Source code for tequila_code.circuit.compiler

from tequila import TequilaException
from tequila.circuit.circuit import QCircuit
from tequila.circuit.gates import Rx, Ry, H, X, Rz, ExpPauli, CNOT, Phase, T, Z
from tequila.circuit._gates_impl import RotationGateImpl, PhaseGateImpl, QGateImpl, \
    ExponentialPauliGateImpl, TrotterizedGateImpl, PowerGateImpl
from tequila.utils import to_float
from tequila.objective.objective import Variable, FixedVariable
from tequila.objective.objective import Objective
from tequila.objective.objective import ExpectationValueImpl
import numpy
from numpy import pi as pi

import copy, typing

[docs] class TequilaCompilerException(TequilaException): pass
[docs] class CircuitCompiler: """ an object that performs abstract compilation of QCircuits and Objectives. Note ---- see init for attributes, since all are specified there Methods ------- compile_objective perform compilation on an entire objective compile_objective_argument perform compilation on a single arg of objective compile_circuit: perform compilation on a circuit. """
[docs] @classmethod def all_flags_true(cls, *args, **kwargs): # convenience: Initialize with all flags set to true # set exceptions in kwargs c = cls() for k in c.__dict__.keys(): try: c.__dict__[k]=True except: pass for k,v in kwargs.items(): if k in c.__dict__: c.__dict__[k]=v c.gradient_mode=False if not c.multicontrol: c.cc_max = False return c
[docs] @classmethod def standard_gate_set(cls, *args, **kwargs): # convenience: Initialize with all flags set to true # but not for standard gates like ry # set exceptions in kwargs c = cls.all_flags_true() c.gradient_mode=False c.y_gate=False c.ry_gate=False for k,v in kwargs.items(): if k in c.__dict__: c.__dict__[k]=v if not c.multicontrol: c.cc_max = False return c
def __init__(self, multitarget=False, multicontrol=False, trotterized=False, generalized_rotation=False, exponential_pauli=False, controlled_exponential_pauli=False, hadamard_power=False, controlled_power=False, power=False, toffoli=False, controlled_phase=False, phase=False, phase_to_z=False, controlled_rotation=False, swap=False, cc_max=False, gradient_mode=False, ry_gate=False, y_gate=False, ch_gate=False, hadamard=False ): """ all parameters are booleans. Parameters ---------- multitarget: whether or not to split multitarget gates into single target (if gate isn't inherently multitarget) multicontrol: whether or not to split gates into single controlled gates. trotterized: whether or not to break down TrotterizedGateImpl into other types generalized_rotation: whether or not to break down GeneralizedRotationGateImpl into other types exponential_pauli: whether or not to break down ExponentialPauliGateImpl into other types controlled_exponential_pauli whether or not to break down controlled exponential pauli gates. hadamard_power: whether or not to break down Hadamard gates, raised to a power, into other rotation gates. controlled_power: whether or not to break down controlled power gates into CNOT and other gates. power: whether or not to break down parametrized power gates into rotation gates toffoli: whether or not to break down the toffoli gate into CNOTs and other single qubit gates. controlled_phase: whether or not to break down controlled phase gates into CNOTs and phase gates. phase: whether to replace phase gates phase_to_z: specifically, whether to replace phase gates with the z gate controlled_rotation: whether or not to break down controlled rotation gates into CNot and single qubit gates swap: whether or not to break down swap gates into CNOT gates. cc_max: whether or not to break down all controlled gates with 2 or more controls. ry_gate: whether or not to break down all rotational y gates y_gate: whether or not to break down all y gates ch_gate: whether or not to break down all controlled-H gates """ self.multitarget = multitarget self.multicontrol = multicontrol self.generalized_rotation = generalized_rotation self.trotterized = trotterized self.exponential_pauli = exponential_pauli self.controlled_exponential_pauli = controlled_exponential_pauli self.hadamard_power = hadamard_power self.hadamard = hadamard self.controlled_power = controlled_power self.power = power self.toffoli = toffoli self.controlled_phase = controlled_phase self.phase = phase self.phase_to_z = phase_to_z self.controlled_rotation = controlled_rotation self.swap = swap self.cc_max = cc_max self.gradient_mode = gradient_mode self.ry_gate = ry_gate self.y_gate = y_gate self.ch_gate = ch_gate def __call__(self, objective: typing.Union[Objective, QCircuit, ExpectationValueImpl], variables=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Perform compilation Parameters ---------- objective: the object (not necessarily an objective) to compile. variables: optional: Todo: Jakob, what is this for? args kwargs Returns ------- a compiled version of objective """ if isinstance(objective, Objective) or hasattr(objective, "args"): result = self.compile_objective(objective=objective, variables=variables, *args, **kwargs) elif isinstance(objective, QCircuit) or hasattr(objective, "gates"): result = self.compile_circuit(abstract_circuit=objective, variables=variables, *args, **kwargs) elif isinstance(objective, ExpectationValueImpl) or hasattr(objective, "U"): result = self.compile_objective_argument(arg=objective, variables=variables, *args, **kwargs) else: raise TequilaCompilerException("Tequila compiler can't process type {}".format(type(objective))) return result
[docs] def compile_objective(self, objective, *args, **kwargs): """ Compile an objective. Parameters ---------- objective: Objective: the objective. args kwargs Returns ------- the objective, compiled """ argsets=objective.argsets compiled_sets=[] for argset in argsets: compiled_args = [] already_processed = {} for arg in argset: if isinstance(arg, ExpectationValueImpl) or (hasattr(arg, "U") and hasattr(arg, "H")): if arg in already_processed: compiled_args.append(already_processed[arg]) else: compiled = self.compile_objective_argument(arg, *args, **kwargs) compiled_args.append(compiled) already_processed[arg] = compiled else: # nothing to process for non-expectation-value types, but acts as sanity check compiled_args.append(self.compile_objective_argument(arg, *args, **kwargs)) compiled_sets.append(compiled_args) if isinstance(objective,Objective): return type(objective)(args=compiled_sets[0],transformation=objective.transformation)
[docs] def compile_objective_argument(self, arg, *args, **kwargs): """ Compile an argument of an objective. Parameters ---------- arg: the term to compile args kwargs Returns ------- the arg, compiled """ if isinstance(arg, ExpectationValueImpl) or (hasattr(arg, "U") and hasattr(arg, "H")): return ExpectationValueImpl(H=arg.H, U=self.compile_circuit(abstract_circuit=arg.U, *args, **kwargs)) elif hasattr(arg, "abstract_expectationvalue"): E = arg.abstract_expectationvalue E._U = self.compile_circuit(abstract_circuit=E.U, *args, **kwargs) return type(arg)(E, **arg._input_args) elif isinstance(arg, Variable) or hasattr(arg, "name") or isinstance(arg, FixedVariable): return arg else: raise TequilaCompilerException( "Unknown argument type for objectives: {arg} or type {type}".format(arg=arg, type=type(arg)))
[docs] def compile_circuit(self, abstract_circuit: QCircuit, variables=None, *args, **kwargs) -> QCircuit: """ compile a circuit. Parameters ---------- abstract_circuit: QCircuit the circuit to compile. variables: (Default value = None): list of the variables whose gates, specifically, must compile. Used to prevent excess compilation in gates whose parameters are fixed. Default: compile every single gate. args kwargs Returns ------- QCircuit; a compiled circuit. """ n_qubits = abstract_circuit.n_qubits compiled = QCircuit(abstract_circuit.gates) if variables is None: # check & compile all gates gatelist = enumerate(abstract_circuit.gates) else: # check & compile only gates which depend on variables gatelist = [] for variable in variables: gatelist += abstract_circuit._parameter_map[variable] compiled_gates = [] for idx, gate in gatelist: cg = gate controlled = gate.is_controlled() if self.gradient_mode and (hasattr(cg, "eigenvalues_magnitude") or hasattr(cg, "shifted_gates")): compiled_gates.append((idx, QCircuit.wrap_gate(cg))) continue else: if hasattr(cg, "compile"): cg = QCircuit.wrap_gate(cg.compile(**self.