import os
import typing
import warnings
from dataclasses import dataclass
from copy import deepcopy
from numbers import Real
import numpy
from tequila import BitString, QCircuit, TequilaException,Variable,compile_circuit
from tequila.circuit import gates
from openfermion.ops.representations import get_active_space_integrals # needs openfermion 1.3
except ImportError as E:
raise TequilaException("{}\nplease update openfermion to version 1.3 or higher".format(str(E)))
class ActiveSpaceData:
Small dataclass to keep the overview in active spaces
Class is used internally
active_orbitals: list = None # active orbitals (spatial, c1)
reference_orbitals: list = None # reference orbitals (spatial, c1)
def __str__(self):
result = "Active Space Data:\n"
result += "{key:15} : {value:15} \n".format(key="active_orbitals", value=str(self.active_orbitals))
result += "{key:15} : {value:15} \n".format(key="reference_orbitals", value=str(self.reference_orbitals))
result += "{key:15} : {value:15} \n".format(key="active_reference_orbitals",
return result
def frozen_reference_orbitals(self):
return [i for i in self.reference_orbitals if i not in self.active_orbitals]
def active_reference_orbitals(self):
return [i for i in self.reference_orbitals if i in self.active_orbitals]
class FermionicGateImpl(gates.QubitExcitationImpl):
Small helper class for Fermionic Excictation Gates
Mainly so that "FermionicGate is displayed when circuits are printed
def __init__(self, generator, p0, transformation, indices=None, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(generator=generator, target=generator.qubits, p0=p0, *args, **kwargs)
self._name = "FermionicExcitation"
self.transformation = transformation
self.indices = indices
if not hasattr(indices[0],"__len__"):
self.indices = [(indices[2 * i], indices[2 * i+1]) for i in range(len(indices) // 2)]
self.sign = self.format_excitation_variables(self.indices)
self.indices = self.format_excitation_indices(self.indices)
def compile(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.is_convertable_to_qubit_excitation():
target = []
for x in self.indices:
for y in x:
return gates.QubitExcitation(target=target, angle=self.parameter, control=self.control)
if self.transformation.lower().strip("_") == "jordanwigner":
return self.fermionic_excitation(angle=self.sign*self.parameter, indices=self.indices, control=self.control,opt=False)
return gates.Trotterized(generator=self.generator, control=self.control, angle=self.parameter, steps=1)
def cCRy(self, target: int, dcontrol: typing.Union[list, int], control: typing.Union[list, int],
angle: typing.Union[Real, Variable, typing.Hashable], case: int = 1) -> QCircuit:
Compilation of CRy as on
If not control passed, Ry returned
case: if 1 employs eq. 12 from the paper, if 0 eq. 13
if control is not None and not len(control):
control = None
if isinstance(dcontrol, int):
dcontrol = [dcontrol]
if not len(dcontrol):
return compile_circuit(gates.Ry(angle=angle, target=target, control=control))
if isinstance(angle, str):
angle = Variable(angle)
U = QCircuit()
aux = dcontrol[0]
ctr = deepcopy(dcontrol)
if case:
U += self.cCRy(target=target, dcontrol=ctr, angle=angle / 2, case=1, control=control) + gates.H(
aux) + gates.CNOT(target, aux)
U += self.cCRy(target=target, dcontrol=ctr, angle=-angle / 2, case=0, control=control) + gates.CNOT(
target, aux) + gates.H(aux)
U += gates.H(aux) + gates.CNOT(target, aux) + self.cCRy(target=target, dcontrol=ctr, angle=-angle / 2,
case=0, control=control)
U += gates.CNOT(target, aux) + gates.H(aux) + self.cCRy(target=target, dcontrol=ctr, angle=angle / 2,
case=1, control=control)
return U
def fermionic_excitation(self, angle: typing.Union[Real, Variable, typing.Hashable], indices: typing.List,
control: typing.Union[int, typing.List] = None, opt: bool = True) -> QCircuit:
Excitation [(i,j),(k,l)],... compiled following
opt: whether to optimized CNOT H CNOT --> Rz Rz CNOT Rz
lto = []
lfrom = []
if isinstance(indices,tuple) and not hasattr(indices[0],"__len__"):
indices = [(indices[2 * i], indices[2 * i + 1]) for i in range(len(indices) // 2)]
for pair in indices:
Upair = QCircuit()
if isinstance(angle, str) or isinstance(angle, tuple):
angle = Variable(angle)
for i in range(len(lfrom) - 1):
Upair += gates.CNOT(lfrom[i + 1], lfrom[i])
Upair += gates.CNOT(lto[i + 1], lto[i])
Upair += gates.X(lto[i]) + gates.X(lfrom[i])
Upair += gates.CNOT(lto[-1], lfrom[-1])
crt = lfrom[::-1] + lto
Uladder = QCircuit()
pairs = lfrom + lto
orbs = []
for o in range(len(pairs) // 2):
orbs += [*range(pairs[2 * o] + 1, pairs[2 * o + 1])]
if len(orbs):
for o in range(len(orbs) - 1):
Uladder += gates.CNOT(orbs[o], orbs[o + 1])
