_{z}(\text{angle}) = e^{-i\frac{\text{angle}}{2} \sigma_{z}}\]- Parameters:
angle – Hashable type (will be treated as Variable) or Numeric type (static angle)
target – integer or list of integers
control – integer or list of integers
RotationGate (QCircuit object with this)
- tequila_code.circuit.gates.S(target: list | int, control: list | int = None) QCircuit [source]
\[\begin{split}S = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & e^{i\frac{\pi}{2}} \end{pmatrix}\end{split}\]- Parameters:
target – int or list of int
control – int or list of int
- Return type:
QCircuit object
- tequila_code.circuit.gates.SWAP(first: int, second: int, angle: float = None, control: int | list = None, power: float = None, *args, **kwargs) QCircuit [source]
SWAP gate, order of targets does not matter
- Parameters:
first (int) – target qubit
second (int) – target qubit
angle (numeric type or hashable type) – exponent in the for e^{-i a/2 G}
control – int or list of ints
power – numeric type (fixed exponent) or hashable type (parametrized exponent in the form (SWAP)^n
- Return type:
- tequila_code.circuit.gates.T(target: list | int, control: list | int = None)[source]
Fixed phase gate
\[\begin{split}T = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & e^{i\frac{\pi}{4}} \end{pmatrix}\end{split}\]- Parameters:
target – int or list of int
control – int or list of int
- Return type:
QCircuit object
- tequila_code.circuit.gates.Toffoli(first: int, second: int, target: int) QCircuit [source]
Convenience Toffoli initialization
- Parameters:
first (int) – first control qubit
second (int) – second control qubit
target (int) – target qubit
- Return type:
QCircuit object
- tequila_code.circuit.gates.Trotterized(generator: QubitHamiltonian = None, steps: int = 1, angle: Hashable | Real | Variable = None, control: list | int = None, randomize=False, *args, **kwargs) QCircuit [source]
- generator :
generator of the gate U = e^{-i
- rac{angle}{2} G }
- angles :
coefficients for each generator
- steps :
trotter steps
- control :
control qubits
- generators: QubitHamiltonian :
The generator of the gate
- steps: int :
Trotter Steps
- angle: typing.Hashable :
A symbol that will be converted to a tq.Variable
- numbers.Real :
A fixed real number
- Variable :
A tequila Variable
control: control qubits Returns ——- QCircuit
- tequila_code.circuit.gates.U(theta, phi, lambd, target: list | int, control: list | int = None) QCircuit [source]
Convenient gate, one of the abstract gates defined by OpenQASM.
\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\begin{split}U(\theta, \phi, \lambda) = R_z(\phi)R_x(-\pi/2)R_z(\theta)R_x(\pi/2)R_z(\lambda) U(\theta, \phi, \lambda) = \begin{pmatrix} e^{-i \frac{\phi}{2}} & 0 \\ 0 & e^{i \frac{\phi}{2}} \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} \cos{-\frac{\pi}{4}} & -i \sin{-\frac{\pi}{4}} \\ -i \sin{-\frac{\pi}{4}} & \cos{-\frac{\pi}{4}} \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} e^{-i \frac{\theta}{2}} & 0 \\ 0 & e^{i \frac{\theta}{2}} \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} \cos{\frac{\pi}{4}} & -i \sin{\frac{\pi}{4}} \\ -i \sin{\frac{\pi}{4}} & \cos{\frac{\pi}{4}} \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} e^{-i \frac{\lambda}{2}} & 0 \\ 0 & e^{i \frac{\lambda}{2}} \end{pmatrix}\end{split}\\\begin{split}U(\theta, \phi, \lambda) = \begin{pmatrix} \cos{\frac{\theta}{2}} & -e^{i \lambda} \sin{\frac{\theta}{2}} \\ e^{i \phi} \sin{\frac{\theta}{2}} & e^{i (\phi+\lambda)} \cos{\frac{\theta}{2}} \end{pmatrix}\end{split}\end{aligned}\end{align} \]- Parameters:
theta – first parameter angle
phi – second parameter angle
lamnd – third parameter angle
target – int or list of int
control – int or list of int
- Return type:
QCircuit object
