from tequila import TequilaException, TequilaWarning
from tequila.circuit import QCircuit
from tequila.objective.objective import Variables
from tequila.quantumchemistry.qc_base import QuantumChemistryBase
from tequila.quantumchemistry.chemistry_tools import ClosedShellAmplitudes, Amplitudes
from tequila.quantumchemistry import ParametersQC, NBodyTensor
from .chemistry_tools import ActiveSpaceData, OrbitalData
import copy
import numpy
import typing
import psi4
import warnings
from dataclasses import dataclass
class TequilaPsi4Exception(TequilaException):
class OpenVQEEPySCFException(TequilaException):
class Psi4Results:
variables: dict = None # psi4 variables dictionary, storing all computed values
filename: str = None # psi4 output file
wfn: typing.Union[
psi4.core.Wavefunction, psi4.core.CCWavefunction, psi4.core.CIWavefunction] = None # psi4 wavefunction
mol: psi4.core.Molecule = None
class QuantumChemistryPsi4(QuantumChemistryBase):
def _make_psi4_active_space_data(self, active_orbitals, reference=None):
Small helper function
Internal use only
active_orbitals: dictionary :
dictionary with irreps as keys and a list of integers as values
i.e. occ = {"A1":[0,1], "A2":[0]}
means the occupied active space is made up of spatial orbitals
0A1, 1A1 and 0A2
as list: Give a list of spatial orbital indices
i.e. occ = [0,1,3] means that spatial orbital 0, 1 and 3 are used
reference: (Default value=None)
List of orbitals which form the reference
Can be given in the same format as active_orbitals
If given as None then the first N_electron/2 orbitals are taken
and the corresponding active orbitals are removed
Dataclass with active indices and reference indices (in spatial notation)
if active_orbitals is None:
return None
class ActiveSpaceDataPsi4(ActiveSpaceData):
frozen_docc: list = None # frozen reference orbitals grouped by irrep (psi4 option, if None then the active space can not be represented by psi4)
frozen_uocc: list = None # frozen virtual orbtials grouped by irrep (psi4 option, if None then the active space can not be represented by psi4)
def __str__(self):
result = super().__str__()
result += "{key:15} : {value:15} \n".format(key="frozen_docc", value=str(self.frozen_docc))
result += "{key:15} : {value:15} \n".format(key="frozen_uocc", value=str(self.frozen_uocc))
return result
def psi4_representable(self):
standard_ref = [self.reference_orbitals[0] == 0] + [
self.reference_orbitals[i] == self.reference_orbitals[i + 1] - 1 for i in
range(len(self.reference_orbitals) - 1)]
return self.frozen_docc is not None and self.frozen_uocc is not None and all(standard_ref)
# transform irrep notation to absolute ints
active_idx = active_orbitals
ref_idx = reference
if isinstance(active_orbitals, dict):
active_idx = []
for key, value in active_orbitals.items():
active_idx += [self.orbitals_by_irrep[key.upper()][i].idx_total for i in value]
elif active_orbitals is None:
active_idx = [i for i in range(self.n_orbitals)]
standard_ref = sorted([i for i in range(self.n_electrons // 2)])
if isinstance(reference, dict):
ref_idx = []
for key, value in reference.items():
orbitals = [self.orbitals_by_irrep[key.upper()][i] for i in value]
ref_idx += [x.idx_total for x in orbitals]
ref_idx = sorted(ref_idx)
elif reference is None:
assert (self.n_electrons % 2 == 0)
ref_idx = standard_ref
# determine if the active space can be represented by psi4
# reference needs to be the scf reference
# all frozen orbitals need to be without gaps since we can not freeze individual orbitals
frozen_docc = None
if ref_idx == standard_ref:
frozen_docc = [0] * self.nirrep
frozen_docc_all = [self.orbitals[i] for i in standard_ref if self.orbitals[i].idx_total not in active_idx]
for i, irrep in enumerate(self.irreps):