Uladder += compile_circuit(gates.CZ(orbs[-1], lto[-1]))
if control is not None and (isinstance(control, int) or len(control) == 1):
if isinstance(control, int):
crt = crt + control
control = []
Ur = self.cCRy(target=lto[-1], dcontrol=crt, angle=angle, control=control)
Upair2 = Upair.dagger()
if opt:
Ur += gates.Rz(numpy.pi / 2, target=lto[-1]) + gates.Rz(-numpy.pi / 2, target=lfrom[-1])
Ur += gates.CNOT(lto[-1], lfrom[-1]) + gates.Rz(numpy.pi / 2, target=lfrom[-1]) + gates.H(lfrom[-1])
return Upair + Uladder + Ur + Uladder.dagger() + Upair2
def __str(self):
if self.indices is not None:
return "FermionicExcitation({})".format(str(self.indices))
return "FermionicExcitation"
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
def is_convertable_to_qubit_excitation(self):
spin-paired double excitations (both electrons occupy the same spatial orbital and are excited to another spatial orbital)
in the jordan-wigner representation are identical to 4-qubit excitations which can be compiled more efficient
this function hels to automatically detect those cases
return False
if not self.transformation.lower().strip("_") == "jordanwigner": return False
if not len(self.indices) == 2: return False
if not self.indices[0][0] // 2 == self.indices[1][0] // 2: return False
if not self.indices[0][1] // 2 == self.indices[1][1] // 2: return False
return True
def prepare_product_state(state: BitString) -> QCircuit:
"""Small convenience function
state :
product state encoded into a bitstring
state: BitString :
unitary circuit which prepares the product state
result = QCircuit()
for i, v in enumerate(state.array):
if v == 1:
result += gates.X(target=i)
return result
class ParametersQC:
"""Specialization of ParametersHamiltonian"""
basis_set: str = None # Quantum chemistry basis set
geometry: str = None # geometry of the underlying molecule (units: Angstrom!),
# this can be a filename leading to an .xyz file or the geometry given as a string
description: str = ""
multiplicity: int = 1
charge: int = 0
name: str = None
frozen_core: bool = True
def get_number_of_core_electrons(self):
result = 0
for atom in self.get_atoms():
if n>2:
result += 2
if n>10:
result += 8
if n>18:
result += 18
if n>36:
result += 36
if n>45:
result += 54
if n>86:
result += 86
return result
def n_electrons(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.get_nuc_charge() - self.charge
def get_nuc_charge(self):
return sum(self.get_atom_number(name=atom) for atom in self.get_atoms())
def get_atom_number(self, name):
atom_numbers = {"h": 1, "he": 2, "li": 3, "be": 4, "b": 5, "c": 6, "n": 7, "o": 8, "f": 9, "ne": 10, "na": 11,
"mg": 12, "al": 13, "si": 14, "ph": 15, "s": 16, "cl": 17, "ar": 18}
if name.lower() in atom_numbers:
return atom_numbers[name.lower()]
import periodictable as pt
atom = list(name.lower())
atom[0] = atom[0].upper()
atom = ''.join(atom)
element = pt.elements.symbol(atom)
return element.number
raise TequilaException(
"can not assign atomic number to element {}\npip install periodictable will fix it".format(atom))
def get_atoms(self):
return [x[0] for x in self.get_geometry()]
def __post_init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if is None and self.geometry is None:
raise TequilaException(
"no geometry or name given to molecule\nprovide or geometry=`h 0.0 0.0 0.0\\n...`\nor name=whatever with file being present")
# auto naming
if is None:
if ".xyz" in self.geometry: = self.geometry.split(".xyz")[0]
if self.description is None:
coord, description = self.read_xyz_from_file()
self.description = description
atoms = self.get_atoms()
atom_names = sorted(list(set(atoms)), key=lambda x: self.get_atom_number(x), reverse=True)
if is None:
drop_ones = lambda x: "" if x == 1 else x = "".join(["{}{}".format(x, drop_ones(atoms.count(x))) for x in atom_names]) =
if self.geometry is None:
self.geometry = + ".xyz"
if ".xyz" in self.geometry and not os.path.isfile(self.geometry):
raise TequilaException("could not find file for molecular coordinates {}".format(self.geometry))
def filename(self):
""" """
return "{}_{}".format(, self.basis_set)
def molecular_data_param(self) -> dict:
""":return: Give back all parameters for the MolecularData format from openfermion as dictionary"""
return {'basis': self.basis_set, 'geometry': self.get_geometry(), 'description': self.description,
'charge': self.charge, 'multiplicity': self.multiplicity, 'filename': self.filename
def convert_to_list(geometry):
"""Convert a molecular structure given as a string into a list suitable for openfermion
geometry :
a string specifying a mol. structure. E.g. geometry="h 0.0 0.0 0.0\n h 0.0 0.0 1.0"
A list with the correct format for openfermion E.g return [ ['h',[0.0,0.0,0.0], [..]]
