Source code for tequila_code.circuit.gradient

from tequila.circuit.compiler import CircuitCompiler
from tequila.objective.objective import Objective, ExpectationValueImpl, Variable, \
    assign_variable, identity, FixedVariable
from tequila import TequilaException
from tequila.objective import QTensor
from tequila.simulators.simulator_api import compile
import typing
from numpy import vectorize
from tequila.autograd_imports import jax, __AUTOGRAD__BACKEND__

[docs] def grad(objective: typing.Union[Objective, QTensor], variable: Variable = None, no_compile=False, *args, **kwargs): ''' wrapper function for getting the gradients of Objectives,ExpectationValues, Unitaries (including single gates), and Transforms. :param obj (QCircuit,ParametrizedGateImpl,Objective,ExpectationValue,Transform,Variable): structure to be differentiated :param variables (list of Variable): parameter with respect to which obj should be differentiated. default None: total gradient. return: dictionary of Objectives, if called on gate, circuit, exp.value, or objective; if Variable or Transform, returns number. ''' if variable is None: # None means that all components are created variables = objective.extract_variables() result = {} if len(variables) == 0: raise TequilaException("Error in gradient: Objective has no variables") for k in variables: assert (k is not None) result[k] = grad(objective, k, no_compile=no_compile) return result else: variable = assign_variable(variable) if isinstance(objective, QTensor): f = lambda x: grad(objective=x, variable=variable, *args, **kwargs) ff = vectorize(f) return ff(objective) if variable not in objective.extract_variables(): return Objective() # objective translation # if the objective was already translated to a backend # we need to reverse that here if objective.is_translated(): raise TequilaException("\n\ngradient of:{}\ncan not form gradient that was already compiled to a quantum backend\ntq.grad neds to be applied to the abstract - non compiled objective\nE.g. for the (compiled) objective E1 \n\tE1 = tq.compile(E0)\ninstead of doing\n\tdE = tq.grad(E1)\ndo\n\tdE = tq.grad(E0)\nand compile dE afterwards (if wanted) with\n\tdE = tq.compile(dE)\n".format(str(objective))) # circuit compilation if no_compile: compiled = objective else: compiler = CircuitCompiler(multitarget=True, trotterized=True, hadamard_power=True, power=True, controlled_phase=True, controlled_rotation=True, gradient_mode=True) compiled = compiler(objective, variables=[variable]) if variable not in compiled.extract_variables(): raise TequilaException("Error in taking gradient. Objective does not depend on variable {} ".format(variable)) if isinstance(objective, ExpectationValueImpl): return __grad_expectationvalue(E=objective, variable=variable) elif objective.is_expectationvalue(): return __grad_expectationvalue(E=compiled.args[-1], variable=variable) elif isinstance(compiled, Objective) or (hasattr(compiled, "args") and hasattr(compiled, "transformation")): return __grad_objective(objective=compiled, variable=variable) else: raise TequilaException("Gradient not implemented for other types than ExpectationValue and Objective.")