sorted_array = sorted([x.idx_irrep for x in frozen_docc_all if x.irrep.upper() == irrep.upper()])
frozen_docc[i] = len(sorted_array)
if len(sorted_array) > 0 and (sorted_array[0] != 0 and sorted_array[-1] != len(sorted_array) - 1):
frozen_docc = None
print("active space not CAS type: frozen_docc of {} ".format(irrep), sorted_array)
# and the same for the unoccupied ones
frozen_uocc = None
if frozen_docc is not None:
frozen_uocc = [0] * self.nirrep
frozen_uocc_all = [o for o in self.orbitals if o.idx_total not in active_idx + ref_idx]
for i, irrep in enumerate(self.irreps):
if irrep not in self.orbitals_by_irrep:
sorted_array = sorted([x.idx_irrep for x in frozen_uocc_all if x.irrep.upper() == irrep.upper()])
frozen_uocc[i] = len(sorted_array)
last = self.orbitals_by_irrep[irrep][-1]
if len(sorted_array) > 0 and (
sorted_array[-1] != last.idx_irrep or sorted_array[-1] != sorted_array[0] + len(
sorted_array) - 1):
frozen_uocc = None
return ActiveSpaceDataPsi4(active_orbitals=sorted(active_idx),
def __init__(self, parameters: ParametersQC,
transformation: typing.Union[str, typing.Callable] = None,
active_orbitals: dictionary :
dictionary with irreps as keys and a list of integers as values
i.e. occ = {"A1":[0,1], "A2":[0]}
means the occupied active space is made up of spatial orbitals
0A1, 1A1 and 0A2
as list: Give a list of spatial orbital indices
i.e. occ = [0,1,3] means that spatial orbital 0, 1 and 3 are used
reference: (Default value=None)
List of orbitals which form the reference
Can be given in the same format as active_orbitals
If given as None then the first N_electron/2 orbitals are taken
and the corresponding active orbitals are removed
self.psi4_mol = psi4.geometry(parameters.get_geometry_string())
self._point_group = self.psi4_mol.point_group().symbol()
if "point_group" in kwargs:
self._point_group = kwargs["point_group"]
self.energies = {} # history to avoid recomputation
self.logs = {} # store full psi4 output
# psi4 active space will be formed later
super().__init__(parameters=parameters, transformation=transformation, active_orbitals=None,
*args, **kwargs)
oenergies = []
for i in self.irreps:
oenergies += [(i, j, x) for j, x in enumerate(self.orbital_energies(irrep=i))]
oenergies = sorted(oenergies, key=lambda x: x[2])
for x in self.orbitals:
x.irrep = oenergies[x.idx_total][0]
x.idx_irrep = oenergies[x.idx_total][1] = oenergies[x.idx_total][2]
orbitals_by_irrep = {o.irrep: [] for o in self.orbitals}
for o in self.orbitals:
orbitals_by_irrep[o.irrep] += [o]
self.orbitals_by_irrep = orbitals_by_irrep
if reference_orbitals is None:
reference_orbitals = [x.idx_total for x in self.reference_orbitals]
if active_orbitals is None:
active_orbitals = [i for i in range(self.n_orbitals)]
if frozen_orbitals is None and self.parameters.frozen_core:
frozen_orbitals = [i for i in range(self.parameters.get_number_of_core_electrons()//2)]
def list_to_irrep_dict(orbital_list):
# assume we have been given a list of orbitals with their total indices instead of a dictionary with irreps
active_dict = {}
if orbital_list is None:
return active_dict
for x in orbital_list:
orbital = self.orbitals[x]
if orbital.irrep not in active_dict:
active_dict[orbital.irrep] = [orbital.idx_irrep]
active_dict[orbital.irrep] += [orbital.idx_irrep]
return active_dict
if not hasattr(active_orbitals, "keys"):
active_orbitals = list_to_irrep_dict(active_orbitals)
if not hasattr(reference_orbitals, "keys"):
reference_orbitals = list_to_irrep_dict(reference_orbitals)
if not hasattr(frozen_orbitals, "keys"):
frozen_orbitals = list_to_irrep_dict(frozen_orbitals)
# remove frozen-orbitals from active orbitals
for k,v in frozen_orbitals.items():
for x in v:
if k in active_orbitals and x in active_orbitals[k]:
self.integral_manager.active_space = self._make_psi4_active_space_data(active_orbitals=active_orbitals,
# need to recompute
# (psi4 won't take over active space information otherwise)
self.compute_energy(method="hf", recompute=True, *args, **kwargs)
self.ref_wfn = self.logs["hf"].wfn
self.transformation = self._initialize_transformation(transformation=transformation, *args, **kwargs)
self.kwargs = kwargs
def point_group(self):
return self._point_group
def nirrep(self):
return self.ref_wfn.nirrep()
def orbital_energies(self, irrep: typing.Union[int, str] = None, beta: bool = False, wfn=None):
Returns orbital energies of a given irrep
or all orbital energies of all irreps (default)
irrep: int or str :
int: specify the irrep by number (in cotton ordering)
str: specify the irrep by name (like 'A1')
specify from which irrep you want the orbital energies
psi4 orders irreps in 'Cotton ordering'
beta: bool : (Default value=False)
get the beta electrons
list or orbital energies
if wfn is None:
wfn = self.ref_wfn
if hasattr(irrep, "upper"):
irrep = self.irreps.index(irrep.upper())
if beta:
tmp = psi4.driver.p4util.numpy_helper._to_array(wfn.epsilon_b(), dense=False)
tmp = psi4.driver.p4util.numpy_helper._to_array(wfn.epsilon_a(), dense=False)
if irrep is None or self.point_group.lower() == "c1":
result = []
for x in tmp:
result += [x]
return result
return tmp[irrep]
def initialize_integral_manager(self, *args, **kwargs):
# get HF wavefunction and orbital coefficients
if "ref_wfn" in kwargs:
ref_wfn = kwargs["ref_wfn"]
hf_energy = 0.0
hf_energy = self.compute_energy(method="hf", ignore_active_space=True,
options={"RHF__FAIL_ON_MAXITER": False}, point_group=self.point_group)
ref_wfn = self.logs['hf'].wfn
if ref_wfn.nirrep() != 1:
wfn = ref_wfn.c1_deep_copy(ref_wfn.basisset())
wfn = ref_wfn
Ca = numpy.asarray(wfn.Ca())
basisset = ref_wfn.basisset()
mints = psi4.core.MintsHelper(basisset)
# get integrals in atomic basis
S = numpy.asarray(mints.ao_overlap())
h = numpy.asarray(wfn.H())
g = numpy.asarray(mints.ao_eri())
c = float(wfn.variables()['NUCLEAR REPULSION ENERGY'])
g = NBodyTensor(elems=numpy.asarray(g), ordering='chem')
kwargs["overlap_integrals"] = S
kwargs["two_body_integrals"] = g
kwargs["one_body_integrals"] = h
kwargs["constant_term"] = c
kwargs["orbital_coefficients"] = Ca
kwargs["basis_type"] = "GBS"
kwargs["basis_name"] = self.parameters.basis_set
irreps = [self.psi4_mol.point_group().char_table().gamma(i).symbol().upper() for i in range(ref_wfn.nirrep())]
self.irreps = irreps
oenergies = []
for i in self.irreps:
oenergies += [(i, j, x) for j, x in enumerate(self.orbital_energies(irrep=i, wfn=ref_wfn))]
oenergies = sorted(oenergies, key=lambda x: x[2])
if "orbitals" in kwargs:
orbitals = kwargs["orbitals"]
orbitals = None
if orbitals is None:
orbitals = [OrbitalData(idx_total=i) for i in range(h.shape[0])]
for x in orbitals:
x.irrep = oenergies[x.idx_total][0]
x.idx_irrep = oenergies[x.idx_total][1] = oenergies[x.idx_total][2]
kwargs["orbitals"] = orbitals
# set some psi4 specific features
self.ref_energy = hf_energy
self.ref_wfn = self.logs['hf'].wfn
self.irreps = irreps
return super().initialize_integral_manager(*args, **kwargs)
def compute_ccsd_amplitudes(self):
return self.compute_amplitudes(method='ccsd')
def _run_psi4(self, options: dict, method=None, return_wfn=True, point_group=None, filename: str = None,
guess_wfn=None, ref_wfn=None, ignore_active_space=False, *args, **kwargs):
if "threads" in kwargs:
if filename is None:
filename = "{}_{}.out".format(self.parameters.filename, method)
# easier guess read in
if guess_wfn is not None:
if isinstance(guess_wfn, QuantumChemistryPsi4):
guess_wfn = guess_wfn.logs["hf"].wfn