__dict__)) for g in cg.gates: if g.is_controlled(): controlled = True # order matters # first the real multi-target gates if controlled or self.trotterized: cg = compile_trotterized_gate(gate=cg) if controlled or self.generalized_rotation: cg = compile_generalized_rotation_gate(gate=cg) if controlled or self.exponential_pauli: cg = compile_exponential_pauli_gate(gate=cg) if self.swap: cg = compile_swap(gate=cg) if self.phase_to_z: cg = compile_phase_to_z(gate=cg) if self.power: cg = compile_power_gate(gate=cg) if self.phase: cg = compile_phase(gate=cg) if self.ch_gate: cg = compile_ch(gate=cg) if self.y_gate: cg = compile_y(gate=cg) if self.ry_gate: cg = compile_ry(gate=cg, controlled_rotation=self.controlled_rotation) if controlled: if self.cc_max or self.multicontrol: cg = compile_to_single_control(gate=cg) if self.controlled_exponential_pauli: cg = compile_exponential_pauli_gate(gate=cg) if self.controlled_power: cg = compile_controlled_power(gate=cg) if self.controlled_phase: cg = compile_controlled_phase(gate=cg) if self.phase: cg = compile_phase(gate=cg) if self.toffoli: cg = compile_toffoli(gate=cg) if self.phase: cg = compile_phase(gate=cg) if self.controlled_rotation: cg = compile_controlled_rotation(gate=cg) compiled_gates.append((idx, cg)) if len(compiled_gates) == 0: return abstract_circuit else: pos, cgs = zip(*compiled_gates) compiled = abstract_circuit.replace_gates(positions=pos, circuits=cgs) return compiled
[docs] def compiler(f): """ Decorator for compile functions. Make them applicable for single gates as well as for whole circuits Note that all arguments need to be passed as keyword arguments """ def wrapper(gate, **kwargs): if hasattr(gate, "gates"): result = QCircuit() for g in gate.gates: result += f(gate=g, **kwargs) return result elif hasattr(gate, 'U'): cU = QCircuit() for g in gate.U.gates: cU += f(gate=g, **kwargs) return type(gate)(U=cU, H=gate.H) elif hasattr(gate, 'transformations'): outer=[] for args in gate.argsets: compiled = [] for E in args: if hasattr(E, 'name'): compiled.append(E) else: cU = QCircuit() for g in E.U.gates: cU += f(gate=g, **kwargs) compiled.append(type(E)(U=cU, H=E.H)) outer.append(compiled) if isinstance(gate, Objective): return type(gate)(args=outer[0], transformation=gate._transformation) else: return f(gate=gate, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs] def change_basis(target, axis=None, name=None, daggered=False): """ helper function; returns circuit that performs change of basis. Parameters ---------- target: the qubit having its basis changed axis: The axis of rotation to shift into. daggered: bool: adjusts the sign of the gate if axis = 1, I.E, change of basis about Y axis. Returns ------- QCircuit that performs change of basis on target qubit onto desired axis """ if axis is None and name is None: raise TequilaException('axis or name must be given.') if name: name = name.lower() if name in ['h', 'hadamard'] and daggered: return Ry(angle=numpy.pi / 4, target=target) elif name in ['h', 'hadamard']: return Ry(angle=-numpy.pi / 4, target=target) else: name_to_axis = {'rx': 0, 'ry': 1, 'rz': 2} axis = name_to_axis.get(name, name) if isinstance(axis, str): axis = RotationGateImpl.string_to_axis[axis.lower()] if axis == 0 and daggered: return Ry(angle=numpy.pi / 2, target=target) elif axis == 0: return Ry(angle=-numpy.pi / 2, target=target) elif axis == 1 and daggered: return Rx(angle=-numpy.pi / 2, target=target) elif axis == 1: return Rx(angle=numpy.pi / 2, target=target) else: return QCircuit()
[docs] @compiler def compile_multitarget(gate, *args, **kwargs) -> QCircuit: """ If a gate is 'trivially' multitarget, split it into single target gates. Parameters ---------- gate: the gate in question Returns ------- QCircuit, the result of compilation. """ targets = # don't compile real multitarget gates if hasattr(gate, "generator") or hasattr(gate, "generators") or hasattr(gate, "paulistring"): return QCircuit.wrap_gate(gate) if isinstance(gate, ExponentialPauliGateImpl) or isinstance(gate, TrotterizedGateImpl): return QCircuit.wrap_gate(gate) if len(targets) == 1: return QCircuit.wrap_gate(gate) if in ["swap", "iswap"]: return QCircuit.wrap_gate(gate) result = QCircuit() for t in targets: gx = copy.deepcopy(gate) gx._target = (t,) result += gx return result
