Source code for tequila_code.circuit.qpic

Export QCircuits as qpic files

from tequila.objective.objective import FixedVariable

import subprocess, numpy
from shutil import which

import numbers

system_has_qpic = which("qpic") is not None
system_has_pdflatex = which("pdflatex") is not None

[docs] def assign_name(parameter): if isinstance(parameter, tuple): return "\\theta" if hasattr(parameter, "extract_variables"): return repr(parameter.extract_variables()).lstrip('[').rstrip(']') if isinstance(parameter, FixedVariable): for i in [1, 2, 3, 4]: if numpy.isclose(numpy.abs(float(parameter)), numpy.pi / i, atol=1.e-4): if float(parameter) < 0.0: return "-\\pi/{}".format(i) else: return "+\\pi/{}".format(i) return "{:+2.4f}".format(float(parameter)) try: return repr(parameter) except: return str(parameter)
[docs] def export_to_qpic(circuit, filename=None, filepath=None, always_use_generators=True, decompose_control_generators=False, group_together=False, qubit_names=None, mark_parametrized_gates=True, gatecolor1="tq", textcolor1="white", gatecolor2="guo", textcolor2="black", *args, **kwargs) -> str: result = "" colors = [{"name": "tq", "rgb": (0.03137254901960784, 0.1607843137254902, 0.23921568627450981)}] colors += [{"name": "guo", "rgb": (0.988, 0.141, 0.757)}] # define colors as list of dictionaries with "name":str, "rgb":tuple entries if "colors" in kwargs: colors += kwargs["colors"] for color in colors: result += "COLOR {} {} {} {}\n".format(color["name"], *tuple(color["rgb"])) if group_together is True: group_together = "TOUCH" # define wires names = dict() if qubit_names is None: qubit_names = circuit.qubits if isinstance(qubit_names, str): qubit_names = [qubit_names for i in range(len(circuit.qubits))] for i, q in enumerate(circuit.qubits): name = "a" + str(q) names[q] = name result += name + " W " + str(qubit_names[i]) + "\n" for g in circuit.gates: gcol = gatecolor1 tcol = textcolor1 param = None if hasattr(g, "parameter"): if not isinstance(g.parameter, numbers.Number) and mark_parametrized_gates: tcol = textcolor2 gcol = gatecolor2 param = g.parameter if isinstance(param, numbers.Number): param = "{:1.2f}".format(param) # special gates # generator decomposition of H is misleading if in ["H", "h"]: for target in result += " a{qubit} G:fill={gcol} \\textcolor{tcol}{{{op}}} ".format(qubit=target, gcol=gcol, tcol="{" + tcol + "}", op="H") if g.is_controlled(): for c in g.control: result += names[c] + " " elif always_use_generators and g.make_generator(include_controls=decompose_control_generators) is not None: for ps in g.make_generator(include_controls=decompose_control_generators).paulistrings: if len(ps) == 0: continue # if controls are not decomposed this will become a mess # so we will represent NOT gates as + (and not as X) # and will use standard notation for Y and H if not decompose_control_generators and in ["X", "Y", "Z", "H"]: if == "X": result += " a{qubit} P:fill={gcol} \\textcolor{tcol}{{{op}}} ".format([0], gcol=gcol, tcol="{" + tcol + "}", op="+") else: result += " a{qubit} G:fill={gcol} \\textcolor{tcol}{{{op}}} ".format([0], gcol=gcol, tcol="{" + tcol + "}", else: for k, v in ps.items(): result += " a{qubit} P:fill={gcol} \\textcolor{tcol}{{{op}}} ".format(qubit=k, gcol=gcol, tcol="{" + tcol + "}", op=v.upper()) if g.is_controlled() and not decompose_control_generators: for c in g.control: result += names[c] + " " result += "\n" if hasattr(group_together, "upper"): for t in circuit.qubits: result += "a{} ".format(t) result += "{}\n".format(group_together.upper()) else: if in ["Exp-Pauli".upper(), "GenRot".upper()]: # represent ExpPaulis as generators for ps in g.generator.paulistrings: if len(ps) == 0: continue for k, v in ps.items(): result += " a{qubit} P:fill={gcol} \\textcolor{tcol}{{{op}}} ".format(qubit=k, gcol=gcol, tcol="{" + tcol + "}", op=v.upper()) if g.is_controlled(): for c in g.control: result += names[c] + " " result += "\n" else: for t in result += names[t] + " G:fill={gcol} ".format(gcol=gcol) if "R" in gname.upper(): gname=gname.replace("R", "R_") if param is not None: gname="{{{x}}}({angle})".format(x=gname, angle=assign_name(g.parameter)) result += "\\textcolor{tcol}{{${op}$}} ".format(tcol="{" + tcol + "}", op=gname) if hasattr(g, "parameter") and g.parameter is not None: result += "width=" + str(25 + 5 * len(assign_name(g.parameter))) + " " if g.is_controlled(): for c in g.control: result += names[c] + " " result += "\n" if filename is not None: filenamex = filename if not filenamex.endswith(".qpic"): filenamex = filename + ".qpic" if filepath is not None: filenamex = "{}/{}".format(filepath, filenamex) with open(filenamex, "w") as file: file.write(result) return result
[docs] def export_to(circuit, filename: str, style="tequila", qubit_names: list = None, *args, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- circuit: the tequila circuit to export filename: filename.filetype, e.g. my_circuit.pdf, my_circuit.png (everything that qpic supports) style: string keyword (tequila, standard, generators) or dictionary containing the following keys: always_use_generators: represent all gates with their generators decompose_control_generators: Decompose the controls to generators. Effective only in combination with always_use_generators=True. group_together: Keep PauliStrings from the same generator together. Effective only in combination with always_use_generators=True. possible values: False, True, 'TOUCH' and 'BARRIER'. True is the same as TOUCH. BARRIER will create a visible barrier in qpic args kwargs Returns ------- """ if not system_has_qpic: raise Exception("You need qpic in order to export circuits to pictures ---\n pip install qpic") if "." not in filename: raise Exception("export_to: No filetype given {}, expected something like {}.pdf".format(filename, filename)) if style is None or style == "tequila": style = { 'decompose_control_generators': False, 'always_use_generators': True, 'group_together': False, 'textcolor1': "white", "textcolor2": "black", "gatecolor1": "tq", "gatecolor2": "guo" } elif style == "standard": style = { 'decompose_control_generators': False, 'always_use_generators': False, 'group_together': False } elif style == "plain": # standard without colors style = { 'decompose_control_generators': False, 'always_use_generators': False, 'group_together': False, 'textcolor1': "black", "textcolor2": "black", "gatecolor1": "white", "gatecolor2": "white" } elif style == "generators": style = { 'decompose_control_generators': True, 'always_use_generators': True, 'group_together': "BARRIER" } elif not hasattr(style, "items"): raise Exception( "style needs to be `tequila`, or `standard` or `generators` or a dictionary, you gave: {}".format( str(style))) pop = [] for k,v in kwargs.items(): if k in style: style[k]=kwargs[k] pop.append(k) for k in pop: kwargs.pop(k) filename_tmp = filename.split(".") if len(filename_tmp) == 1: ftype = ".pdf" fname = filename else: ftype = filename_tmp[-1] fname = "".join(filename_tmp[:-1]) fpath = None tmp = fname.split("/") fname = tmp[-1] if len(tmp) > 1: fpath = "".join([x + "/" for x in tmp[:-1]]) if filename[0] == "/": fpath = "/" + fpath export_to_qpic(circuit=circuit, filename=fname, filepath=fpath, qubit_names=qubit_names, **style, **kwargs) if ftype != "qpic":["qpic", "{}.qpic".format(fname), "-f", ftype], cwd=fpath)