Basis Set Free VQE calculations with TequilaΒΆ

import tequila as tq
import numpy

# global variables
# symmetry_conserving_bravyi_kitaev will result in a underlying 2-qubit simulation instead of 4 (for all vqe calculations)
transformation = "jordan_wigner" # alternatives: bravyi_kitaev, symmetry_conserving_bravyi_kitaev (will taper 2 qubits), bravyi_kitaev_tree

This tutorial illustrates one of the explicit calculations of We restrict ourselves to a minimal calculation of the Hydrogen molecule since this will execute within a jupyter environment without taking to much resources.

In this notebook we will compute the Hydrogen molecule in a minimal representation (2 spatial orbitals i.e. 4 spin-orbitals) using standard Gaussian basis sets (GBS) and the basis-set-free MRA-PNO representation. In the end we will show a comparisson with a large GBS computation that would require around 120 qubits.

This notebook illustrates how to: - define custom molecules from integral values - use the in-build UpGCCSD ansatz in tequila - compare to classical methods like FCI - manually diagonalize a qubit Hamiltonian

The Hamiltonians are computed with a modified pno code of `madness <>`__ which will be public soon (feel free to contact me for early access or more information). The madness PNO-Code is described in more detail here /

The main difference in usage will be, that we will create the Hamiltonians directly from integral files that were originally obtained with madness and are for this tutorial provided in the data directory. Those integrals can be used to create tequila molecule objects which can then be handeled in the same way as other tequila molecules - for example obtained with the psi4 backend. See the general chemistry tutorial. Note however, that access to the classical psi4 methods is not possible.

We begin with reading in the .npy files which hold the molecular integrals obtained from the direct-determined PNOs that are stored in the data/h2_pnos directory for Hydrogen molecules in minimal representation (2 spatial-orbitals i.e. 4 spin-orbitals) and different bond lengths R in the directories h2_R_4so. Theese integral files can be passed to the tequila molecule object.

We define a function here to reuse it later when we compute the whole potential energy surface (PES).

def initialize_molecule(R):
    geomstring = "H 0.0 0.0 0.0\nH 0.0 0.0 {R}".format(R=R)
    directory = data_directory + "h2_{:1.1f}_4so/".format(R)

    # load the integral files
    one_body_integrals = numpy.load(directory+"one_body_integrals.npy")
    two_body_integrals = numpy.load(directory+"two_body_integrals.npy")
    # resort from Mulliken notation to openfermion convetions
    two_body_integrals = numpy.einsum("psqr", two_body_integrals)

    # compute the nuclear repulsion (optional)
    nuclear_repulsion = 1.0/(angstrom_to_bohr*R)

    molecule = tq.chemistry.Molecule(geometry=geomstring,
                                     backend="base") # necessary if psi4 or others are installed

    return molecule

Next we define the 1-UpCCGSD calculation used in as a function to be called later for the whole PES

def compute_upgccsd_energy(molecule, method="BFGS", *args, **kwargs):
    U = molecule.make_upccgsd_ansatz()
    H = molecule.make_hamiltonian()
    E = tq.ExpectationValue(H=H, U=U)

    result = tq.minimize(objective=E, method=method, initial_values=0.0, *args, **kwargs)


Now lets compute all MRA datapoints in two simple lines (remove the silent=True key to get live updates about the individual VQE simulatins)

points = [0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]
mra_vqe = {R:compute_upgccsd_energy(initialize_molecule(R), silent=True) for R in points}

Here are the results of our basis-set-free calculations

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(list(mra_vqe.keys()), list(mra_vqe.values()), marker="o", label="UpCCGSD(2,4)")

For the case that psi4 is installed within your environment we can compute also the STO-3G energies in exact diagonalization (or with the VQE using the function above, but for this size the results will be the same, we compute both to illustrate that). See the paper for the numbers close to the complete basis set limit (CBS), which is the exact solution with respect to electron correlation (FCI) and one-particle basis and larger MRA caluclations. Set no_compute=True to avoid recomputing and save time.

