Source code for tequila_code.optimizers.optimizer_scipy

import scipy, numpy, typing, numbers
from tequila.objective import Objective
from tequila.objective.objective import assign_variable, Variable, format_variable_dictionary, format_variable_list
from .optimizer_base import Optimizer, OptimizerResults
from ._containers import _EvalContainer, _GradContainer, _HessContainer, _QngContainer
from tequila.utils.exceptions import TequilaException
from tequila.circuit.noise import NoiseModel
from import get_qng_combos

from dataclasses import dataclass

[docs] class TequilaScipyException(TequilaException): """ """ pass
[docs] @dataclass class SciPyResults(OptimizerResults): scipy_result: scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult = None
[docs] class OptimizerSciPy(Optimizer): """ Class wrapping over the scipy optimizer for use by Tequila. Attributes ---------- method: The scipy optimization method passed as string. tol: See scipy documentation for the method you picked method_options: See scipy documentation for the method you picked method_bounds: See scipy documentation for the method you picked method_constraints: See scipy documentation for the method you picked silent: if False, the optimizer prints out all evaluated energies """ gradient_free_methods = ['NELDER-MEAD', 'COBYLA', 'POWELL', 'SLSQP'] gradient_based_methods = ['L-BFGS-B', 'BFGS', 'CG', 'TNC'] hessian_based_methods = ["TRUST-KRYLOV", "NEWTON-CG", "DOGLEG", "TRUST-NCG", "TRUST-EXACT", "TRUST-CONSTR"]
[docs] @classmethod def available_methods(cls): """:return: All tested available methods""" return cls.gradient_free_methods + cls.gradient_based_methods + cls.hessian_based_methods
def __init__(self, method: str = "L-BFGS-B", tol: numbers.Real = None, method_options=None, method_bounds=None, method_constraints=None, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- method: str: Default = 'L-BFGS-B': The scipy optimization method passed as string. tol: float, optional: See scipy documentation for the method you picked method_options: optional: See scipy documentation for the method you picked method_bounds: optional: See scipy documentation for the method you picked method_constraints: optional: See scipy documentation for the method you picked silent: bool: if False the optimizer prints out all evaluated energies """ super().__init__(**kwargs) if hasattr(method, "upper"): self.method = method.upper() else: self.method = method self.tol = tol self.method_options = method_options if method_bounds is not None: method_bounds = {assign_variable(k): v for k, v in method_bounds.items()} self.method_bounds = method_bounds if method_options is None: self.method_options = {'maxiter': self.maxiter} else: self.method_options = method_options if 'maxiter' not in method_options: self.method_options['maxiter'] = self.maxiter self.method_options['disp'] = self.print_level > 0 if method_constraints is None: self.method_constraints = () else: self.method_constraints = method_constraints def __call__(self, objective: Objective, variables: typing.List[Variable] = None, initial_values: typing.Dict[Variable, numbers.Real] = None, gradient: typing.Dict[Variable, Objective] = None, hessian: typing.Dict[typing.Tuple[Variable, Variable], Objective] = None, reset_history: bool = True, *args, **kwargs) -> SciPyResults: """ Perform optimization using scipy optimizers. Parameters ---------- objective: Objective: the objective to optimize. variables: list, optional: the variables of objective to optimize. If None: optimize all. initial_values: dict, optional: a starting point from which to begin optimization. Will be generated if None. gradient: optional: Information or object used to calculate the gradient of objective. Defaults to None: get analytically. hessian: optional: Information or object used to calculate the hessian of objective. Defaults to None: get analytically. reset_history: bool: Default = True: whether or not to reset all history before optimizing. args kwargs Returns ------- ScipyReturnType: the results of optimization. """ objective = objective.contract() infostring = "{:15} : {}\n".format("Method", self.method) infostring += "{:15} : {} expectationvalues\n".format("Objective", objective.count_expectationvalues()) if gradient is not None: infostring += "{:15} : {}\n".format("grad instr", gradient) if hessian is not None: infostring += "{:15} : {}\n".format("hess_instr", hessian) if self.save_history and reset_history: self.reset_history() active_angles, passive_angles, variables = self.initialize_variables(objective, initial_values, variables) # Transform the initial value directory into (ordered) arrays param_keys, param_values = zip(*active_angles.items()) param_values = numpy.array(param_values) # process and initialize scipy bounds bounds = None if self.method_bounds