Export QCircuits as qasm code
OPENQASM version 2.0 specification from:
A. W. Cross, L. S. Bishop, J. A. Smolin, and J. M. Gambetta, e-print arXiv:1707.03429v2 [quant-ph] (2017).
from tequila import TequilaException
from tequila.circuit import QCircuit
from tequila.circuit.compiler import CircuitCompiler
import tequila.circuit.gates as gates
from numpy import pi
from typing import Dict
import typing
def export_open_qasm(circuit: QCircuit, variables=None, version: str = "2.0", filename: str = None, zx_calculus: bool = False) -> str:
Allow export to different versions of OpenQASM
circuit: to be exported to OpenQASM
variables: optional dictionary with values for variables
version: of the OpenQASM specification, optional
filename: optional file name to save the generated OpenQASM code
zx_calculus: indicate if y-gates must be transformed to xz equivalents
str: OpenQASM string
if version == "2.0":
result = convert_to_open_qasm_2(circuit=circuit, variables=variables, zx_calculus=zx_calculus)
return "Unsupported OpenQASM version : " + version
# TODO: export to version 3
if filename is not None:
with open(filename, "w") as file:
return result
def import_open_qasm(qasm_code: str, version: str = "2.0", rigorous: bool = True) -> QCircuit:
Allow import from different versions of OpenQASM
qasm_code: string with the OpenQASM code
version: of the OpenQASM specification, optional
rigorous: indicates whether the QASM code should be read rigorously
QCircuit: equivalent to the OpenQASM code received
if version == "2.0":
result = parse_from_open_qasm_2(qasm_code=qasm_code, rigorous=rigorous)
return "Unsupported OpenQASM version : " + version
# TODO: export to version 3
return result
def import_open_qasm_from_file(filename: str, version: str = "2.0", rigorous: bool = True) -> QCircuit:
Allow import from different versions of OpenQASM from a file
filename: string with the file name with the OpenQASM code
variables: optional dictionary with values for variables
version: of the OpenQASM specification, optional
rigorous: indicates whether the QASM code should be read rigorously
QCircuit: equivalent to the OpenQASM code received
with open(filename, "r") as file:
qasm_code = file.read()
return import_open_qasm(qasm_code, version=version, rigorous=rigorous)
def convert_to_open_qasm_2(circuit: QCircuit, variables=None, zx_calculus: bool = False) -> str:
Allow export to OpenQASM version 2.0
circuit: to be exported to OpenQASM
variables: optional dictionary with values for variables
zx_calculus: indicate if y-gates must be transformed to xz equivalents
str: OpenQASM string
if variables is None and not (len(circuit.extract_variables()) == 0):
raise TequilaException(
"You called export_open_qasm for a parametrized type but forgot to pass down the variables: {}".format(
compiler = CircuitCompiler(multitarget=True,
compiled = compiler(circuit, variables=None)
result = "OPENQASM 2.0;\ninclude \"qelib1.inc\";\n"
qubits_names: Dict[int, str] = {}
for q in compiled.qubits:
name = "q[" + str(q) + "]"
qubits_names[q] = name
result += "qreg q[" + str(compiled.n_qubits) + "];\n"
result += "creg c[" + str(compiled.n_qubits) + "];\n"
for g in compiled.gates:
control_str = ''
if g.is_controlled():
if len(g.control) > 2:
raise TequilaException(
"Multi-controls beyond 2 not yet supported for OpenQASM 2.0. Gate was:\n{}".format(g))
controls = list(map(lambda c: qubits_names[c], g.control))
control_str = ','.join(controls) + ','
gate_name = name_and_params(g, variables)
for t in g.target:
result += gate_name
result += control_str
result += qubits_names[t]
result += ";\n"
return result
def name_and_params(g, variables):
Determines the quantum gate name and its parameters if applicable
g: gate to get its name
variables: dictionary with values for variables
str: name (and parameter) to the gate specified