result = []
# Remove blank lines
lines = [l for l in geometry.split("\n") if l]
for line in lines:
words = line.split()
# Pad coordinates
if len(words) < 4:
words += [0.0] * (4 - len(words))
tmp = (ParametersQC.format_element_name(words[0]),
(float(words[1]), float(words[2]), float(words[3])))
except ValueError:
print("get_geometry list unknown line:\n ", line, "\n proceed with caution!")
return result
def get_geometry_string(self) -> str:
"""returns the geometry as a string
:return: geometry string
if self.geometry.split('.')[-1] == 'xyz':
geomstring, comment = self.read_xyz_from_file(self.geometry)
if comment is not None:
self.description = comment
return geomstring
return self.geometry
def get_geometry(self):
"""Returns the geometry
If a xyz filename was given the file is read out
otherwise it is assumed that the geometry was given as string
which is then reformatted as a list usable as input for openfermion
:return: geometry as list
e.g. [(h,(0.0,0.0,0.35)),(h,(0.0,0.0,-0.35))]
Units: Angstrom!
if self.geometry.split('.')[-1] == 'xyz':
geomstring, comment = self.read_xyz_from_file(self.geometry)
if self.description == '':
self.description = comment
return self.convert_to_list(geomstring)
elif self.geometry is not None:
return self.convert_to_list(self.geometry)
raise Exception("Parameters.qc.geometry is None")
def read_xyz_from_file(filename):
"""Read XYZ filetype for molecular structures
Units: Angstrom!
filename :
with open(filename, 'r') as file:
content = file.readlines()
natoms = int(content[0])
comment = str(content[1]).strip('\n')
coord = ''
for i in range(natoms):
coord += content[2 + i]
return coord, comment
class ClosedShellAmplitudes:
Helper Class for clasical amplitudes
used internally
tIjAb: numpy.ndarray = None
tIA: numpy.ndarray = None
def make_parameter_dictionary(self, threshold=1.e-8, screening=True):
threshold :
(Default value = 1.e-8)
variables = {}
if self.tIjAb is not None:
nvirt = self.tIjAb.shape[2]
nocc = self.tIjAb.shape[0]
assert (self.tIjAb.shape[1] == nocc and self.tIjAb.shape[3] == nvirt)
for (I, J, A, B), value in numpy.ndenumerate(self.tIjAb):
if not numpy.isclose(value, 0.0, atol=threshold) or not screening:
variables[(nocc + A, I, nocc + B, J)] = value
if self.tIA is not None:
nocc = self.tIA.shape[0]
for (I, A), value, in numpy.ndenumerate(self.tIA):
if not numpy.isclose(value, 0.0, atol=threshold) or not screening:
variables[(A + nocc, I)] = value
return dict(sorted(variables.items(), key=lambda x: numpy.abs(x[1]), reverse=True))
class Amplitudes:
Helper class for classical Coupled-Cluster Amplitudes
We adopt the Psi4 notation for consistency
I,A for alpha
i,a for beta
def from_closed_shell(cls, cs: ClosedShellAmplitudes):
Initialize from closed-shell Amplitude structure
cs: ClosedShellAmplitudes :
tijab = cs.tIjAb - numpy.einsum("ijab -> ijba", cs.tIjAb, optimize='greedy')
return cls(tIjAb=cs.tIjAb, tIA=cs.tIA, tiJaB=cs.tIjAb, tia=cs.tIA, tijab=tijab, tIJAB=tijab)
tIjAb: numpy.ndarray = None
tIA: numpy.ndarray = None
tiJaB: numpy.ndarray = None
tijab: numpy.ndarray = None
tIJAB: numpy.ndarray = None
tia: numpy.ndarray = None
def make_parameter_dictionary(self, threshold=1.e-8):
threshold :
(Default value = 1.e-8)
Neglect amplitudes below the threshold
Dictionary of tequila variables (hash is in the style of (a,i,b,j))
variables = {}
if self.tIjAb is not None:
nvirt = self.tIjAb.shape[2]
nocc = self.tIjAb.shape[0]
assert (self.tIjAb.shape[1] == nocc and self.tIjAb.shape[3] == nvirt)