if isinstance(guess_wfn, str):
guess_wfn = psi4.core.Wavefunction.from_file(guess_wfn)
guess_wfn.to_file(guess_wfn.get_scratch_filename(180)) # this is necessary
options["guess"] = "read"
# prevent known flaws
if "guess" in options and options["guess"].lower() == "read":
options["basis_guess"] = False
# additionally the outputfile needs to be the same
# as in the previous guess
# this can not be determined here
# better pass down a guess_wfn
mol = psi4.geometry(self.parameters.get_geometry_string())
if self.parameters.multiplicity != 1:
raise TequilaPsi4Exception("Multiplicity != 1 no yet supported")
if point_group is not None:
if ref_wfn is None and hasattr(self, "ref_wfn"):
ref_wfn = self.ref_wfn
if point_group is not None and point_group.lower() == "c1":
ref_wfn = None # ref_wfn.c1_deep_copy(ref_wfn.basisset()) # CC will not converge otherwise
guess_wfn = None
if ref_wfn is None or method.lower() == "hf":
energy, wfn =, return_wfn=return_wfn, molecule=mol)
energy, wfn =, ref_wfn=ref_wfn, return_wfn=return_wfn, molecule=mol,
self.energies[method.lower()] = energy
self.logs[method.lower()] = Psi4Results(filename=filename, variables=copy.deepcopy(psi4.core.variables()),
wfn=wfn, mol=mol)
return energy, wfn
def _extract_active_space(self, arr):
Internal function that helps to convert CCSD amplitudes if an actice space was set
if self.integral_manager.active_space is None:
return arr
elif len(self.integral_manager.active_space.active_orbitals) == self.integral_manager.one_body_integrals.shape[
return arr
if isinstance(arr, ClosedShellAmplitudes):
result = {}
for k, v in arr.__dict__.items():
if v is not None:
result[k] = self._extract_active_space(arr=v)
return ClosedShellAmplitudes(**result)
asd = self.integral_manager.active_space
aocc = [i for i in asd.active_orbitals if i in asd.reference_orbitals]
avir = [i for i in asd.active_orbitals if i not in asd.reference_orbitals]
assert self.n_orbitals == len(aocc) + len(avir)
assert self.n_electrons == len(aocc) * 2
n_orb_total = len(self.orbitals)
n_electrons_total = self.n_electrons + 2 * len(asd.frozen_reference_orbitals)
nocc = n_electrons_total // 2
nvirt = n_orb_total - nocc
avir = [x - nocc for x in avir]
nav = len(avir)
nao = len(aocc)
arr_shape = arr.shape
final_shape = []
active_sets = []
for i in arr_shape:
if i == nocc:
elif i == nvirt:
assert i == nocc + nvirt
final_shape.append(nao + nav)
active_sets.append(aocc + avir)
final_shape = tuple(final_shape)
def func(*args):
result = 1
for i in range(len(args)):
result *= args[i] in active_sets[i]
return result
c = numpy.fromfunction(
return numpy.extract(condition=c, arr=arr).reshape(final_shape)
#def compute_mp2_amplitudes(self, active_orbitals=None, *args, **kwargs) -> ClosedShellAmplitudes:
# return self._extract_active_space(super().compute_mp2_amplitudes(*args, **kwargs))
def compute_amplitudes(self, method: str,
options: dict = None,
filename: str = None,
**kwargs) -> typing.Union[
Amplitudes, ClosedShellAmplitudes]:
if options is None:
options = {}
options['basis'] = self.parameters.basis_set
if method.lower() == "mp2":
return self.compute_mp2_amplitudes()
energy, wfn = self._run_psi4(method=method,
all_amplitudes = wfn.get_amplitudes()
closed_shell = isinstance(wfn.reference_wavefunction(), psi4.core.RHF)
if closed_shell:
return self._extract_active_space(
ClosedShellAmplitudes(**{k: v.to_array() for k, v in all_amplitudes.items()}))
assert (self.integral_manager.trivial_active_space()) # only for closed-shell currently
return Amplitudes(**{k: v.to_array() for k, v in all_amplitudes.items()})
except Exception as err:
raise TequilaPsi4Exception("\nFailed to compute {} amplitudes.\n" \
"Make sure that you don't read in previous wavefunctions."
