Collections of Fermion-to-Qubit encodings known to tequila
Most are Interfaces to OpenFermion
import abc
from tequila import TequilaException
from tequila.circuit.circuit import QCircuit
from tequila.circuit.gates import X, CNOT
from tequila.hamiltonian.qubit_hamiltonian import QubitHamiltonian
import openfermion
import numpy
def known_encodings():
# convenience for testing and I/O
encodings = {
"JordanWigner": JordanWigner,
"BravyiKitaev": BravyiKitaev,
"BravyiKitaevFast": BravyiKitaevFast,
"BravyiKitaevTree": BravyiKitaevTree,
"TaperedBravyiKitaev": TaperedBravyKitaev
# aliases
encodings = {**encodings,
"ReorderedJordanWigner": lambda **kwargs: JordanWigner(up_then_down=True, **kwargs),
"ReorderedBravyiKitaev": lambda **kwargs: BravyiKitaev(up_then_down=True, **kwargs),
"ReorderedBravyiKitaevTree": lambda **kwargs: BravyiKitaevTree(up_then_down=True, **kwargs),
return {k.replace("_", "").replace("-", "").upper(): v for k, v in encodings.items()}
class EncodingBase(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
# true if the encoding is fully integrated
# false: can only do special things (like building the Hamiltionian)
# but is not consistent with UCC gate generation
_ucc_support = False
def supports_ucc(self):
return self._ucc_support
def name(self):
prefix = ""
if self.up_then_down:
prefix = "Reordered"
if hasattr(self, "_name"):
return prefix + self._name
return prefix + type(self).__name__
def __init__(self, n_electrons, n_orbitals, up_then_down=False, *args, **kwargs):
self.n_electrons = n_electrons
self.n_orbitals = n_orbitals
self.up_then_down = up_then_down
def __call__(self, fermion_operator: openfermion.FermionOperator, *args, **kwargs) -> QubitHamiltonian:
:param fermion_operator:
an openfermion FermionOperator
The openfermion QubitOperator of this class ecoding
if self.up_then_down:
op = openfermion.reorder(operator=fermion_operator, order_function=openfermion.up_then_down,
num_modes=2 * self.n_orbitals)
op = fermion_operator
fop = self.do_transform(fermion_operator=op, *args, **kwargs)
return self.post_processing(QubitHamiltonian.from_openfermion(fop))
def post_processing(self, op, *args, **kwargs):
return op
def up(self, i):
if self.up_then_down:
return i
return 2 * i
def down(self, i):
if self.up_then_down:
return i + self.n_orbitals
return 2 * i + 1
def map_state(self, state: list, *args, **kwargs) -> list:
Expects a state in spin-orbital ordering
Returns the corresponding qubit state in the class encoding
:param state:
basis-state as occupation number vector in spin orbitals
sorted as: [0_up, 0_down, 1_up, 1_down, ... N_up, N_down]
with N being the number of spatial orbitals
basis-state as qubit state in the corresponding mapping
"""Does a really lazy workaround ... but it works
:return: Hartree-Fock Reference as binary-number
reference_orbitals: list:
give list of doubly occupied orbitals
default is None which leads to automatic list of the
first n_electron/2 orbitals
# default is a lazy workaround, but it workds
n_qubits = 2 * self.n_orbitals
spin_orbitals = sorted([i for i, x in enumerate(state) if int(x) == 1])
string = "1.0 ["
for i in spin_orbitals:
string += str(i) + "^ "
string += "]"
fop = openfermion.FermionOperator(string, 1.0)
op = self(fop)
from tequila.wavefunction.qubit_wavefunction import QubitWaveFunction
wfn = QubitWaveFunction.from_int(0, n_qubits=n_qubits)
wfn = wfn.apply_qubitoperator(operator=op)
assert (len(wfn.keys()) == 1)
key = list(wfn.keys())[0].array
return key
def me_to_jw(self) -> QCircuit:
This method needs to be implemented to enable default conversions via Jordan-Wigner
# independent conversion methods, these are used for default conversions
# arXiv:1808.10402 IV. B. 2, Eq. 57
# original: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4768229
def _jw_to_bk(self) -> QCircuit:
U = QCircuit() # Constructs empty circuit
flipper = False
for i in range(self.n_orbitals * 2):
# even qubits only hold their own value
if i % 2 == 0:
# sum always includes the last qubit
U += CNOT(control=i - 1, target=i)
# every second odd qubit ties together with the last odd qubit
if flipper:
U += CNOT(control=i - 2, target=i)
flipper = not flipper
# we have now created the 4x4 blocks on the diagonal of this operators matrix
# every power of 2 connects to the last power of 2
# this corresponds to the last row in the recursive definitions being all 1s
x = numpy.log2(i + 1)
if x.is_integer() and x >= 3:
x = int(x)
U += CNOT(control=2 ** (x - 1) - 1, target=i)
return U
def _hcb_to_jw(self):
U = QCircuit()
for i in range(self.n_orbitals):
U += X(target=self.down(i), control=self.up(i))
return U
# Convenience Methods
def jw_to_me(self) -> QCircuit:
return self.me_to_jw().dagger()
def me_to_bk(self) -> QCircuit:
return self.me_to_jw() + self._jw_to_bk()
def bk_to_me(self) -> QCircuit:
return self.me_to_bk().dagger()
def hcb_to_me(self) -> QCircuit:
return self._hcb_to_jw() + self.jw_to_me()
def __str__(self):
return type(self).__name__
class JordanWigner(EncodingBase):
_ucc_support = True
def map_state(self, state: list, *args, **kwargs):
state = state + [0] * (self.n_orbitals - len(state))
result = [0] * len(state)
if self.up_then_down:
return [state[2 * i] for i in range(self.n_orbitals)] + [state[2 * i + 1] for i in range(self.n_orbitals)]
return state
def hcb_to_me(self, *args, **kwargs):
U = QCircuit()
for i in range(self.n_orbitals):
U += X(target=self.down(i), control=self.up(i))
return U
def me_to_jw(self) -> QCircuit:
return QCircuit()
def jw_to_me(self) -> QCircuit:
return QCircuit()
class BravyiKitaev(EncodingBase):
Uses OpenFermion::bravyi_kitaev
_ucc_support = True
def me_to_jw(self) -> QCircuit:
return self._jw_to_bk().dagger()
def jw_to_me(self) -> QCircuit:
return self._jw_to_bk()
def bk_to_me(self) -> QCircuit:
return QCircuit()
def me_to_bk(self) -> QCircuit:
return QCircuit()
class BravyiKitaevTree(EncodingBase):
Uses OpenFermion::bravyi_kitaev_tree
_ucc_support = True
def me_to_jw(self) -> QCircuit:
raise TequilaException("{}::me_to_jw: unimplemented".format(type(self).__name__))
class BravyiKitaevFast(EncodingBase):
Uses OpenFermion::bravyi_kitaev_tree
_ucc_support = False
def me_to_jw(self) -> QCircuit:
raise TequilaException("{}::me_to_jw: unimplemented".format(type(self).__name__))
class TaperedBravyKitaev(EncodingBase):
_ucc_support = False
Uses OpenFermion::symmetry_conserving_bravyi_kitaev (tapered bravyi_kitaev_tree arxiv:1701.07072)
Reduces Hamiltonian by 2 qubits
See OpenFermion Documentation for more
Does not work for UCC generators yet
def __init__(self, n_electrons, n_orbitals, active_fermions=None, active_orbitals=None, *args, **kwargs):
if active_fermions is None:
self.active_fermions = n_electrons
self.active_fermions = active_fermions
if active_orbitals is None:
self.active_orbitals = n_orbitals * 2 # in openfermion those are spin-orbitals
self.active_orbitals = active_orbitals
if "up_then_down" in kwargs:
raise Exception("Don't pass up_then_down argument to {}, it can't be changed".format(type(self).__name__))
super().__init__(n_orbitals=n_orbitals, n_electrons=n_electrons, up_then_down=False, *args, **kwargs)
def map_state(self, state: list, *args, **kwargs):
non_tapered_trafo = BravyiKitaevTree(up_then_down=True, n_electrons=self.n_electrons,
key = non_tapered_trafo.map_state(state=state, *args, **kwargs)
n_qubits = self.n_orbitals * 2
active_qubits = [i for i in range(n_qubits) if i not in [n_qubits - 1, n_qubits // 2 - 1]]
key = [key[i] for i in active_qubits]
return key
def me_to_jw(self) -> QCircuit:
raise TequilaException("{}::me_to_jw: unimplemented".format(type(self).__name__))