# return index of control qubits in Gray Code order. def _pattern(n): if n == 1: return [0] pn = _pattern(n - 1) return pn + [n - 1] + pn
[docs] @compiler def compile_controlled_rotation(gate: RotationGateImpl) -> QCircuit: """ Recompilation of a controlled-rotation gate Basis change into Rz then recompilation of controled Rz, then change basis back :param gate: The rotational gate :return: set of gates wrapped in QCircuit class """ if not gate.is_controlled(): return QCircuit.wrap_gate(gate) if not isinstance(gate, RotationGateImpl): return QCircuit.wrap_gate(gate) if len( > 1: return compile_controlled_rotation(gate=compile_multitarget(gate=gate)) target = control = gate.control k = len(control) cind = _pattern(k) + [k - 1] result = QCircuit() result += change_basis(target=target, axis=gate._axis) coeff = - 1 / pow(2, k) for i, ci in enumerate(cind): coeff *= -1 result += Rz(target=target, angle=coeff * gate.parameter) result += CNOT(control[ci], target) result += change_basis(target=target, axis=gate._axis, daggered=True) result.n_qubits = result.max_qubit() + 1 return result
[docs] @compiler def compile_to_single_control(gate) -> QCircuit: """ break down a gate into a sequence with no more than single-controlled gates. Parameters ---------- gate: the gate. Returns ------- A QCircuit; the result of compilation. """ if not gate.is_controlled: return QCircuit.wrap_gate(gate) cl = len(gate.control) target = control = gate.control if cl <= 1: return QCircuit.wrap_gate(gate) name = back = QCircuit() if name in ['X', 'x', 'Y', 'y', 'Z', 'z', 'H', 'h']: if isinstance(gate, PowerGateImpl): power = gate.parameter else: power = 1.0 new = PowerGateImpl(name=name, power=power, target=target, control=control, generator=gate.make_generator()) partial = compile_power_gate(gate=new) back += compile_to_single_control(gate=partial) elif isinstance(gate, RotationGateImpl): partial = compile_controlled_rotation(gate=gate) back += compile_to_single_control(gate=partial) elif isinstance(gate, PhaseGateImpl): partial = compile_controlled_phase(gate=gate) back += compile_to_single_control(gate=partial) else: print(gate) raise TequilaException('frankly, what the fuck is this gate?') return back
[docs] @compiler def compile_toffoli(gate) -> QCircuit: """ break down a toffoli gate into a sequence of CNOT and single qubit gates. Parameters ---------- gate: the gate. Returns ------- A QCircuit; the result of compilation. """ if != 'x': return QCircuit.wrap_gate(gate) control = gate.control c1 = control[1] c0 = control[0] target = result = QCircuit() result += H(target) result += CNOT(c1, target) result += T(target).dagger() result += CNOT(c0, target) result += T(target) result += CNOT(c1, target) result += T(target).dagger() result += CNOT(c0, target) result += T(c1) result += T(target) result += CNOT(c0, c1) result += H(target) result += T(c0) result += T(c1).dagger() result += CNOT(c0, c1) return (result)
[docs] @compiler def compile_power_gate(gate) -> QCircuit: """ break down power gates into the rotation gates. Parameters ---------- gate: the gate. Returns ------- A QCircuit; the result of compilation. """ if not isinstance(gate, PowerGateImpl): return QCircuit.wrap_gate(gate) if not gate.is_controlled(): return compile_power_base(gate=gate) return compile_controlled_power(gate=gate)
[docs] @compiler def compile_power_base(gate): """ Base case of compile_power_gate: convert a 1-qubit parametrized power gate into rotation gates. Parameters ---------- gate: the gate. Returns ------- A QCircuit; the result of compilation. """ if not isinstance(gate, PowerGateImpl): return QCircuit.wrap_gate(gate) if gate.is_controlled(): return QCircuit.wrap_gate(gate) power = gate.power if in ['h', 'hadamard']: ### off by global phase of Exp[ pi power /2] theta = power * numpy.pi result = QCircuit() result += Ry(angle=-numpy.pi / 4, result += Rz(angle=theta, result += Ry(angle=numpy.pi / 4, elif == 'X': ### off by global phase of Exp[ pi power /2] ''' if we wanted to do it formally we would use the following a=-numpy.pi/2 b=numpy.pi/2 theta = power*numpy.pi result = QCircuit() result+= Rz(angle=b, result+= Ry(angle=theta, result+= Rz(angle=a, ''' result = Rx(angle=power * numpy.pi, elif == 'Y': ### off by global phase of Exp[ pi power /2] theta = power * numpy.pi result = QCircuit() result += Ry(angle=theta, elif == 'Z': ### off by global phase of Exp[ pi power /2] a = 0 b = power * numpy.pi theta = 0 result = QCircuit() result += Rz(angle=b, else: raise TequilaException('passed a gate with name ' + + ', which cannot be handled!') return result