"Active spaces might get you in trouble.".format(method))
def compute_energy(self, method: str = "fci", options=None, recompute: bool = True, ignore_active_space=False,
*args, **kwargs):
if not recompute and method.lower() in self.energies and not "point_group" in kwargs:
return self.energies[method.lower()]
if options is None:
options = {}
options['basis'] = self.parameters.basis_set
if not ignore_active_space and not self.integral_manager.active_space_is_trivial() and self.active_space.psi4_representable:
options['frozen_docc'] = self.active_space.frozen_docc
if sum(self.active_space.frozen_uocc) > 0 and method.lower() not in ["hf", "fci", "detci"]:
"There are known issues with some psi4 methods and frozen virtual orbitals. Proceed with fingers crossed for {}.".format(
options['frozen_uocc'] = self.active_space.frozen_uocc
if not ignore_active_space and not self.active_space.psi4_representable and not self.integral_manager.active_space_is_trivial():
warnings.warn("Warning: Active space is not Psi4 representable", TequilaWarning)
return self._run_psi4(method=method, options=options, ignore_active_space=ignore_active_space, *args, **kwargs)[
def __str__(self):
result = super().__str__()
result += "\nPsi4 Data\n"
result += "{key:15} : {value:15} \n".format(key="Point Group (full)",
result += "{key:15} : {value:15} \n".format(key="Point Group (used)", value=self.point_group)
result += "{key:15} : {value} \n".format(key="nirrep", value=self.nirrep)
result += "{key:15} : {value} \n".format(key="irreps", value=self.irreps)
result += "{key:15} : {value:15} \n".format(key="mos per irrep", value=str([len(self.orbital_energies(irrep=i)) for i in range(self.nirrep)]))
return result
def rdm1(self) -> tuple:
return super().rdm1
def rdm2(self) -> tuple:
return super().rdm2
def compute_rdms(self, U: QCircuit = None, variables: Variables = None, spin_free: bool = True,
get_rdm1: bool = True, get_rdm2: bool = True, psi4_method: str = None,
psi4_options: dict = {}, *args, **kwargs):
Same functionality as qc_base.compute_rdms (look there for more information),
plus the additional option to compute 1- and 2-RDM using psi4 by the keyword psi4_rdms
U :
Quantum Circuit to achieve the desired state \\psi = U |0\\rangle, optional if psi4_rdms is set to True
variables :
If U is parametrized, then need to hand over a set of fixed variables
spin_free :
Set whether matrices should be spin-free (summation over spin) or defined by spin-orbitals
get_rdm1, get_rdm2 :
Set whether either one or both rdm1, rdm2 should be computed. If both are needed at some point,
it is recommended to compute them at once.
Note that whatever is specified in psi4_options has priority.
Method to be run, currently only methods returning a CIWavefuntion are supported
(e.g. "detci" + ex_level in options, or "fci", "cisdt", "casscf", but NOT "cisd")
Options to be handed over to psi4, containing e.g. excitation level of "detci"-method.