def __grad_objective(objective: Objective, variable: Variable): args = objective.args transformation = objective.transformation dO = None processed_expectationvalues = {} for i, arg in enumerate(args): if __AUTOGRAD__BACKEND__ == "jax": df = jax.grad(transformation, argnums=i) elif __AUTOGRAD__BACKEND__ == "autograd": df = jax.grad(transformation, argnum=i) else: raise TequilaException("Can't differentiate without autograd or jax") # We can detect one simple case where the outer derivative is const=1 if transformation is None or transformation == identity: outer = 1.0 else: outer = Objective(args=args, transformation=df) if hasattr(arg, "U"): # save redundancies if arg in processed_expectationvalues: inner = processed_expectationvalues[arg] else: inner = __grad_inner(arg=arg, variable=variable) processed_expectationvalues[arg] = inner else: # this means this inner derivative is purely variable dependent inner = __grad_inner(arg=arg, variable=variable) if inner == 0.0: # don't pile up zero expectationvalues continue if dO is None: dO = outer * inner else: dO = dO + outer * inner if dO is None: raise TequilaException("caught None in __grad_objective") return dO # def __grad_vector_objective(objective: Objective, variable: Variable): # argsets = objective.argsets # transformations = objective._transformations # outputs = [] # for pos in range(len(objective)): # args = argsets[pos] # transformation = transformations[pos] # dO = None # # processed_expectationvalues = {} # for i, arg in enumerate(args): # if __AUTOGRAD__BACKEND__ == "jax": # df = jax.grad(transformation, argnums=i) # elif __AUTOGRAD__BACKEND__ == "autograd": # df = jax.grad(transformation, argnum=i) # else: # raise TequilaException("Can't differentiate without autograd or jax") # # # We can detect one simple case where the outer derivative is const=1 # if transformation is None or transformation == identity: # outer = 1.0 # else: # outer = Objective(args=args, transformation=df) # # if hasattr(arg, "U"): # # save redundancies # if arg in processed_expectationvalues: # inner = processed_expectationvalues[arg] # else: # inner = __grad_inner(arg=arg, variable=variable) # processed_expectationvalues[arg] = inner # else: # # this means this inner derivative is purely variable dependent # inner = __grad_inner(arg=arg, variable=variable) # # if inner == 0.0: # # don't pile up zero expectationvalues # continue # # if dO is None: # dO = outer * inner # else: # dO = dO + outer * inner # # if dO is None: # dO = Objective() # outputs.append(dO) # if len(outputs) == 1: # return outputs[0] # return outputs def __grad_inner(arg, variable): ''' a modified loop over __grad_objective, which gets derivatives all the way down to variables, return 1 or 0 when a variable is (isnt) identical to var. :param arg: a transform or variable object, to be differentiated :param variable: the Variable with respect to which par should be differentiated. :ivar var: the string representation of variable ''' assert (isinstance(variable, Variable)) if isinstance(arg, Variable): if arg == variable: return 1.0 else: return 0.0 elif isinstance(arg, FixedVariable): return 0.0 elif isinstance(arg, ExpectationValueImpl): return __grad_expectationvalue(arg, variable=variable) elif hasattr(arg, "abstract_expectationvalue"): E = arg.abstract_expectationvalue dE = __grad_expectationvalue(E, variable=variable) return compile(dE, **arg._input_args) else: return __grad_objective(objective=arg, variable=variable) def __grad_expectationvalue(E: ExpectationValueImpl, variable: Variable): ''' implements the analytic partial derivative of a unitary as it would appear in an expectation value. See the paper. :param unitary: the unitary whose gradient should be obtained :param variables (list, dict, str): the variables with respect to which differentiation should be performed. :return: vector (as dict) of dU/dpi as Objective (without hamiltonian) ''' hamiltonian = E.H unitary = E.U if not (unitary.verify()): raise TequilaException("error in grad_expectationvalue unitary is {}".format(unitary)) # fast return if possible if variable not in unitary.extract_variables(): return 0.0 param_gates = unitary._parameter_map[variable] dO = Objective() for idx_g in param_gates: idx, g = idx_g dOinc = __grad_shift_rule(unitary, g, idx, variable, hamiltonian) dO += dOinc assert dO is not None return dO def __grad_shift_rule(unitary, g, i, variable, hamiltonian): ''' function for getting the gradients of directly differentiable gates. Expects precompiled circuits. :param unitary: QCircuit: the QCircuit object containing the gate to be differentiated :param g: a parametrized: the gate being differentiated :param i: Int: the position in unitary at which g appears :param variable: Variable or String: the variable with respect to which gate g is being differentiated :param hamiltonian: the hamiltonian with respect to which unitary is to be measured, in the case that unitary is contained within an ExpectationValue :return: an Objective, whose calculation yields the gradient of g w.r.t variable ''' # possibility for overwride in custom gate construction if hasattr(g, "shifted_gates"): inner_grad = __grad_inner(g.parameter, variable) shifted = g.shifted_gates() dOinc = Objective() for x in shifted: w, g = x Ux = unitary.replace_gates(positions=[i], circuits=[g]) wx = w * inner_grad Ex = Objective.ExpectationValue(U=Ux, H=hamiltonian) dOinc += wx * Ex return dOinc else: raise TequilaException('No shift found for gate {}\nWas the compiler called?'.format(g))