- tequila_code.circuit.gates.X(target: list | int, control: list | int = None, power=None, angle=None, *args, **kwargs) QCircuit [source]
Pauli X Gate
- Parameters:
target – int or list of int
control – int or list of int
power – numeric type (fixed exponent) or hashable type (parametrized exponent)
angle –
similar to power, but will be interpreted as .. math:
U(\text{angle})=e^{-i\frac{angle}{2} (1-X)}
the default is angle=pi .. math:
U(\pi) = X
If angle and power are given both, tequila will combine them
- Return type:
QCircuit object
- tequila_code.circuit.gates.Y(target: list | int, control: list | int = None, power=None, angle=None, *args, **kwargs) QCircuit [source]
Pauli Y Gate
- Parameters:
target – int or list of int
control – int or list of int
power – numeric type (fixed exponent) or hashable type (parametrized exponent)
angle –
similar to power, but will be interpreted as .. math:
U(\text{angle})=e^{-i\frac{angle}{2} (1-Y)}
the default is angle=pi .. math:
U(\pi) = Y
If angle and power are given both, tequila will combine them
- Return type:
QCircuit object
- tequila_code.circuit.gates.Z(target: list | int, control: list | int = None, power=None, angle=None, *args, **kwargs) QCircuit [source]
Pauli Z Gate
- Parameters:
target – int or list of int
control – int or list of int
power – numeric type (fixed exponent) or hashable type (parametrized exponent)
angle –
similar to power, but will be interpreted as .. math:
U(\text{angle})=e^{-i\frac{angle}{2} (1-Z)}
the default is angle=pi .. math:
U(\pi) = Z
If angle and power are given both, tequila will combine them
- Return type:
QCircuit object
- tequila_code.circuit.gates.iSWAP(first: int, second: int, control: int | list = None, power: float = 1.0, *args, **kwargs) QCircuit [source]
iSWAP gate .. math:
iSWAP = e^{i\frac{\pi}{4} (X \otimes X + Y \otimes Y )}
- Parameters:
first (int) – target qubit
second (int) – target qubit
control – int or list of ints
power – numeric type (fixed exponent) or hashable type (parametrized exponent)
- Return type:
- tequila_code.circuit.gates.u1(lambd, target: list | int, control: list | int = None) QCircuit [source]
Convenient gate, one of the abstract gates defined by Quantum Experience Standard Header. Changes the phase of a carrier without applying any pulses.
\[\begin{split}from OpenQASM 2.0 specification: u1(\lambda) \sim U(0, 0, \lambda) = R_z(\lambda) = e^{-i\frac{\lambda}{2} \sigma_{z}} also is equal to: u1(\lambda) = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & e^{i\lambda} \end{pmatrix} which is the Tequila Phase gate: u1(\lambda) = Phase(\lambda)\end{split}\]- Parameters:
lambd – parameter angle
target – int or list of int
control – int or list of int
- Return type:
QCircuit object
- tequila_code.circuit.gates.u2(phi, lambd, target: list | int, control: list | int = None) QCircuit [source]
Convenient gate, one of the abstract gates defined by Quantum Experience Standard Header. Uses a single pi/2-pulse.
\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}u2(\phi, \lambda) = U(\pi/2, \phi, \lambda) = R_z(\phi + \pi/2)R_x(\pi/2)R_z(\lambda - \pi/2)\\\begin{split}u2(\phi, \lambda) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \begin{pmatrix} 1 & -e^{i\lambda} \\ e^{i\phi} & e^{i(\phi+\lambda)} \end{pmatrix}\end{split}\end{aligned}\end{align} \]- Parameters:
phi – first parameter angle
lambd – second parameter angle
target – int or list of int
control – int or list of int
- Return type:
QCircuit object
- tequila_code.circuit.gates.u3(theta, phi, lambd, target: list | int, control: list | int = None) QCircuit [source]
Convenient gate, one of the abstract gates defined by Quantum Experience Standard Header The most general single-qubit gate. Uses a pair of pi/2-pulses.
