Tequila is an Extensible Quantum Information and Learning Architecture where the main goal is to simplify and accelerate implementation of new ideas for quantum algorithms. It operates on abstract data structures allowing the formulation, combination, automatic differentiation and optimization of generalized objectives. Tequila can execute the underlying quantum expectation values on state of the art simulators as well as on real quantum devices.
Quantum Backends¶
Currently supported
Tequila detects backends automatically if they are installed on your systems.
All of them are available over standard pip installation like for example pip install qulacs
For best performance tt is recommended to have qulacs
Tequila supports Psi4.
In a conda environment this can be installed withconda install psi4 -c psi4
We recommend installing in editable mode withgit clone https://github.com/aspuru-guzik-group/tequila.git
cd tequila
pip install -e .
Do not install over PyPi (Minecraft lovers excluded)pip install tequila
Recommended Python version is 3.7 or 3.6
Getting Started¶
Check out the tutorial notebooks provided in tutorials.
Tequila Hello World¶
# optimize a one qubit example
# define a variable
a = tq.Variable("a")
# define a simple circuit
U = tq.gates.Ry(angle=a*pi, target=0)
# define an Hamiltonian
H = tq.paulis.X(0)
# define an expectation value
E = tq.ExpectationValue(H=H, U=U)
# optimize the expectation value
result = tq.minimize(method="bfgs", objective=E**2)
# check out the optimized wavefunction
wfn = tq.simulate(U, variables=result.angles)
print("optimized wavefunction = ", wfn)
# plot information about the optimization
Chemistry Hello World¶
# define a molecule within an active space
active = {"a1": [1], "b1":[0]}
molecule = tq.quantumchemistry.Molecule(geometry="lih.xyz", basis_set='6-31g', active_orbitals=active, transformation="bravyi-kitaev")
# get the qubit hamiltonian
H = molecule.make_hamiltonian()
# make the UCCSD ansatz with cc2 ordering
U = molecule.make_uccsd_ansatz(initial_amplitudes="cc2", trotter_steps=1)
# define the expectationvalue
E = tq.ExpectationValue(H=H, U=U)
# compute reference energies
fci = molecule.compute_energy("fci")
cisd = molecule.compute_energy("detci", options={"detci__ex_level": 2})
# optimize
result = tq.minimize(objective=E, method="BFGS", gradient="2-point", method_options={"eps":1.e-3}, initial_values={k:0.0 for k in E.extract_variables()})
print("VQE : {:+2.8}f".format(result.energy))
print("CISD: {:+2.8}f".format(cisd))
print("FCI : {:+2.8}f".format(fci))
Support for additional optimizers can be activated by intalling them in your environment.
Tequila will then detect them automatically.
Currently those are: Phoenics
and GPyOpt.
You can build the documentation by navigating to docs
and entering make html
Open the documentation with a browser over like firefox docs/build/html/index.html
If you experience trouble of any kind or if you either want to implement a new feature or want us to implement a new feature that you need don’t hesitate to contact us directly or raise an issue here on github
You can in principle use tequila with windows as OS and have almost full functionality.
You will need to replace Jax with autograd for it to work.
In order to do so: Remove jax
and jaxlib
from setup.py
and requirements.txt
and add autograd
In order to install qulacs you will need latest GNU compilers (at least gcc-7).
They can be installed for example over visual studio.
Mac OS¶
Tequila runs on Macs. You might get in trouble with the installing qulacs since it currently does not work with Apples clang compiler. You need to install latest GNU compilers and set them as default before installing qulacs over pip.