res = ""
for c in range(len(g.control)):
res += "c"
res += g.name.lower()
if hasattr(g, "parameter") and g.parameter is not None:
res += "(" + str(g.parameter(variables)) + ")"
res += " "
return res
def parse_from_open_qasm_2(qasm_code: str, rigorous: bool = True) -> QCircuit:
lines = qasm_code.splitlines()
clean_code = []
# ignore comments
for line in lines:
if line.find("//") != -1:
clean_line = line[0:line.find("//")].strip()
clean_line = line.strip()
if clean_line:
if clean_code[0].startswith("OPENQASM"):
elif rigorous:
raise TequilaException("File must start with the 'OPENQASM' directive")
if clean_code[0].startswith('include "qelib1.inc";'):
elif rigorous:
raise TequilaException("File must import standard library (qelib1.inc)")
code_circuit = "\n".join(clean_code)
# separate the custom command definitions from the normal commands
custom_gates_map: Dict[str, QCircuit] = {}
while True:
i = code_circuit.find("gate ")
if i == -1:
j = code_circuit.find("}", i)
custom_name, custom_circuit = parse_custom_gate(code_circuit[i:j + 1], custom_gates_map=custom_gates_map)
custom_gates_map[custom_name] = custom_circuit
code_circuit = code_circuit[:i] + code_circuit[j + 1:]
# parse regular commands
commands = [s.strip() for s in code_circuit.split(";") if s.strip()]
qregisters: Dict[str, int] = {}
circuit = QCircuit()
for c in commands:
partial_circuit = parse_command(command=c, custom_gates_map=custom_gates_map, qregisters=qregisters)
if partial_circuit is not None:
circuit += partial_circuit
return circuit
def parse_custom_gate(gate_custom: str, custom_gates_map: Dict[str, QCircuit]) -> (str, QCircuit):
Parse custom gates code
gate_custom: code with custom gates
gate_custom = gate_custom[5:]
spec, body = gate_custom.split("{", 1)
if "(" in spec:
i = spec.find("(")
j = spec.find(")")
if spec[i + 1:j].strip():
raise TequilaException("Parameters for custom gates not supported: {}".format(spec))
spec = spec[:i] + spec[j + 1:]
spec = spec.strip()
if " " in spec:
name, qargs = spec.split(" ", 1)
name = name.strip()
qargs = qargs.strip()
raise TequilaException("Custom gate specification doesn't have any arguments: {}".format(spec))
custom_qregisters: Dict[str, int] = {}
for qarg in qargs.split(','):
custom_qregisters[qarg] = len(custom_qregisters)
body = body[:-1].strip()
commands = [s.strip() for s in body.split(";") if s.strip()]
custom_circuit = QCircuit()
for c in commands:
partial_circuit = parse_command(command=c, custom_gates_map=custom_gates_map, qregisters=custom_qregisters)
if partial_circuit is not None:
custom_circuit += partial_circuit
return name, custom_circuit
def parse_command(command: str, custom_gates_map: Dict[str, QCircuit], qregisters: Dict[str, int]) -> QCircuit:
Parse qasm code command
command: open qasm code to be parsed
custom_gates_map: map with custom gates
name, rest = command.split(" ", 1)
if name in ("barrier", "creg", "measure", "id"):
return None
if name in ("opaque", "if"):
raise TequilaException("Unsupported operation {}".format(command))
args = [s.strip() for s in rest.split(",") if s.strip()]
if name == "qreg":
regname, sizep = args[0].split("[", 1)
size = int(sizep[:-1])
for i in range(size):
qregisters[regname + "[" + str(i) + "]"] = len(qregisters)
return None
for arg in args:
if not (arg in qregisters or arg in [key.split("[",1)[0] for key in qregisters.keys()]):
raise TequilaException("Invalid register {}".format(arg))
if name in custom_gates_map:
custom_circuit = custom_gates_map[name]
qregisters_values = []
for a in args:
qregisters_values.append(get_qregister(a, qregisters))
return apply_custom_gate(custom_circuit=custom_circuit, qregisters_values=qregisters_values)
if name in ("x", "y", "z", "h", "cx", "cy", "cz", "ch"):
target = get_qregister(args[0], qregisters)
control = None