\[\begin{split}u3(\theta, \phi, \lambda) = U(\theta, \phi, \lambda) = \begin{pmatrix} \cos{\frac{\5theta}{2}} & -e^{i \lambda} \sin{\frac{\theta}{2}} \\ e^{i \phi} \sin{\frac{\theta}{2}} & e^{i (\phi+\lambda)} \cos{\frac{\theta}{2}} \end{pmatrix}\end{split}\]- Parameters:
theta – first parameter angle
phi – second parameter angle
lambd – third parameter angle
target – int or list of int
control – int or list of int
- Return type:
QCircuit object
gradient module
- tequila_code.circuit.gradient.grad(objective: Objective | QTensor, variable: Variable = None, no_compile=False, *args, **kwargs)[source]
wrapper function for getting the gradients of Objectives,ExpectationValues, Unitaries (including single gates), and Transforms. :param obj (QCircuit,ParametrizedGateImpl,Objective,ExpectationValue,Transform,Variable): structure to be differentiated :param variables (list of Variable): parameter with respect to which obj should be differentiated.
default None: total gradient.
return: dictionary of Objectives, if called on gate, circuit, exp.value, or objective; if Variable or Transform, returns number.
noise module
- tequila_code.circuit.noise.AmplitudeDamp(p: float, level: int)[source]
Returns a NoiseModel one QuantumNoise, corresponding to amplitude damping. this channel takes 1 to 0, but leaves 0 unaffected. kraus maps:
- E_0= [[1,0],
- E_1= [[0,sqrt(p)],
- Parameters:
p (float:) – the probability with which the noise is applied.
level (int:) – the # of qubits in operations to apply this noise to.
- Return type:
- tequila_code.circuit.noise.BitFlip(p: float, level: int)[source]
Returns a NoiseModel with one QuantumNoise, having a kraus map corresponding to applying pauli X with likelihood p.
- Parameters:
p (float:) – the probability with which the noise is applied.
level (int:) – the # of qubits in operations to apply this noise to.
- Return type:
- tequila_code.circuit.noise.DepolarizingError(p: float, level: int)[source]
Returns a NoiseModel with one QuantumNoise, having a kraus map corresponding to equal probabilities of each of the three pauli matrices being applied.
- Parameters:
p (float:) – the probability with which the noise is applied.
level (int:) – the # of qubits in operations to apply this noise to.
- Return type:
- class tequila_code.circuit.noise.NoiseModel(noises: List[dict | QuantumNoise] = None)[source]
class representing noises to apply to a quantum circuit during simulation.
- noises
a list of all the noises to apply.
- without_noise_on_level:
remove all noise affecting operations with <level> qubits.
- without_noise_op:
remove all noise of a given type, I.E get rid of all bit flips.
- tequila_code.circuit.noise.PhaseAmplitudeDamp(p1: float, p2: float, level: int)[source]
Returns a NoiseModel with one QuantumNoise, having a kraus map corresponding to phase and amplitude damping.
- Parameters:
p1 (float:) – the probability with which phase is damped
p2 (float:) – the probability with which amplitude is damped
level (int:) – the # of qubits in operations to apply this noise to.
- Return type:
- tequila_code.circuit.noise.PhaseDamp(p: float, level: int)[source]
Returns a NoiseModel of one QuantumNoise, having a kraus map corresponding to phase damping; Krauss map is defined following Nielsen and Chuang; E_0= [[1,0],
- E_1= [[0,0],
- Parameters:
p (float:) – the probability with which the noise is applied.
level (int:) – the # of qubits in operations to apply this noise to.
- Return type:
- tequila_code.circuit.noise.PhaseFlip(p: float, level: int)[source]
Returns a NoiseModel of one QuantumNoise, having a kraus map corresponding to applying pauli Z with likelihood p.
- Parameters:
p (float:) – the probability with which the noise is applied.
level (int:) – the # of qubits in operations to apply this noise to.
- Return type:
- class tequila_code.circuit.noise.QuantumNoise(name: str, probs: List[float], level: int)[source]
class representing a specific quantum noise operation on gates of a certain number of qubits.
- name
what noise to apply
- probs
the probabilities with which to apply the noise
- level
the number of qubits in the gates this noise acts upon
- from_dict:
initialize from a dictionary.
