Source code for tequila_code.quantumchemistry

import typing
import warnings

from tequila import TequilaWarning
from .qc_base import QuantumChemistryBase
from .chemistry_tools import ParametersQC, NBodyTensor
from .madness_interface import QuantumChemistryMadness

SUPPORTED_QCHEMISTRY_BACKENDS = ["base", "psi4", "madness", "pyscf"]
INSTALLED_QCHEMISTRY_BACKENDS = {"base": QuantumChemistryBase, "madness": QuantumChemistryMadness}

    from .psi4_interface import QuantumChemistryPsi4

    INSTALLED_QCHEMISTRY_BACKENDS["psi4"] = QuantumChemistryPsi4
except ImportError:

    from .pyscf_interface import QuantumChemistryPySCF

    INSTALLED_QCHEMISTRY_BACKENDS["pyscf"] = QuantumChemistryPySCF
except ImportError:

[docs] def show_available_modules(): print("Available QuantumChemistry Modules:") for k in INSTALLED_QCHEMISTRY_BACKENDS.keys(): print(k)
[docs] def show_supported_modules(): print(SUPPORTED_QCHEMISTRY_BACKENDS)
[docs] def Molecule(geometry: str = None, basis_set: str = None, transformation: typing.Union[str, typing.Callable] = None, orbital_type: str = None, backend: str = None, guess_wfn=None, name: str = None, *args, **kwargs) -> QuantumChemistryBase: """ Parameters ---------- geometry molecular geometry as string or as filename (needs to be in xyz format with .xyz ending) basis_set quantum chemistry basis set (sto-3g, cc-pvdz, etc) transformation The Fermion to Qubit Transformation (jordan-wigner, bravyi-kitaev, bravyi-kitaev-tree and whatever OpenFermion supports) backend quantum chemistry backend (psi4, pyscf) guess_wfn pass down a psi4 guess wavefunction to start the scf cycle from can also be a filename leading to a stored wavefunction name name of the molecule, if not given it's auto-deduced from the geometry can also be done vice versa (i.e. geometry is then auto-deduced to args kwargs Returns ------- The Fermion to Qubit Transformation (jordan-wigner, bravyi-kitaev, bravyi-kitaev-tree and whatever OpenFermion supports) """ # failsafe for common mistake if "basis" in kwargs: warnings.warn("called molecule with keyword \"basis={0}\" converting it to \"basis_set={0}\"".format(kwargs["basis"]), TequilaWarning) if basis_set is not None: warnings.warn("did not convert as \"basis_set={}\" was already given".format(basis_set), TequilaWarning) basis_set=kwargs["basis"] keyvals = {} for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k in ParametersQC.__dict__.keys(): keyvals[k] = v if "parameters" in kwargs: parameters = kwargs["parameters"] kwargs.pop("parameters") else: parameters = ParametersQC(name=name, geometry=geometry, basis_set=basis_set, multiplicity=1, **keyvals) integrals_provided = all([key in kwargs for key in ["one_body_integrals", "two_body_integrals"]]) if integrals_provided and backend is None: backend = "base" if backend is None: if basis_set is None or basis_set.lower() in ["madness", "mra", "pno"]: backend = "madness" basis_set = "mra" parameters.basis_set = basis_set if orbital_type is not None and orbital_type.lower() not in ["pno", "mra-pno"]: warnings.warn("only PNOs supported as orbital_type without basis set. Setting to pno - You gave={}".format(orbital_type), TequilaWarning) orbital_type = "pno" else: if orbital_type is not None and orbital_type.lower() not in ["hf", "native"]: warnings.warn("only hf and native supported as orbital_type with basis-set. Setting to hf - You gave={}".format(orbital_type), TequilaWarning) orbital_type = "hf" if orbital_type is None: orbital_type = "hf" if "psi4" in INSTALLED_QCHEMISTRY_BACKENDS: backend = "psi4" elif "pyscf" in INSTALLED_QCHEMISTRY_BACKENDS: backend = "pyscf" else: raise Exception("No quantum chemistry backends installed on your system") elif backend == "base": if not integrals_provided: raise Exception("No quantum chemistry backends installed on your system\n" "To use the base functionality you need to pass the following tensors via keyword\n" "one_body_integrals, two_body_integrals\n") else: backend = "base" if backend not in SUPPORTED_QCHEMISTRY_BACKENDS: raise Exception(str(backend) + " is not (yet) supported by tequila") if backend not in INSTALLED_QCHEMISTRY_BACKENDS: raise Exception(str(backend) + " was not found on your system") if guess_wfn is not None and backend != 'psi4': raise Exception("guess_wfn only works for psi4") if basis_set is None and backend.lower() not in ["base", "madness"] and not integrals_provided: raise Exception("no basis_set or integrals provided for backend={}".format(backend)) elif basis_set is None: basis_set = "custom" parameters.basis_set = basis_set return INSTALLED_QCHEMISTRY_BACKENDS[backend.lower()](parameters=parameters, transformation=transformation, orbital_type=orbital_type, guess_wfn=guess_wfn, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def MoleculeFromTequila(mol, transformation=None, backend=None, *args, **kwargs): c, h, g = mol.get_integrals() parameters = mol.parameters if backend is None: if "pyscf" in INSTALLED_QCHEMISTRY_BACKENDS: backend = "pyscf" else: backend = "base" if transformation is None: transformation = mol.transformation return INSTALLED_QCHEMISTRY_BACKENDS[backend.lower()](parameters=parameters, transformation=transformation, n_electrons=mol.n_electrons, one_body_integrals=h, two_body_integrals=g, nuclear_repulsion=c, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def MoleculeFromOpenFermion(molecule, transformation: typing.Union[str, typing.Callable] = None, backend: str = None, *args, **kwargs) -> QuantumChemistryBase: """ Initialize a tequila Molecule directly from an openfermion molecule object Parameters ---------- molecule The openfermion molecule transformation The Fermion to Qubit Transformation (jordan-wigner, bravyi-kitaev, bravyi-kitaev-tree and whatever OpenFermion supports) backend The quantum chemistry backend, can be None in this case Returns ------- The tequila molecule """ if backend is None: return QuantumChemistryBase.from_openfermion(molecule=molecule, transformation=transformation, *args, **kwargs) else: INSTALLED_QCHEMISTRY_BACKENDS[backend].from_openfermion(molecule=molecule, transformation=transformation, *args, **kwargs)
# needs pyscf (handeled in call) from .orbital_optimizer import optimize_orbitals