import numpy
import typing
import copy
import warnings
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from tequila import QCircuit, ExpectationValue, minimize, TequilaWarning
from . import QuantumChemistryBase, ParametersQC, NBodyTensor
Small application that wraps a tequila VQE object and passes it to the PySCF CASSCF solver.
This way we can conveniently optimize orbitals.
This basically does what is described here in the context of orbital-optimized unitary coupled-cluster (oo-ucc):
Of course we don't have to use UCC circuits but can pass whatever we want as circuit, or pass a "vqe_solver" object.
The Interface with the PySCF module follows the original PySCF article (see Fig.3)
Currently this is a beta version (not extensively used in real life), so be careful when using it and please report issues on github :-)
class OptimizeOrbitalsResult:
old_molecule: QuantumChemistryBase = None # the old tequila molecule
molecule: QuantumChemistryBase = None # the new tequila molecule with transformed orbitals
mcscf_object:object = None # the pyscf mcscf object
mcscf_local_data:dict = None
mo_coeff = None # the optimized mo coefficients
energy: float = None # the optimized energy
iterations:int = 0
def __call__(self, local_data, *args, **kwargs):
# use as callback
if "u" in local_data:
self.rotation_matrix = copy.deepcopy(local_data["u"])
self.iterations += 1
def optimize_orbitals(molecule, circuit=None, vqe_solver=None, pyscf_arguments=None, silent=False,
vqe_solver_arguments=None, initial_guess=None, return_mcscf=False, use_hcb=False, molecule_factory=None, molecule_arguments=None, restrict_to_active_space=True, *args, **kwargs):
molecule: The tequila molecule whose orbitals are to be optimized
circuit: The circuit that defines the ansatz to the wavefunction in the VQE
can be None, if a customized vqe_solver is passed that can construct a circuit
vqe_solver: The VQE solver (the default - vqe_solver=None - will take the given circuit and construct an expectationvalue out of molecule.make_hamiltonian and the given circuit)
A customized object can be passed that needs to be callable with the following signature: vqe_solver(H=H, circuit=self.circuit, molecule=molecule, **self.vqe_solver_arguments)
pyscf_arguments: Arguments for the MCSCF structure of PySCF, if None, the defaults are {"max_cycle_macro":10, "max_cycle_micro":3} (see here
silent: silence printout
use_hcb: indicate if the circuit is in hardcore Boson encoding
vqe_solver_arguments: Optional arguments for a customized vqe_solver or the default solver
for the default solver: vqe_solver_arguments={"optimizer_arguments":A, "restrict_to_hcb":False} where A holds the kwargs for tq.minimize
restrict_to_hcb keyword controls if the standard (in whatever encoding the molecule structure has) Hamiltonian is constructed or the hardcore_boson hamiltonian
initial_guess: Initial guess for the MCSCF module of PySCF (Matrix of orbital rotation coefficients)
The default (None) is a unit matrix
predefined commands are
initial_guess="random_loc=X_scale=Y" with X and Y being floats
This initialized a random guess using numpy.random.normal(loc=X, scale=Y) with X=0.0 and Y=0.1 as defaults
return_mcscf: return the PySCF MCSCF structure after optimization
molecule_arguments: arguments to pass to molecule_factory or default molecule constructor | only change if you know what you are doing
args: just here for convenience
kwargs: just here for conveniece
Optimized Tequila Molecule
from pyscf import mcscf
from . import QuantumChemistryPySCF
except Exception as exception:
raise Exception("{}\noptimize_orbitals: Need pyscf to run (pip install pyscf)".format(str(exception)))
if pyscf_arguments is None:
pyscf_arguments = {"max_cycle_macro": 10, "max_cycle_micro": 3}
no = molecule.n_orbitals
if not isinstance(molecule, QuantumChemistryPySCF):
pyscf_molecule = QuantumChemistryPySCF.from_tequila(molecule=molecule, transformation=molecule.transformation)
pyscf_molecule = molecule
mf = pyscf_molecule._get_hf()
mc = mcscf.CASSCF(mf, pyscf_molecule.n_orbitals, pyscf_molecule.n_electrons)
c = pyscf_molecule.compute_constant_part()
if circuit is None and vqe_solver is None:
raise Exception("optimize_orbitals: Either provide a circuit or a callable vqe_solver")
if use_hcb:
if vqe_solver_arguments is None:
# consistency check
n_qubits = len(circuit.qubits)
n_orbitals = molecule.n_orbitals
if n_qubits > n_orbitals:
warnings.warn("Potential inconsistency in orbital optimization: use_hcb is switched on but we have\n n_qubits={} in the circuit\n n_orbital={} in the molecule\n".format(n_qubits,n_orbitals), TequilaWarning)
if molecule_arguments is None:
molecule_arguments = {"parameters": pyscf_molecule.parameters, "transformation": molecule.transformation}