no_compute = True
# in case you have psi4 installed you can compute the reference values here
if "psi4" in tq.quantumchemistry.INSTALLED_QCHEMISTRY_BACKENDS and not no_compute:
    def initialize_psi4_molecule(R):
        geomstring = "H 0.0 0.0 0.0\nH 0.0 0.0 {R}".format(R=R)
        molecule = tq.chemistry.Molecule(basis_set="sto-3g", geometry=geomstring, transformation=transformation)
        return molecule
    gbs_fci = {R:initialize_psi4_molecule(R).compute_energy("fci") for R in points}
    gbs_vqe = {R:compute_upgccsd_energy(initialize_psi4_molecule(R), silent=True) for R in points}
    # otherwise, here they are
    gbs_vqe = {0.5: -1.05515979168155, 0.6: -1.1162859536932939, 0.7: -1.1361894250426225, 0.8: -1.1341473711383794, 0.9: -1.120560281221029, 1.0: -1.1011503300331484, 1.1: -1.0791929437201784,1.2: -1.0567407365989585,1.3: -1.0351862019508562,1.4: -1.015467897671673,2.0: -0.9486410371613808,3.0: -0.9336318373138941,4.0: -0.9331713618417009}
    gbs_fci = {0.5: -1.0551597946880178,0.6: -1.1162860069722242,0.7: -1.1361894540879063,0.8: -1.1341476666428472,0.9: -1.1205602812268745,1.0: -1.1011503301329566,1.1: -1.079192944852247,1.2: -1.05674074617943,1.3: -1.035186266306758,1.4: -1.0154682491653277,2.0: -0.9486411121296501,3.0: -0.933631844555985,4.0: -0.9331713618435854}

# close to CBS: FCI/cc-pVQZ calculation
# can be computed with the tequila psi4 interface in the same way as STO-3G (but takes time)
close_to_cbs = {0.5:-1.10338122, 0.6:-1.15531049,0.7:-1.1725277, 0.8:-1.17182109,0.9:-1.16178264,1.0:-1.14710242,1.1:-1.13045400,1.2:-1.11340654,1.3:-1.09689852,1.4:-1.08149165,2.0:-1.02143838,3.0:-1.00109047,4.0:-0.99995503}
Here are the comparisson plots. We use the notation (number_of_electrons, number_of_spin_orbitals) to indicate the sizes of the Hamiltonians.
In this case we have minimal sizes (the smallest size where a treatment beyond mean-field is possible) which results in 4 spin-orbitals (and usually 4 qubits).
plt.plot(list(mra_vqe.keys()), list(mra_vqe.values()), marker="o", label="UpCCGSD/MRA(2,4)")
plt.plot(list(gbs_vqe.keys()), list(gbs_vqe.values()), marker="o", label="UpCCGSD/STO-3G(2,4)")
plt.plot(list(gbs_fci.keys()), list(gbs_fci.values()), marker="x", label="FCI/STO-3G(2,4)")
plt.plot(list(close_to_cbs.keys()), list(close_to_cbs.values()), marker="x", label="FCI/cc-pVQZ(2,120)")


To provide a complete picutre here are the values from the exact diagonalization of the Hamiltonian in MRA reprentation (we initialize the tequila molecule, create the hamiltonian, export it as matrix and diagonalize with numpy). The UpGCCSD is as good for MRA as it is for GBS (compared with exact diagonalization within those representations).

mra_diag = {R:numpy.linalg.eigvalsh(initialize_molecule(R).make_hamiltonian().to_matrix())[0] for R in points}
plt.plot(list(mra_vqe.keys()), list(mra_vqe.values()), marker="o", label="UpGCCGSD/MRA(2,4)")
plt.plot(list(mra_diag.keys()), list(mra_vqe.values()), marker="x", label="Exact/MRA(2,4)")