is not None: bounds = {k: None for k in active_angles} for k, v in self.method_bounds.items(): if k in bounds: bounds[k] = v infostring += "{:15} : {}\n".format("bounds", self.method_bounds) names, bounds = zip(*bounds.items()) assert (names == param_keys) # make sure the bounds are not shuffled # do the compilation here to avoid costly recompilation during the optimization compiled_objective = self.compile_objective(objective=objective, *args, **kwargs) E = _EvalContainer(objective=compiled_objective, param_keys=param_keys, samples=self.samples, passive_angles=passive_angles, save_history=self.save_history, print_level=self.print_level) compile_gradient = self.method in (self.gradient_based_methods + self.hessian_based_methods) compile_hessian = self.method in self.hessian_based_methods dE = None ddE = None # detect if numerical gradients shall be used # switch off compiling if so if isinstance(gradient, str): if gradient.lower() == 'qng': compile_gradient = False if compile_hessian: raise TequilaException('Sorry, QNG and hessian not yet tested together.') combos = get_qng_combos(objective, initial_values=initial_values, backend=self.backend, samples=self.samples, noise=self.noise) dE = _QngContainer(combos=combos, param_keys=param_keys, passive_angles=passive_angles) infostring += "{:15} : QNG {}\n".format("gradient", dE) else: dE = gradient compile_gradient = False if compile_hessian: compile_hessian = False if hessian is None: hessian = gradient infostring += "{:15} : scipy numerical {}\n".format("gradient", dE) infostring += "{:15} : scipy numerical {}\n".format("hessian", ddE) if isinstance(gradient,dict) and "method" in gradient: if gradient['method'] == 'qng': func = gradient['function'] compile_gradient = False if compile_hessian: raise TequilaException('Sorry, QNG and hessian not yet tested together.') combos = get_qng_combos(objective,func=func, initial_values=initial_values, backend=self.backend, samples=self.samples, noise=self.noise) dE = _QngContainer(combos=combos, param_keys=param_keys, passive_angles=passive_angles) infostring += "{:15} : QNG {}\n".format("gradient", dE) if isinstance(hessian, str): ddE = hessian compile_hessian = False if compile_gradient: grad_obj, comp_grad_obj = self.compile_gradient(objective=objective, variables=variables, gradient=gradient, *args, **kwargs) expvals = sum([o.count_expectationvalues() for o in comp_grad_obj.values()]) infostring += "{:15} : {} expectationvalues\n".format("gradient", expvals) dE = _GradContainer(objective=comp_grad_obj, param_keys=param_keys, samples=self.samples, passive_angles=passive_angles, save_history=self.save_history, print_level=self.print_level) if compile_hessian: hess_obj, comp_hess_obj = self.compile_hessian(variables=variables, hessian=hessian, grad_obj=grad_obj, comp_grad_obj=comp_grad_obj, *args, **kwargs) expvals = sum([o.count_expectationvalues() for o in comp_hess_obj.values()]) infostring += "{:15} : {} expectationvalues\n".format("hessian", expvals) ddE = _HessContainer(objective=comp_hess_obj, param_keys=param_keys, samples=self.samples, passive_angles=passive_angles, save_history=self.save_history, print_level=self.print_level) if self.print_level > 0: print(self) print(infostring) print("{:15} : {}\n".format("active variables", len(active_angles))) Es = [] optimizer_instance = self class SciPyCallback: energies = [] gradients = [] hessians = [] angles = [] real_iterations = 0 def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.energies.append(E.history[-1]) self.angles.append(E.history_angles[-1]) if dE is not None and not isinstance(dE, str): self.gradients.append(dE.history[-1]) if ddE is not None and not isinstance(ddE, str): self.hessians.append(ddE.history[-1]) self.real_iterations += 1 if 'callback' in optimizer_instance.kwargs: optimizer_instance.kwargs['callback'](E.history_angles[-1]) callback = SciPyCallback() res = scipy.optimize.minimize(E, x0=param_values, jac=dE, hess=ddE, args=(Es,), method=self.method, tol=self.tol, bounds=bounds, constraints=self.method_constraints, options=self.method_options, callback=callback) # failsafe since callback is not implemented everywhere if callback.real_iterations == 0: real_iterations = range(len(E.history)) if self.save_history: self.history.energies = callback.energies self.history.energy_calls = E.history self.history.angles = callback.angles self.history.angles_calls = E.history_angles self.history.gradients = callback.gradients self.history.hessians = callback.hessians if dE is not None and not isinstance(dE, str): self.history.gradient_calls = dE.history if ddE is not None and not isinstance(ddE, str): self.history.hessian_calls = ddE.history # some methods like "cobyla" do not support callback functions if len(self.history.energies) == 0: self.history.energies = E.history self.history.angles = E.history_angles # some scipy methods always give back the last value and not the minimum (e.g. cobyla) ea = sorted(zip(E.history, E.history_angles), key=lambda x: x[0]) E_final = ea[0][0] angles_final = ea[0][1] #dict((param_keys[i], res.x[i]) for i in range(len(param_keys))) angles_final = {**angles_final, **passive_angles} return SciPyResults(energy=E_final, history=self.history, variables=format_variable_dictionary(angles_final), scipy_result=res)