wrapper = PySCFVQEWrapper(molecule_arguments=molecule_arguments, n_electrons=pyscf_molecule.n_electrons,
const_part=c, circuit=circuit, vqe_solver_arguments=vqe_solver_arguments, silent=silent,
vqe_solver=vqe_solver, molecule_factory=molecule_factory, *args, **kwargs)
mc.fcisolver = wrapper
mc.internal_rotation = True
if pyscf_arguments is not None:
for k, v in pyscf_arguments.items():
if hasattr(mc, str(k)):
setattr(mc, str(k), v)
print("unknown arguments: {}".format(k))
if not silent:
print("Optimizing Orbitals with PySCF and VQE Solver:")
print("{:25} : {}".format("pyscf_arguments", pyscf_arguments))
if initial_guess is not None:
if hasattr(initial_guess, "lower"):
if "random" or "near_zero" in initial_guess.lower():
scale = 1.e-3
if "random" in initial_guess.lower():
scale = 1.0
loc = 0.0
if "scale" in kwargs:
scale = float(initial_guess.split("scale")[1].split("_")[0].split("=")[1])
if "loc" in kwargs:
loc = float(initial_guess.split("loc")[1].split("_")[0].split("=")[1])
initial_guess = numpy.eye(no) + numpy.random.normal(scale=scale, loc=loc, size=no * no).reshape(no, no)
raise Exception("Unknown initial_guess={}".format(initial_guess.lower()))
assert len(initial_guess.shape) == 2
assert initial_guess.shape[0] == no
assert initial_guess.shape[1] == no
initial_guess = mcscf.project_init_guess(mc, initial_guess)
# make new molecule
mo_coeff = mc.mo_coeff
transformed_molecule = pyscf_molecule.transform_orbitals(orbital_coefficients=mo_coeff, name="optimized")
if return_mcscf:
result.mcscf_object = mc
return result
class PySCFVQEWrapper:
Wrapper for tequila VQE's to be compatible with PySCF orbital optimization
# needs initialization
n_electrons: int = None
molecule_arguments: dict = None
# internal data
rdm1: numpy.ndarray = None
rdm2: numpy.ndarray = None
one_body_integrals: numpy.ndarray = None
two_body_integrals: numpy.ndarray = None
history: list = field(default_factory=list)
# optional
const_part: float = 0.0
silent: bool = False
vqe_solver: typing.Callable = None
circuit: QCircuit = None
vqe_solver_arguments: dict = field(default_factory=dict)
molecule_factory: typing.Callable = None
def reorder(self, M, ordering, to):
# convenience since we need to reorder
# all the time
M = NBodyTensor(elems=M, ordering=ordering)
return M.elems
def kernel(self, h1, h2, *args, **kwargs):
if self.history is None:
self.history = []
h2of = self.reorder(h2, "mulliken", "openfermion")
restrict_to_hcb = self.vqe_solver_arguments is not None and "restrict_to_hcb" in self.vqe_solver_arguments and \
if self.molecule_factory is None:
molecule = QuantumChemistryBase(one_body_integrals=h1, two_body_integrals=h2of,
nuclear_repulsion=self.const_part, n_electrons=self.n_electrons,
molecule = self.molecule_factory(one_body_integrals=h1, two_body_integrals=h2of,
nuclear_repulsion=self.const_part, n_electrons=self.n_electrons,
if restrict_to_hcb:
H = molecule.make_hardcore_boson_hamiltonian()
H = molecule.make_hamiltonian()
if self.vqe_solver is not None:
vqe_solver_arguments = {}
if self.vqe_solver_arguments is not None:
vqe_solver_arguments = self.vqe_solver_arguments
result = self.vqe_solver(H=H, circuit=self.circuit, molecule=molecule, **vqe_solver_arguments)
elif self.circuit is None:
raise Exception("Orbital Optimizer: Either provide a callable vqe_solver or a circuit")
U = self.circuit
E = ExpectationValue(H=H, U=U)
optimizer_arguments = {}
if self.vqe_solver_arguments is not None and "optimizer_arguments" in self.vqe_solver_arguments:
optimizer_arguments = self.vqe_solver_arguments["optimizer_arguments"]
if self.silent is not None and "silent" not in optimizer_arguments:
optimizer_arguments["silent"] = True
result = minimize(E, **optimizer_arguments)
if hasattr(result, "circuit"):
# potential adaptive ansatz
U = result.circuit
self.circuit = U
# static ansatz
U = self.circuit
rdm1, rdm2 = molecule.compute_rdms(U=U, variables=result.variables, spin_free=True, get_rdm1=True, get_rdm2=True, use_hcb=restrict_to_hcb)
rdm2 = self.reorder(rdm2, 'dirac', 'mulliken')
if not self.silent:
print("{:20} : {}".format("energy",
if len(self.history) > 0:
print("{:20} : {}".format("deltaE", - self.history[-1].energy))
print("{:20} : {}".format("||delta RDM1||", numpy.linalg.norm(self.rdm1 - rdm1)))
self.rdm1 = rdm1
self.rdm2 = rdm2
self.one_body_integrals = h1
self.two_body_integrals = h2
return, None
def make_rdm12(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.rdm1, self.rdm2
def __str__(self):
result = "{}\n".format(type(self).__name__)
for k, v in self.__dict__.items():
if k == "circuit" and v is not None:
result += "{:30} : {}\n".format(k, "{} gates, {} parameters".format(len(v.gates),
result += "{:30} : {}\n".format(k, v)
return result