for (I, j, A, b), value in numpy.ndenumerate(self.tIjAb):
if not numpy.isclose(value, 0.0, atol=threshold):
variables[(2 * (nocc + A), 2 * I, 2 * (nocc + b) + 1, j + 1)] = value
for (i, J, a, B), value in numpy.ndenumerate(self.tiJaB):
if not numpy.isclose(value, 0.0, atol=threshold):
variables[(2 * (nocc + a) + 1, 2 * i + 1, 2 * (nocc + B), J)] = value
for (i, j, a, b), value in numpy.ndenumerate(self.tijab):
if not numpy.isclose(value, 0.0, atol=threshold):
variables[(2 * (nocc + a) + 1, 2 * i + 1, 2 * (nocc + b) + 1, j + 1)] = value
for (I, J, A, B), value in numpy.ndenumerate(self.tijab):
if not numpy.isclose(value, 0.0, atol=threshold):
variables[(2 * (nocc + A), 2 * I, 2 * (nocc + B), J)] = value
if self.tIA is not None:
nocc = self.tIjAb.shape[0]
assert (self.tia.shape[0] == nocc)
for (I, A), value, in numpy.ndenumerate(self.tIA):
if not numpy.isclose(value, 0.0, atol=threshold):
variables[(2 * (A + nocc), 2 * I)] = value
for (i, a), value, in numpy.ndenumerate(self.tIA):
if not numpy.isclose(value, 0.0, atol=threshold):
variables[(2 * (a + nocc) + 1, 2 * i + 1)] = value
return variables
class NBodyTensor:
""" Convenience class for handling N-body tensors """
class Ordering:
Convenience to keep track of aliases in odering names for two body integrals
i.e. Mulliken/Chem/1122
def __init__(self, scheme):
if hasattr(scheme, "_scheme"):
scheme = scheme._scheme
elif hasattr(scheme, "scheme"):
scheme = scheme.scheme
self._scheme = self.assign_scheme(scheme)
def assign_scheme(self, scheme):
if scheme is None:
return "chem"
scheme = str(scheme)
if scheme.lower() in ["mulliken", "chem", "c", "1122"]:
return "chem"
elif scheme.lower() in ["dirac", "phys", "p", "1212"]:
return "phys"
elif scheme.lower() in ["openfermion", "of", "o", "1221"]:
return "of"
raise TequilaException(
"Unknown two-body tensor scheme {}. Supported are dirac, mulliken, and openfermion".format(scheme))
def is_phys(self):
return self._scheme == "phys"
def is_chem(self):
return self._scheme == "chem"
def is_of(self):
return self._scheme == "of"
def __str__(self):
return self._scheme
def identify_ordering(self, trials=25):
if len(self.shape) != 4:
return None
if self._verify_ordering_mulliken(trials=trials):
if self._verify_ordering_dirac(trials=trials):
if self._verify_ordering_of(trials=trials):
uniqueness = (chem,phys,of)
if not uniqueness.count(False) == 2 and trials<100:
return self.identify_ordering(trials=trials*2)
if chem: return self.Ordering(scheme="chem")
elif phys: return self.Ordering(scheme="phys")
elif of: return self.Ordering(scheme="openfermion")
raise Exception("NBTensor ordering could not be identified")
def _verify_ordering_dirac(self, trials=100):
if len(self.shape) != 4:
return False
# dirac ordering: ijkl = <ij|kl> i.e 1212
# check for two_body symetries: <ij|kl> = <kj|il> , <il|kj>
elems = self.elems
n = self.shape[0]
for _ in range(trials):
idx = numpy.random.randint(0,n,4)
test1 = numpy.isclose(elems[idx[0],idx[1],idx[2],idx[3]],elems[idx[2],idx[1],idx[0],idx[3]], atol=1.e-4)
test2 = numpy.isclose(elems[idx[0],idx[1],idx[2],idx[3]],elems[idx[0],idx[3],idx[2],idx[1]], atol=1.e-4)
test3 = numpy.isclose(elems[idx[0],idx[1],idx[2],idx[3]],elems[idx[2],idx[3],idx[0],idx[1]], atol=1.e-4)
if not (test1 and test2 and test3):
return False
return True
def _verify_ordering_mulliken(self, trials=100):
if len(self.shape) != 4:
return False
# mulliken ordering: ijkl = (ij|kl) i.e 1122
elems = self.elems
n = self.shape[0]
for _ in range(trials):
idx = numpy.random.randint(0,n,4)
