Training Distributions with KM Divergence¶
First some imports and the advice to use tq.numpy
for functions in
objectives (avoid issues in automatic differentiations and use the
regular numpy
for everything else (avoid issues with jax where you
don’t want them)
import tequila as tq
import numpy
First we define the \(\max(x,\epsilon)\) function we will need further down the road and some global variables for this example
# global variables, change here if you want
eps = 1.e-8
n_qubits = 5
n_layers = 1
def my_max(x):
if x<eps:
return eps
return x
gates and Mølmer-Sørensen gates
which are just rotations around XX.# create ansatz
U = tq.QCircuit()
for layer in range(n_layers):
for q in range(n_qubits):
# name can be any non-numeric hashable type
# scaling variables with pi in this example
variable = tq.Variable(name=(layer, q))
U += tq.gates.Rx(angle=variable*tq.numpy.pi, target=q)
for q in range(n_qubits):
for p in range(q+1, n_qubits):
U += tq.gates.ExpPauli(angle=tq.numpy.pi / 2.0, paulistring="X({})X({})".format(q, p))
Here are some demonstrations on how to extract informations from your template circuit U
print("Circuit depends on variables: ", U.extract_variables())
variables = {k : 1.0 for k in U.extract_variables()}
wfn = tq.simulate(U, variables=variables)
print("wfn with variables = ", variables)
Instead of simulating directly the circuit can also be compiled and afterwards be used like a function
compiledU = tq.compile(U)
wfn = compiledU(variables=variables)
Next we will define the target distribution which we want to optimize for. It is the distribution of a GHZ state, i.e. \(P(00..0) = 0.5\) and \(P(11..1)=0.5\) where in the following we will use binary notation for easier coding i.e \(00...0=0\) and \(11..1=2^{n-1}+2^{n-2}+..+1\)
one = sum([2**i for i in range(n_qubits)])
target_distribution = {0:0.5, one:0.5}
For the tequila objective Born’s rule will be used. In order to make this work we need to reformulate this as an expectation value. This can be achieved as
Tequila has a convenience shortcut for the operator
Lets build the Kullback–Leibler divergence of the distribution P generated by our template U and the target distribution Q
where we use the same safety barrier as in the paper to prevent taking logarithms of zero (this is where the mymax function fron above is needed). In the end we will square the objective to avoid negative values and assure that zero is the minimum.
objective = tq.Objective()
for k, Q in target_distribution.items():
Q = my_max(Q) # here we apply the mymax function to avoid having zeros
wfn = tq.QubitWaveFunction.from_int(k, n_qubits=n_qubits)
H = tq.paulis.Projector(wfn=wfn)
P = tq.ExpectationValue(H=H, U=U) # this is the born rule expectation value from above
P = P.apply(my_max) # here we apply the mymax function to avoid having zeros
objective += Q*(Q / P).apply(tq.numpy.log) # here we take the logarithm and sum up
objective = 1.0/2.0**n_qubits *objective
objective = objective**2 # here we take the square
Lets see what we created here. Tequila created an objective with 4 expectationvalues (we had 2 values in the target_distribution, and P entered twice each) but only 2 unique expectationvalues (meaning the simulator will only evaluate those two)
value1 = tq.simulate(objective, variables=variables)
compiled = tq.compile(objective)
value2 = compiled(variables=variables)
variables2 = {k:1.1 for k in objective.extract_variables()}
value3 = compiled(variables=variables2)
print("value1 = ", value1)
print("value2 = ", value2)
print("value3 = ", value3)
result = tq.optimizer_scipy.minimize(objective=objective, method="Cobyla")
Lets compute our wavefunction with the optimized angles
final_wfn = tq.simulate(U, variables=result.angles)
And plot some information about the optimization