[docs] @compiler def compile_controlled_power(gate: PowerGateImpl) -> QCircuit: """ Recompilation of a controlled-power gate Basis change into Z then recompilation of controled Z, then change basis back :param gate: The power gate :return: set of gates wrapped in QCircuit class """ if not gate.is_controlled(): return QCircuit.wrap_gate(gate) if not isinstance(gate, PowerGateImpl): return QCircuit.wrap_gate(gate) if len( > 1: return compile_controlled_power(gate=compile_multitarget(gate=gate)) power = gate.power target = control = gate.control result = QCircuit() result += Phase(target=control[0], control=control[1:], phi=power * pi / 2) result += change_basis(target=target, result += Rz(target=target, control=control, angle=power * pi) result += change_basis(target=target,, daggered=True) result.n_qubits = result.max_qubit() + 1 return result
[docs] @compiler def compile_phase(gate) -> QCircuit: """ Compile phase gates into Rz gates and cnots, if controlled Parameters ---------- gate: the gate Returns ------- QCircuit, the result of compilation. """ if not isinstance(gate, PhaseGateImpl): return QCircuit.wrap_gate(gate) phase = gate.parameter result = QCircuit() if len(gate.control) == 0: return Rz(angle=phase, result = compile_controlled_phase(gate) result = compile_phase(result) return result
[docs] @compiler def compile_controlled_phase(gate) -> QCircuit: """ Compile multi-controlled phase gates to 1q - phase gate and multi-controlled Rz gates. Parameters ---------- gate: the gate. Returns ------- QCircuit, the result of compilation. """ if not isinstance(gate, PhaseGateImpl): return QCircuit.wrap_gate(gate) if len(gate.control) == 0: return QCircuit.wrap_gate(gate) phase = gate.parameter result = QCircuit() result += Phase(target=gate.control[0], control=gate.control[1:], phi=phase / 2) result += Rz(, control=gate.control, angle=phase) return compile_controlled_phase(result)
[docs] @compiler def compile_phase_to_z(gate) -> QCircuit: """ Compile phase gate to parametrized Z gate. Parameters ---------- gate: the gate. Returns ------- QCircuit, the result of compilation. """ if not isinstance(gate, PhaseGateImpl): return QCircuit.wrap_gate(gate) phase = gate.parameter return Z(power=phase / pi,, control=gate.control)
[docs] @compiler def compile_swap(gate) -> QCircuit: """ Compile swap gates into CNOT. Parameters ---------- gate: the gate. Returns ------- QCircuit, the result of compilation. """ if == "swap": if len( != 2: raise TequilaCompilerException("SWAP gates needs two targets") power = 1 if hasattr(gate, "power"): if power is None or power in [1, 1.0]: pass else: raise TequilaCompilerException("Parametrized SWAPs should be decomposed on top level! Something went wrong") c = [] if gate.control is not None: c = gate.control return X([0], control=[[1]]) \ + X([1], control=[[0]] + list(c), power=power) \ + X([0], control=[[1]]) else: return QCircuit.wrap_gate(gate)
[docs] @compiler def compile_exponential_pauli_gate(gate) -> QCircuit: """ Returns the circuit: exp(i*angle*paulistring) primitively compiled into X,Y Basis Changes and CNOTs and Z Rotations :param paulistring: The paulistring in given as tuple of tuples (openfermion format) like e.g ( (0, 'Y'), (1, 'X'), (5, 'Z') ) :param angle: The angle which parametrizes the gate -> should be real :returns: the above mentioned circuit as abstract structure """ if hasattr(gate, "paulistring"): angle = gate.paulistring.coeff * gate.parameter circuit = QCircuit() # the general circuit will look like: # series which changes the basis if necessary # series of CNOTS associated with basis changes # Rz gate parametrized on the angle # series of