test1 = numpy.isclose(elems[idx[0],idx[1],idx[2],idx[3]],elems[idx[1],idx[0],idx[2],idx[3]], atol=1.e-4)
test2 = numpy.isclose(elems[idx[0],idx[1],idx[2],idx[3]],elems[idx[0],idx[1],idx[3],idx[2]], atol=1.e-4)
test3 = numpy.isclose(elems[idx[0],idx[1],idx[2],idx[3]],elems[idx[1],idx[0],idx[3],idx[2]], atol=1.e-4)
if not (test1 and test2 and test3):
return False
return True
def _verify_ordering_of(self, trials=100):
if len(self.shape) != 4:
return False
# openfermion ordering: ijkl = [ij|kl] i.e 1221
elems = self.elems
n = self.shape[0]
for _ in range(trials):
idx = numpy.random.randint(0,n,4)
test1 = numpy.isclose(elems[idx[0],idx[1],idx[2],idx[3]],elems[idx[3],idx[1],idx[2],idx[0]], atol=1.e-4)
test2 = numpy.isclose(elems[idx[0],idx[1],idx[2],idx[3]],elems[idx[0],idx[2],idx[1],idx[3]], atol=1.e-4)
test3 = numpy.isclose(elems[idx[0],idx[1],idx[2],idx[3]],elems[idx[3],idx[2],idx[1],idx[0]], atol=1.e-4)
if not (test1 and test2 and test3):
return False
return True
def __init__(self, elems: numpy.ndarray = None, active_indices: list = None, ordering: str = None,
size_full: int = None, verify=False):
elems: Tensor data as numpy array
active_indices: List of active indices in total ordering
ordering: Ordering scheme for two body tensors
"dirac" or "phys": <12|g|12>
.. math::
g_{pqrs} = \\int d1 d2 p(1)q(2) g(1,2) r(1)s(2)
"mulliken" or "chem": (11|g|22)
.. math::
g_{pqrs} = \\int d1 d2 p(1)r(2) g(1,2) q(1)s(2)
.. math:: [12|g|21]
g_{gqprs} = \\int d1 d2 p(1)q(2) g(1,2) s(1)r(2)
# Set elements
self.elems = elems
# Active indices only as list of indices (e.g. spatial orbital indices), not as a dictionary of irreducible
# representations
if active_indices is not None:
self.active_indices = active_indices
self._passive_indices = None
self._full_indices = None
self._indices_set: bool = False
# Determine order of tensor
# Assume, that tensor is entered in desired shape, not as flat array.
self.order = len(self.elems.shape)
# Can use size_full < self.elems.shape[0] -> 'full' space is to be considered a subspace as well
if size_full is None:
self._size_full = self.elems.shape[0]
self._size_full = size_full
# 2-body tensors (<=> order 4) currently allow reordering
if self.order == 4:
if ordering is None:
ordering = self.identify_ordering()
elif verify:
try: # some RDMs are really sloppy (depends on backend)
if auto_ordering is not ordering:
warnings.warn("Auto identified ordering of NBTensor does not match given ordering: {} vs {}".format(auto_ordering, ordering))
except Exception as E:
warnings.warn("could not verify odering {}".format(ordering))
self.ordering = self.Ordering(ordering)
if ordering is not None:
raise Exception("Ordering only implemented for tensors of order 4 / 2-body tensors.")
self.ordering = None
def shape(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.elems.shape
def sub_lists(self, idx_lists: list = None) -> numpy.ndarray:
Get subspace of tensor by a set of index lists
according to hPQ.sub_lists(idx_lists=[p, q]) = [hPQ for P in p and Q in q]
This essentially is an implementation of a non-contiguous slicing using numpy.take
idx_lists :
List of lists, each defining the desired subspace per axis
Size needs to match order of tensor, and lists successively correspond to axis=0,1,2,...,N
out :
Sliced tensor as numpy.ndarray
# Check if index list has correct size
if len(idx_lists) != self.order:
raise Exception("Need to pass an index list for each dimension!" +
" Length of idx_lists needs to match order of tensor.")
