Source code for tequila_code.circuit.noise

import typing
from import list_assignment
from tequila.utils import TequilaException
import copy

names_dict = {
    'x': 'x',
    'y': 'y',
    'z': 'z',
    'h': 'h',
    'rx': 'r',
    'ry': 'r',
    'rz': 'r',
    'r': 'r',
    'phase': 'r',
    'single': 'single',
    'swap': 'control',
    'cx': 'control',
    'cy': 'control',
    'cz': 'control',
    'crx': 'control',
    'cry': 'control',
    'crz': 'control',
    'control': 'control',
    'cnot': 'control',
    'ccnot': 'multicontrol',
    'multicontrol': 'multicontrol'

noises_available=['bit flip','phase flip','phase damp','amplitude damp','phase-amplitude damp','depolarizing']
krausses=['bit flip','phase flip','phase damp','amplitude damp','phase-amplitude damp','depolarizing']

[docs] class QuantumNoise: """ class representing a specific quantum noise operation on gates of a certain number of qubits. Attributes ---------- name: what noise to apply probs: the probabilities with which to apply the noise level: the number of qubits in the gates this noise acts upon Methods ------- from_dict: initialize from a dictionary. """ prob_length={ 'bit flip':1, 'phase flip':1, 'phase damp':1, 'amplitude damp':1, 'phase-amplitude damp':2, 'depolarizing':1 } @property def name(self): return self._name @property def level(self): return self._level def __init__(self,name:str,probs:typing.List[float],level:int): """ Parameters ---------- name: str what the name of the noise is. Determines how many probabilites are needed additionally. probs: list: a list of probabilities with which to apply the requested noise level: int: the number of qubits in the gates this noise acts upon. """ probs=list_assignment(probs) if name not in noises_available: raise TequilaException('The name you asked for, {}, is not recognized'.format(name)) self._name=name self._level=int(level) if len(probs) != self.prob_length[name]: raise TequilaException('{} noise requires {} probabilities; recieved {}'.format(name, self.prob_length[name], len(probs))) if name in krausses: assert sum(probs)<=1. self.probs=list_assignment(probs) def __str__(self): back+=' on ' + str(self._level) + ' qubit gates' back+=', probs = ' +str(self.probs) return back
[docs] @staticmethod def from_dict(d): if type(d) is dict: return QuantumNoise(**d) elif type(d) is QuantumNoise: return d else: raise TequilaException('object provided is neither a dictionary nor a QuantumNoise.')
[docs] class NoiseModel(): """ class representing noises to apply to a quantum circuit during simulation. Attributes ---------- noises: a list of all the noises to apply. Methods ------- without_noise_on_level: remove all noise affecting operations with <level> qubits. without_noise_op: remove all noise of a given type, I.E get rid of all bit flips. """ def __init__(self, noises: typing.List[typing.Union[dict, QuantumNoise]]=None): if noises is None: self.noises = [] else: self.noises=[QuantumNoise.from_dict(d) for d in list_assignment(noises)] def __str__(self): back='NoiseModel with: \n' for noise in self.noises: back += str(noise) back += ',\n' return back def __add__(self, other): new=NoiseModel() new.noises+=self.noises if type(other) is dict: new.noises.append(QuantumNoise.from_dict(other)) elif type(other) is QuantumNoise: new.noises.append(other) elif hasattr(other,'noises'): new.noises.extend(copy.copy(other.noises)) return new def __iadd__(self, other): if type(other) is dict: self.noises+=QuantumNoise.from_dict(other) elif hasattr(other,'noises'): self.noises.extend(copy.copy(other.noises)) return self
[docs] def without_noise_on_level(self, level): new = NoiseModel() for noise in self.noises: if noise.level == level: pass else: new.noises.append(noise) return new
[docs] def without_noise_op(self, name): new = NoiseModel() for noise in self.noises: if == name: pass else: new.noises.append(noise) return new
[docs] @staticmethod def wrap_noise(other): return NoiseModel(noises=other)
[docs] def BitFlip(p:float,level:int): """ Returns a NoiseModel with one QuantumNoise, having a kraus map corresponding to applying pauli X with likelihood p. Parameters ---------- p: float: the probability with which the noise is applied. level: int: the # of qubits in operations to apply this noise to. Returns ------- NoiseModel """ new=NoiseModel.wrap_noise(QuantumNoise(name='bit flip', probs=list_assignment(p), level=level)) return new
[docs] def PhaseFlip(p:float,level:int): ''' Returns a NoiseModel of one QuantumNoise, having a kraus map corresponding to applying pauli Z with likelihood p. Parameters ---------- p: float: the probability with which the noise is applied. level: int: the # of qubits in operations to apply this noise to. Returns ------- NoiseModel ''' new=NoiseModel.wrap_noise(QuantumNoise(name='phase flip', probs=list_assignment(p), level=level)) return new
[docs] def PhaseDamp(p:float,level:int): ''' Returns a NoiseModel of one QuantumNoise, having a kraus map corresponding to phase damping; Krauss map is defined following Nielsen and Chuang; E_0= [[1,0], [0,sqrt(1-p)]] E_1= [[0,0], [0,sqrt(p)]] Parameters ---------- p: float: the probability with which the noise is applied. level: int: the # of qubits in operations to apply this noise to. Returns ------- NoiseModel ''' new=NoiseModel.wrap_noise(QuantumNoise(name='phase damp', probs=list_assignment(p), level=level)) return new
[docs] def AmplitudeDamp(p:float,level:int): ''' Returns a NoiseModel one QuantumNoise, corresponding to amplitude damping. this channel takes 1 to 0, but leaves 0 unaffected. kraus maps: E_0= [[1,0], [0,sqrt(1-p)]] E_1= [[0,sqrt(p)], [0,0]] Parameters ---------- p: float: the probability with which the noise is applied. level: int: the # of qubits in operations to apply this noise to. Returns ------- NoiseModel ''' new=NoiseModel.wrap_noise(QuantumNoise(name='amplitude damp', probs=list_assignment(p), level=level)) return new
[docs] def PhaseAmplitudeDamp(p1:float,p2:float,level:int): ''' Returns a NoiseModel with one QuantumNoise, having a kraus map corresponding to phase and amplitude damping. Parameters ---------- p1: float: the probability with which phase is damped p2: float: the probability with which amplitude is damped level: int: the # of qubits in operations to apply this noise to. Returns ------- NoiseModel ''' new=NoiseModel.wrap_noise(QuantumNoise(name='phase-amplitude damp', probs=list_assignment([p1, p2]), level=level)) return new
[docs] def DepolarizingError(p:float,level:int): ''' Returns a NoiseModel with one QuantumNoise, having a kraus map corresponding to equal probabilities of each of the three pauli matrices being applied. Parameters ---------- p: float: the probability with which the noise is applied. level: int: the # of qubits in operations to apply this noise to. Returns ------- NoiseModel ''' new = NoiseModel.wrap_noise(QuantumNoise(name='depolarizing', probs=list_assignment(p), level=level)) return new