if name[0].lower() == 'c':
control = get_qregister(args[0], qregisters)
target = get_qregister(args[1], qregisters)
name = name[1]
G = getattr(gates, name.upper())
return G(control=control, target=target)
if name in ("ccx", "ccy", "ccz"):
G = getattr(gates, name[2].upper())
control = [get_qregister(args[0], qregisters), get_qregister(args[1], qregisters)]
target = get_qregister(args[2], qregisters)
return G(control=control, target=target)
if name.startswith("rx(") or name.startswith("ry(") or name.startswith("rz(") or \
name.startswith("crx(") or name.startswith("cry(") or name.startswith("crz("):
angle = get_angle(name)[0]
i = name.find('(')
name = name[0:i]
name = name.upper()
name = [x for x in name]
name[-1] = name[-1].lower()
name = "".join(name)
G = getattr(gates, name)
return G(angle=angle,control=get_qregister(args[0], qregisters) if name[0] == 'C' else None,target=get_qregister(args[1 if name[0] == 'C' else 0], qregisters))
if name.startswith("U("):
angles = get_angle(name)
return gates.U(theta=angles[0], phi=angles[1], lambd=angles[2],
target=get_qregister(args[0], qregisters))
if name.startswith("u1("):
angles = get_angle(name)
return gates.u1(lambd=angles[0],
target=get_qregister(args[0], qregisters))
if name.startswith("u2("):
angles = get_angle(name)
return gates.u2(phi=angles[0], lambd=angles[1],
target=get_qregister(args[0], qregisters))
if name.startswith("u3("):
angles = get_angle(name)
return gates.u3(theta=angles[0], phi=angles[1], lambd=angles[2],
target=get_qregister(args[0], qregisters))
if name.startswith("cu1("):
angles = get_angle(name)
return gates.u1(lambd=angles[0],
control=get_qregister(args[0], qregisters),
target=get_qregister(args[1], qregisters))
if name.startswith("cu2("):
angles = get_angle(name)
return gates.u2(phi=angles[0], lambd=angles[1],
control=get_qregister(args[0], qregisters),
target=get_qregister(args[1], qregisters))
if name.startswith("cu3("):
angles = get_angle(name)
return gates.u3(theta=angles[0], phi=angles[1], lambd=angles[2],
control=get_qregister(args[0], qregisters),
target=get_qregister(args[1], qregisters))
if name in ("s", "t", "sdg", "tdg"):
g = gates.Phase(angle=pi / (2 if name.startswith("s") else 4),
target=get_qregister(args[0], qregisters))
if name.find("dg") != -1:
g = g.dagger()
return g
def apply_custom_gate(custom_circuit: QCircuit, qregisters_values: list) -> QCircuit:
applied_custom_circuit = QCircuit()
for gate in custom_circuit.gates:
g = gate.copy()
g._target = tuple([qregisters_values[i] for i in gate._target])
g._control = tuple([qregisters_values[i] for i in gate._control]) if gate.is_controlled() else gate._control
applied_custom_circuit += g
return applied_custom_circuit
def get_qregister(qreg: str, qregisters: Dict[str, int]) -> typing.Union[list, int]:
if qreg == qreg.split("[", 1)[0]:
qreg_tequila = [qregisters[key] for key in qregisters.keys() if qreg == key.split("[", 1)[0]]
qreg_tequila = qregisters[qreg]
return qreg_tequila
def get_angle(name: str) -> list:
i = name.find('(')
j = name.find(')')
if j == -1:
raise TequilaException("Invalid specification {}".format(name))
angles_str = name[i+1:j].split(',')
angles = []
for angle in angles_str:
phase = float(angle)
except ValueError:
if angle.find('pi') == -1:
raise TequilaException("Invalid specification {}".format(name))
angle = angle.replace('pi', '')
sign = 1
div = 1
if angle.find('-') != -1:
angle = angle.replace('-', '')
sign = -1
if angle.find('/') != -1:
div = float(angle[angle.index('/')+1:])
angle = angle[:angle.index('/')]
if angle.find('*') != -1:
angle = angle.replace('*', '')
phase = sign * float(angle) * pi / div
elif len(angle) == 0:
phase = sign * pi / div
phase = sign * float(angle) / div
except ValueError:
raise TequilaException("Invalid specification {}".format(name))
return angles