# Perform slicing via numpy.take
out = self.elems
for ax in range(self.order):
if idx_lists[ax] is not None: # None means, we want the full space in this direction
out = numpy.take(out, idx_lists[ax], axis=ax)
return out
def set_index_lists(self):
""" Set passive and full index lists based on class inputs """
tmp_size = self._size_full
if self._size_full is None:
tmp_size = self.elems.shape[0]
self._passive_indices = [i for i in range(tmp_size)
if i not in self.active_indices]
self._full_indices = [i for i in range(tmp_size)]
def sub_str(self, name: str) -> numpy.ndarray:
Get subspace of tensor by a string
Currently is able to resolve an active space, named 'a', full space 'f', and the complement 'p' = 'f' - 'a'.
Full space in this context may also be smaller than actual tensor dimension.
The specification of active space in this context only allows to pick a set from a list of orbitals, and
is not able to resolve an active space from irreducible representations.
Example for one-body tensor:
hPQ.sub_lists(name='ap') = [hPQ for P in active_indices and Q in _passive_indices]
name :
String specifying the desired subspace, elements need to be a (active), f (full), p (full - active)
out :
Sliced tensor as numpy.ndarray
if not self._indices_set:
self._indices_set = True
if name is None:
raise Exception("No name specified.")
if len(name) != self.order:
raise Exception("Name does not match order of the tensor.")
if self.active_indices is None:
raise Exception("Need to set an active space in order to call this function.")
idx_lists = []
# Parse name as string of space indices
for char in name:
if char.lower() == 'a':
elif char.lower() == 'p':
elif char.lower() == 'f':
if self._size_full is None:
raise Exception("Need to specify a valid letter (a,p,f).")
out = self.sub_lists(idx_lists)
return out
def reorder(self, to: str = 'of'):
Function to reorder tensors according to some convention.
to :
Ordering scheme of choice.
'openfermion', 'of' (default) :
openfermion - ordering, corresponds to integrals of the type
h^pq_rs = int p(1)* q(2)* O(1,2) r(2) s(1) (O(1,2)
with operators a^pq_rs = a^p a^q a_r a_s (a^p == a^dagger_p)
currently needed for dependencies on openfermion-library
'chem', 'c' :
quantum chemistry ordering, collect particle terms,
more convenient for real-space methods
h^pq_rs = int p(1) q(1) O(1,2) r(2) s(2)
This is output by psi4
'phys', 'p' :
typical physics ordering, integrals of type
h^pq_rs = int p(1)* q(2)* O(1,2) r(1) s(2)
with operators a^pq_rs = a^p a^q a_s a_r
if self.order != 4:
warnings.warn('Reordering currently only implemented for two-body tensors.')
return self
to = self.Ordering(scheme=to)
if self.ordering == to:
return self
elif self.ordering.is_chem():
if to.is_of():
self.elems = numpy.einsum("psqr -> pqrs", self.elems, optimize='greedy')
elif to.is_phys():
self.elems = numpy.einsum("prqs -> pqrs", self.elems, optimize='greedy')
elif self.ordering.is_of():
if to.is_chem():
self.elems = numpy.einsum("pqrs -> psqr", self.elems, optimize='greedy')
elif to.is_phys():
self.elems = numpy.einsum("pqrs -> pqsr", self.elems, optimize='greedy')
elif self.ordering.is_phys():
if to.is_chem():
self.elems = numpy.einsum("pqrs -> prqs", self.elems, optimize='greedy')
elif to.is_of():
self.elems = numpy.einsum("pqsr -> pqrs", self.elems, optimize='greedy')
return self
class OrbitalData:
irrep: str = None # irrep of symmetry group (if assigned)
idx_irrep: int = None # index within the irrep
idx_total: int = None # index within the total set of orbitals
idx: int = None # index within the active space
energy: float = None # energy assigned to orbital
occ: float = None # occupation number assigned to orbital
pair: tuple = None # potential electron pair that the orbital is assigned to
def __post_init__(self):
# backward compatibility
if self.pair is not None and len(self.pair) == 1:
self.pair = (self.pair[0], self.pair[0])
self.occ = 2.0 # mark as reference
def __str__(self):
return "{"+"{}".format("".join(["{}:{}, ".format(k,v) for k,v in self.__dict__.items() if v is not None])).rstrip().rstrip(",")+"}"
class IntegralManager:
Manage Basis Integrals of Quantum Chemistry
All integrals are held in their original basis, the corresponding mo-coefficients have to be passed down
and are usually held by the QuantumChemistryBaseClass