If "detci__opdm" for 1-RDM and "detci__tpdm" for 2-RDM are not included, the keywords get_rdm1, get_rdm2 are
used (if both are specified, prioritizing psi4_options).
if not psi4_method:
return super().compute_rdms(U=U, variables=variables, spin_free=spin_free,
get_rdm1=get_rdm1, get_rdm2=get_rdm2, *args, **kwargs)
# Get 1- and 2-particle reduced density matrix via Psi4 CISD computation
# If "cisd" is chosen, change to "detci" (default is excitation level 2 anyhow) to obtain a CIWavefunction
if psi4_method.lower() == "cisd":
print("Changed psi4_method from 'cisd' to 'detci' with ex_level=2 psi4 returns a CIWavefunction.")
psi4_method = "detci"
# Set options if not handed over
psi4_options = {k.lower(): v for k, v in psi4_options.items()} # set to lower-case for string comparison
if "detci__opdm" not in psi4_options.keys():
psi4_options.update({"detci__opdm": get_rdm1})
if "detci__tpdm" not in psi4_options.keys():
psi4_options.update({"detci__tpdm": get_rdm2})
if psi4_method.lower() == "detci" and "detci__ex_level" not in psi4_options.keys():
psi4_options.update({"detci__ex_level": 2}) # use CISD as default
# Compute and set matrices
self.compute_energy(psi4_method, options=psi4_options)
wfn = self.logs[psi4_method].wfn
if psi4_options["detci__opdm"]:
rdm1 = psi4.driver.p4util.numpy_helper._to_array(wfn.get_opdm(-1, -1, "SUM", False), dense=True)
self._rdm1 = rdm1
if psi4_options["detci__tpdm"]:
rdm2 = psi4.driver.p4util.numpy_helper._to_array(wfn.get_tpdm("SUM", False), dense=True)
rdm2 = NBodyTensor(elems=rdm2, ordering='chem')
rdm2.reorder(to='phys') # RDMs in physics ordering (cp. to NBodyTensor in
rdm2 = 2 * rdm2.elems # Factor 2 since psi4 normalizes 2-rdm by 1/2
self._rdm2 = rdm2
def perturbative_f12_correction(self, rdm1: numpy.ndarray = None, rdm2: numpy.ndarray = None, gamma: float = 1.4,
n_ri: int = None, cabs_type: str = "active", cabs_options: dict = None,
**kwargs) -> float:
Computes the spin-free [2]_R12 correction, needing only the 1- and 2-RDM of a reference method
Requires either 1-RDM, 2-RDM or information to compute them in kwargs
rdm1 :
1-electron reduced density matrix
rdm2 :
2-electron reduced density matrix
gamma :
f12-exponent, for a correlation factor f_12 = -1/gamma * exp[-gamma*r_12]
n_ri :
dimensionality of RI-basis; if None, then the maximum available via tensors / basis-set is used
cabs_type :
- either "active" for using a given basis set as is as approximative CBS (complete basis set), and specify
OBS (orbital basis) by an active space
- or "cabs+" for CABS+-approach as in
Valeev, E. F. (2004). Improving on the resolution of the identity in linear R12 ab initio theories.
Chemical Physics Letters, 395(4–6), 190–195.
-> pass cabs_name in cabs_options
cabs_options :
dict, which needs at least {"cabs_name": some CABS basis set} if cabs_type=="cabs+"
kwargs :
e.g. RDM-information via {"U": QCircuit, "variables": optimal angles} if computation via VQE,
or {"rdm__psi4_method": some CI method, "rdm__psi4_options": dict with psi4 options} if computation via
psi4, compare to psi4_interface.compute_rdms
one of the above needs to be passed if rdm1,rdm2 not yet computed
the f12 correction for the energy
from .f12_corrections._f12_correction_psi4 import ExplicitCorrelationCorrectionPsi4
correction = ExplicitCorrelationCorrectionPsi4(mol=self, rdm1=rdm1, rdm2=rdm2, gamma=gamma,
n_ri=n_ri, cabs_type=cabs_type, cabs_options=cabs_options,
return correction.compute()