[docs] def available_methods(energy=True, gradient=True, hessian=True) -> typing.List[str]: """Convenience Parameters ---------- energy : (Default value = True) gradient : (Default value = True) hessian : (Default value = True) Returns ------- Available methods of the scipy optimizer, a list of strings. """ methods = [] if energy: methods += OptimizerSciPy.gradient_free_methods if gradient: methods += OptimizerSciPy.gradient_based_methods if hessian: methods += OptimizerSciPy.hessian_based_methods return methods
[docs] def minimize(objective: Objective, gradient: typing.Union[str, typing.Dict[Variable, Objective]] = None, hessian: typing.Union[str, typing.Dict[typing.Tuple[Variable, Variable], Objective]] = None, initial_values: typing.Dict[typing.Hashable, numbers.Real] = None, variables: typing.List[typing.Hashable] = None, samples: int = None, maxiter: int = 100, backend: str = None, backend_options: dict = None, noise: NoiseModel = None, device: str = None, method: str = "BFGS", tol: float = 1.e-3, method_options: dict = None, method_bounds: typing.Dict[typing.Hashable, numbers.Real] = None, method_constraints=None, silent: bool = False, save_history: bool = True, *args, **kwargs) -> SciPyResults: """ Parameters ---------- objective: Objective : The tequila objective to optimize gradient: typing.Union[str, typing.Dict[Variable, Objective], None] : Default value = None): '2-point', 'cs' or '3-point' for numerical gradient evaluation (does not work in combination with all optimizers), dictionary of variables and tequila objective to define own gradient, None for automatic construction (default) Other options include 'qng' to use the quantum natural gradient. hessian: typing.Union[str, typing.Dict[Variable, Objective], None], optional: '2-point', 'cs' or '3-point' for numerical gradient evaluation (does not work in combination with all optimizers), dictionary (keys:tuple of variables, values:tequila objective) to define own gradient, None for automatic construction (default) initial_values: typing.Dict[typing.Hashable, numbers.Real], optional: Initial values as dictionary of Hashable types (variable keys) and floating point numbers. If given None they will all be set to zero variables: typing.List[typing.Hashable], optional: List of Variables to optimize samples: int, optional: samples/shots to take in every run of the quantum circuits (None activates full wavefunction simulation) maxiter: int : (Default value = 100): max iters to use. backend: str, optional: Simulator backend, will be automatically chosen if set to None backend_options: dict, optional: Additional options for the backend Will be unpacked and passed to the compiled objective in every call noise: NoiseModel, optional: a NoiseModel to apply to all expectation values in the objective. method: str : (Default = "BFGS"): Optimization method (see scipy documentation, or 'available methods') tol: float : (Default = 1.e-3): Convergence tolerance for optimization (see scipy documentation) method_options: dict, optional: Dictionary of options (see scipy documentation) method_bounds: typing.Dict[typing.Hashable, typing.Tuple[float, float]], optional: bounds for the variables (see scipy documentation) method_constraints: optional: (see scipy documentation silent: bool : No printout if True save_history: bool: Save the history throughout the optimization Returns ------- SciPyReturnType: the results of optimization """ if isinstance(gradient, dict) or hasattr(gradient, "items"): if all([isinstance(x, Objective) for x in gradient.values()]): gradient = format_variable_dictionary(gradient) if isinstance(hessian, dict) or hasattr(hessian, "items"): if all([isinstance(x, Objective) for x in hessian.values()]): hessian = {(assign_variable(k[0]), assign_variable([k[1]])): v for k, v in hessian.items()} method_bounds = format_variable_dictionary(method_bounds) # set defaults optimizer = OptimizerSciPy(save_history=save_history, maxiter=maxiter, method=method, method_options=method_options, method_bounds=method_bounds, method_constraints=method_constraints, silent=silent, backend=backend, backend_options=backend_options, device=device, samples=samples, noise=noise, tol=tol, *args, **kwargs) return optimizer(objective=objective, gradient=gradient, hessian=hessian, initial_values=initial_values, variables=variables, *args, **kwargs)