_overlap_integrals: numpy.ndarray = None
_one_body_integrals: numpy.ndarray = None
_two_body_integrals: NBodyTensor = None
_constant_term: float = None
_basis_name: str = "unknown"
_orbital_type: str = "unknown" # e.g. "HF", "PNO", "native"
_orbital_coefficients: numpy.ndarray = None
_active_space: ActiveSpaceData = None
_orbitals: typing.List[OrbitalData] = None
def __init__(self, one_body_integrals, two_body_integrals,
basis_name="unknown", orbital_type="unknown",
constant_term=0.0, orbital_coefficients=None, active_space=None, overlap_integrals=None, orbitals=None, *args, **kwargs):
self._one_body_integrals = one_body_integrals
self._two_body_integrals = two_body_integrals
self._constant_term = constant_term
self._basis_name = basis_name
self._orbital_type = orbital_type
assert len(self._one_body_integrals.shape) == 2
assert len(self._two_body_integrals.shape) == 4
two_body_integrals = two_body_integrals.reorder(to="chem")
except Exception as E:
raise TequilaException(
"{}\ntwo_body_integrals given in wrong format. Needs to be a tq.chemistry.NBodyTensor in chem ordering.\n{} with ordering={}".format(
str(E), str(type(two_body_integrals)), str(two_body_integrals.ordering)))
for i in range(4):
assert self._one_body_integrals.shape[0] == self._two_body_integrals.elems.shape[i]
assert self._one_body_integrals.shape[0] == self._one_body_integrals.shape[1]
if overlap_integrals is None:
overlap_integrals = numpy.eye(one_body_integrals.shape[0])
self._overlap_integrals = overlap_integrals
assert self._overlap_integrals.shape == self._one_body_integrals.shape
if orbital_coefficients is None:
# default are symmetrically orthogonalized orbitals in the given basis
orbital_coefficients = self.get_orthonormalized_orbital_coefficients()
self._orbital_coefficients = orbital_coefficients
if orbitals is None:
orbitals = [OrbitalData(idx_total=i, idx=i) for i in range(one_body_integrals.shape[0])]
self._orbitals = orbitals
self.active_space = active_space
def get_orthonormalized_orbital_coefficients(self):
Computes orbitals in this basis that are orthonormal (through loewdin orthonormalization)
coefficient matrix of orthonormalized orbitals
if self.basis_is_orthogonal():
return numpy.eye(self._one_body_integrals.shape[0])
S = self._overlap_integrals
sv, U = numpy.linalg.eigh(S)
s = numpy.diag(numpy.asarray([1.0 / numpy.sqrt(x) for x in sv]))
C =
return C
def active_orbitals(self):
return [self._orbitals[i] for i in self._active_space.active_orbitals]
def orbitals(self):
return self._orbitals
def active_space(self):
return self._active_space
def active_space(self, other):
self._active_space = other
for x in self._orbitals:
x.idx = None
for ii,i in enumerate(other.active_orbitals):
self._orbitals[i].idx = ii
def reference_orbitals(self):
return [self._orbitals[i] for i in self.active_space.reference_orbitals]
def active_reference_orbitals(self):
return [self._orbitals[i] for i in self.active_space.active_orbitals if i in self.active_space.reference_orbitals]
def overlap_integrals(self):
Overlap integrals in given basis (using basis functions, not molecular orbitals. No active space considered)
return self._overlap_integrals
def one_body_integrals(self):
one_body integrals in given basis (using basis functions, not molecular orbitals. No active space considered)
return self._one_body_integrals
def two_body_integrals(self):
two-body orbitals in given basis (using basis functions, not molecular orbitals. No active space considered)
ordering is "chem" i.e. Mulliken i.e. integrals_{abcd} = <ac|g|bd>
return self._two_body_integrals
def constant_term(self):
return constant term (usually nuclear repulsion). No active space considered
return self._constant_term
def orbital_coefficients(self):
second index is the orbital index, first the basis index
orbital coefficient matrix C_{basis,orbital}
return self._orbital_coefficients
def orbital_coefficients(self, other):
self._orbital_coefficients = other
for i,x in enumerate(self._orbitals):
y = OrbitalData(idx=x.idx, idx_total=x.idx_total)
self._orbitals[i] = y
def is_unitary(self, U):
if len(U.shape) != 2: return False
if U.shape[0] != U.shape[1]: return False
test = (U.conj().T).dot(U) - numpy.eye(U.shape[0])
if not numpy.isclose(numpy.linalg.norm(test), 0.0): return False
return True