- property level
- property name
- prob_length = {'amplitude damp': 1, 'bit flip': 1, 'depolarizing': 1, 'phase damp': 1, 'phase flip': 1, 'phase-amplitude damp': 2}
pyzx module
Add to tequila the ability to make ZX-Calculus
Using the pyzx library:
- tequila_code.circuit.pyzx.convert_from_pyzx(circuit) QCircuit [source]
Allow convert from pyzx circuit to Tequila circuit
- Parameters:
circuit – in pyzx format (pyzx.circuit.Circuit) to be exported to Tequila circuit
- Returns:
Tequila circuit
- Return type:
- tequila_code.circuit.pyzx.convert_to_pyzx(circuit: QCircuit, variables=None)[source]
Allow convert from Tequila circuit to pyzx circuit
- Parameters:
circuit – in Tequila format to be exported to pyzx
variables – optional dictionary with values for variables
- Returns:
pyzx circuit
- Return type:
qasm module
Export QCircuits as qasm code
OPENQASM version 2.0 specification from: A. W. Cross, L. S. Bishop, J. A. Smolin, and J. M. Gambetta, e-print arXiv:1707.03429v2 [quant-ph] (2017).
- tequila_code.circuit.qasm.apply_custom_gate(custom_circuit: QCircuit, qregisters_values: list) QCircuit [source]
- tequila_code.circuit.qasm.convert_to_open_qasm_2(circuit: QCircuit, variables=None, zx_calculus: bool = False) str [source]
Allow export to OpenQASM version 2.0
- Parameters:
circuit – to be exported to OpenQASM
variables – optional dictionary with values for variables
zx_calculus – indicate if y-gates must be transformed to xz equivalents
- Returns:
OpenQASM string
- Return type:
- tequila_code.circuit.qasm.export_open_qasm(circuit: QCircuit, variables=None, version: str = '2.0', filename: str = None, zx_calculus: bool = False) str [source]
Allow export to different versions of OpenQASM
- Parameters:
circuit – to be exported to OpenQASM
variables – optional dictionary with values for variables
version – of the OpenQASM specification, optional
filename – optional file name to save the generated OpenQASM code
zx_calculus – indicate if y-gates must be transformed to xz equivalents
- Returns:
OpenQASM string
- Return type:
- tequila_code.circuit.qasm.import_open_qasm(qasm_code: str, version: str = '2.0', rigorous: bool = True) QCircuit [source]
Allow import from different versions of OpenQASM
- Parameters:
qasm_code – string with the OpenQASM code
version – of the OpenQASM specification, optional
rigorous – indicates whether the QASM code should be read rigorously
- Returns:
equivalent to the OpenQASM code received
- Return type:
- tequila_code.circuit.qasm.import_open_qasm_from_file(filename: str, version: str = '2.0', rigorous: bool = True) QCircuit [source]
Allow import from different versions of OpenQASM from a file
- Parameters:
filename – string with the file name with the OpenQASM code
variables – optional dictionary with values for variables
version – of the OpenQASM specification, optional
rigorous – indicates whether the QASM code should be read rigorously
- Returns:
equivalent to the OpenQASM code received
- Return type:
- tequila_code.circuit.qasm.name_and_params(g, variables)[source]
Determines the quantum gate name and its parameters if applicable
- Parameters:
g – gate to get its name
variables – dictionary with values for variables
- Returns:
name (and parameter) to the gate specified
- Return type:
- tequila_code.circuit.qasm.parse_command(command: str, custom_gates_map: Dict[str, QCircuit], qregisters: Dict[str, int]) QCircuit [source]
Parse qasm code command
- Parameters:
command – open qasm code to be parsed
custom_gates_map – map with custom gates
qpic module
Export QCircuits as qpic files
- tequila_code.circuit.qpic.export_to(circuit, filename: str, style='tequila', qubit_names: list = None, *args, **kwargs)[source]
- Parameters:
circuit – the tequila circuit to export
filename – filename.filetype, e.g. my_circuit.pdf, my_circuit.png (everything that qpic supports)
style – string keyword (tequila, standard, generators) or dictionary containing the following keys: always_use_generators: represent all gates with their generators decompose_control_generators: Decompose the controls to generators. Effective only in combination with always_use_generators=True. group_together: Keep PauliStrings from the same generator together. Effective only in combination with always_use_generators=True. possible values: False, True, ‘TOUCH’ and ‘BARRIER’. True is the same as TOUCH. BARRIER will create a visible barrier in qpic
- tequila_code.circuit.qpic.export_to_qpic(circuit, filename=None, filepath=None, always_use_generators=True, decompose_control_generators=False, group_together=False, qubit_names=None, mark_parametrized_gates=True, gatecolor1='tq', textcolor1='white', gatecolor2='guo', textcolor2='black', *args, **kwargs) str [source]