CNOT (inverted direction compared to before) # series which changes the basis back ubasis = QCircuit() ubasis_t = QCircuit() cnot_cascade = QCircuit() last_qubit = None previous_qubit = None for k, v in gate.paulistring.items(): pauli = v qubit = [k] # wrap in list for targets= ... # see if we need to change the basis axis = 2 if pauli.upper() == "X": axis = 0 elif pauli.upper() == "Y": axis = 1 ubasis += change_basis(target=qubit, axis=axis) ubasis_t += change_basis(target=qubit, axis=axis, daggered=True) if previous_qubit is not None: cnot_cascade += X(target=qubit, control=previous_qubit) previous_qubit = qubit last_qubit = qubit reversed_cnot = cnot_cascade.dagger() # assemble the circuit circuit += ubasis circuit += cnot_cascade circuit += Rz(target=last_qubit, angle=angle, control=gate.control) circuit += reversed_cnot circuit += ubasis_t return circuit else: return QCircuit.wrap_gate(gate)
[docs] def do_compile_trotterized_gate(generator, steps, factor, randomize, control): assert (generator.is_hermitian()) circuit = QCircuit() factor = factor / steps for index in range(steps): paulistrings = generator.paulistrings if randomize: numpy.random.shuffle(paulistrings) for ps in paulistrings: coeff = to_float(ps.coeff) if len(ps._data) == 0 and len(control) > 0: circuit += Phase(target=control[0], control=control[1:], phi=-factor * coeff / 2) elif len(ps._data) > 0: circuit += ExpPauli(paulistring=ps.naked(), angle=factor * coeff, control=control) else: # ignore global phases pass return circuit
[docs] @compiler def compile_generalized_rotation_gate(gate, compile_exponential_pauli: bool = False): """ Parameters ---------- gate compile_exponential_pauli Returns ------- """ if gate.generator is None or in ['phase', 'rx', 'ry', 'rz']: return QCircuit.wrap_gate(gate) if not hasattr(gate, "eigenvalues_magnitude"): return QCircuit.wrap_gate(gate) steps = 1 if not hasattr(gate, "steps") else gate.steps return do_compile_trotterized_gate(generator=gate.generator, steps=steps, randomize=False, factor=gate.parameter, control=gate.control)
[docs] @compiler def compile_trotterized_gate(gate, compile_exponential_pauli: bool = False): """ Parameters ---------- gate compile_exponential_pauli Returns ------- """ if not hasattr(gate, "steps") or hasattr(gate, "eigenvalues_magnitude"): return QCircuit.wrap_gate(gate) randomize=False if hasattr(gate, "randomize"): randomize=gate.randomize result = do_compile_trotterized_gate(generator=gate.generator, steps=gate.steps, factor=gate.parameter, randomize=randomize, control=gate.control) if compile_exponential_pauli: return compile_exponential_pauli_gate(result) else: return result
[docs] @compiler def compile_ry(gate: RotationGateImpl, controlled_rotation: bool = False) -> QCircuit: """ Compile Ry gates into Rx and Rz. Parameters ---------- gate: the gate. controlled_rotation: determines if the decomposition of the controlled-Ry gate will be performed in compile_controlled_rotation, if not, decomposition will be performed here Returns ------- QCircuit, the result of compilation. """ if == "ry": if not (gate.is_controlled() and controlled_rotation): return Rz(, control=None, angle=-numpy.pi / 2) \ + Rx(, control=gate.control, angle=gate.parameter) \ + Rz(, control=None, angle=numpy.pi / 2) return QCircuit.wrap_gate(gate)
[docs] @compiler def compile_y(gate) -> QCircuit: """ Compile Y gates into X and Rz. Parameters ---------- gate: the gate. Returns ------- QCircuit, the result of compilation. """ if == "y": return Rz(, control=None, angle=-numpy.pi / 2) \ + X(, control=gate.control, power=gate.power if gate.is_parametrized() else None) \ + Rz(, control=None, angle=numpy.pi / 2) else: return QCircuit.wrap_gate(gate)
[docs] @compiler def compile_ch(gate: QGateImpl) -> QCircuit: """ Compile CH gates into its equivalent: CH = Ry(0.25pi) CZ Ry(-0.25pi) Parameters ---------- gate: the gate. Returns ------- QCircuit, the result of compilation. """ if == "h" and gate.is_controlled(): return Ry(, control=None, angle=-numpy.pi / 4) \ + Z(, control=gate.control, power=gate.power if gate.is_parametrized() else None) \ + Ry(, control=None, angle=numpy.pi / 4) else: return QCircuit.wrap_gate(gate)