def get_integrals(self, orbital_coefficients=None, ordering="openfermion", ignore_active_space=False, *args, **kwargs):
Get all molecular integrals in given orbital basis (determined by orbital_coefficients in self or the ones passed here)
active space is considered if not explicitly ignored
orbital_coefficients: orbital coefficients in the given basis (first index is basis, second index is orbitals). Need to go over full basis (no active space)
ordering: ordering of the two-body integrals (default is openfermion)
ignore_active_space: ignore active space and give back full integrals
if orbital_coefficients is None:
orbital_coefficients = self.orbital_coefficients
c = self.constant_term
h = self._get_transformed_one_body_integrals(orbital_coefficients=orbital_coefficients)
g = self._get_transformed_two_body_integrals(orbital_coefficients=orbital_coefficients, ordering=ordering)
if not ignore_active_space and self._active_space is not None:
g = g.reorder(to="openfermion").elems
active_integrals = get_active_space_integrals(one_body_integrals=h, two_body_integrals=g,
c = active_integrals[0] + c
h = active_integrals[1]
g = NBodyTensor(elems=active_integrals[2], ordering="openfermion")
return c, h, g
def _get_transformed_one_body_integrals(self, orbital_coefficients=None, verify=True):
if orbital_coefficients is None:
orbital_coefficients = self.orbital_coefficients
elif verify:
assert self.verify_orbital_coefficients(orbital_coefficients=orbital_coefficients)
h = self.one_body_integrals
h = numpy.einsum("ix, xj -> ij", h, orbital_coefficients, optimize='greedy')
h = numpy.einsum("xj, xi -> ij", h, orbital_coefficients, optimize='greedy')
return h
def _get_transformed_two_body_integrals(self, orbital_coefficients=None, ordering="openfermion", verify=True):
if orbital_coefficients is None:
orbital_coefficients = self.orbital_coefficients
elif verify:
assert self.verify_orbital_coefficients(orbital_coefficients=orbital_coefficients)
g = self.two_body_integrals
g = g.reorder("chem").elems
g = numpy.einsum("ijkx, xl -> ijkl", g, orbital_coefficients, optimize='greedy')
g = numpy.einsum("ijxl, xk -> ijkl", g, orbital_coefficients, optimize='greedy')
g = numpy.einsum("ixkl, xj -> ijkl", g, orbital_coefficients, optimize='greedy')
g = numpy.einsum("xjkl, xi -> ijkl", g, orbital_coefficients, optimize='greedy')
g = NBodyTensor(elems=numpy.asarray(g), ordering='chem')
g = g.reorder(to=ordering)
return g
def verify_orbital_coefficients(self, orbital_coefficients, tolerance=1.e-5):
Verify if orbital coefficients are valid (i.e. if they define a orthonormal set of orbitals)
orbital_coefficients: the orbital coefficients C_ij with i:basis and j:orbitals
True or False depending if the overlap matrix of the basis is transformed to a unit matrix
S = self.overlap_integrals
St = numpy.einsum("ix, xj -> ij", S, orbital_coefficients, optimize='greedy')
St = numpy.einsum("xj, xi -> ij", St, orbital_coefficients, optimize='greedy')
return numpy.linalg.norm(St - numpy.eye(S.shape[0])) < tolerance
def basis_is_orthogonal(self, tolerance=1.e-5):
S = self.overlap_integrals
return numpy.linalg.norm(S - numpy.eye(S.shape[0])) < tolerance
def active_space_is_trivial(self):
return len(self.active_orbitals) == len(self.orbitals)
def __str__(self):
result = "\nIntegralManager:\n"
result+= "ActiveSpace:\n"
result+= str(self.active_space)
result+= "Orbitals:\n"
for x in self.orbitals:
result += str(x) + "\n"
return result
def print_basis_info(self, print_coefficients=True, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
print("{:15} : {}".format("basis_name", self._basis_name), *args, **kwargs)
print("{:15} : {}".format("orbital_type", self._orbital_type), *args, **kwargs)
print("{:15} : {}".format("orthogonal basis", self.basis_is_orthogonal()), *args, **kwargs)
print("{:15} : {}".format("basis functions", self.one_body_integrals.shape[0]), *args, **kwargs)
print("{:15} : {}".format("active orbitals", [o.idx_total for o in self.active_orbitals]), *args, **kwargs)
print("{:15} : {}".format("reference", [x.idx_total for x in self.reference_orbitals]), *args, **kwargs)
if not print_coefficients: return
print("Current Orbitals", *args, **kwargs)
for i,x in enumerate(self.orbitals):
print(x, *args, **kwargs)
print("coefficients: ", self.orbital_coefficients[:,i], *args, **kwargs)