Source code for tequila_code.optimizers.optimizer_base

Base class for Optimizers.
import typing, numbers, copy, warnings

from tequila.utils.exceptions import TequilaException, TequilaWarning
from tequila.simulators.simulator_api import compile, pick_backend
from tequila.objective import Objective
from tequila.circuit.gradient import grad
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from tequila.objective.objective import assign_variable, Variable, format_variable_dictionary, format_variable_list
import numpy
from random import choices

[docs] class TequilaOptimizerException(TequilaException): pass
[docs] @dataclass class OptimizerHistory: """ A class representing the history of optimizers over time. Has a variety of convenience functions attached to it. """ @property def iterations(self): if self.energies is None: return 0 else: return len(self.energies) # history of all true iterations (epochs) energies: typing.List[numbers.Real] = field(default_factory=list) gradients: typing.List[typing.Dict[str, numbers.Real]] = field(default_factory=list) angles: typing.List[typing.Dict[str, numbers.Number]] = field(default_factory=list) # history of all function evaluations energy_calls: typing.List[numbers.Real] = field(default_factory=list) gradient_calls: typing.List[typing.Dict[str, numbers.Real]] = field(default_factory=list) angles_calls: typing.List[typing.Dict[str, numbers.Number]] = field(default_factory=list) # backward comp. @property def energies_calls(self): return self.energy_calls @property def energies_evaluations(self): return self.energy_calls def __add__(self, other): """ magic method for convenient combination of history objects. """ result = OptimizerHistory() result.energies = self.energies + other.energies result.gradients = self.gradients + other.gradients result.angles = self.angles + other.angles return result def __iadd__(self, other): """ magic method for convenient in place combination of history objects. """ self.energies += other.energies self.gradients += other.gradients self.angles += other.angles return self
[docs] def extract_energies(self, *args, **kwargs) -> typing.Dict[numbers.Integral, numbers.Real]: """ convenience function to get the energies back as a dictionary. """ return {i: e for i, e in enumerate(self.energies)}
[docs] def extract_gradients(self, key: str) -> typing.Dict[numbers.Integral, numbers.Real]: """ convenience function to get the gradients of some variable out of the history. Parameters ---------- key: str: the name of the variable whose gradients are sought Returns ------- dict: a dictionary, representing the gradient of variable 'key' over time. """ gradients = {} for i, d in enumerate(self.gradients): if key in d: gradients[i] = d[assign_variable(key)] return gradients
[docs] def extract_angles(self, key: str) -> typing.Dict[numbers.Integral, numbers.Real]: """ convenience function to get the value of some variable out of the history. Parameters ---------- key: str: name of the variable whose values are sought Returns ------- dict: a dictionary, representing the value of variable 'key' over time. """ angles = {} for i, d in enumerate(self.angles): if key in d: angles[i] = d[assign_variable(key)] return angles
[docs] def plot(self, property: typing.Union[str, typing.List[str]] = 'energies', key: str = None, filename=None, baselines: typing.Dict[str, float] = None, *args, **kwargs): """ Convenience function to plot the progress of the optimizer over time. Parameters ---------- property: (list of) str: Default = 'energies' which property (eg angles, energies, gradients) to plot. Default: plot energies over time. key: str, optional: if property is 'angles' or 'gradients', key allows you to plot just an individual variables' property. Default: plot everything filename, optional: if give, plot to this file; else, plot to terminal. Default: plot to terminal. baselines: dict, optional: dictionary of plotting axis baseline information. Default: use whatever matplotlib auto-generates. args: args. kwargs: kwargs. Returns ------- None """ from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator fig = plt.figure() fig.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(integer=True)) import pickle if baselines is not None: for k, v in baselines.items(): plt.axhline(y=v, label=k) if hasattr(property, "lower"): properties = [property.lower()] else: properties = property labels = None if 'labels' in kwargs: labels = kwargs['labels'] elif 'label' in kwargs: labels = kwargs['label'] if hasattr(labels, "lower"): labels = [labels] * len(properties) for k, v in kwargs.items(): if hasattr(plt, k): f = getattr(plt, k) if callable(f): f(v) else: f = v if key is None: keys = [[k for k in self.angles[-1].keys()]] * len(properties) elif isinstance(key, typing.Hashable): keys = [[assign_variable(key)]] * len(properties) else: key = [assign_variable(k) for k in key] keys = [key] * len(properties) for i, p in enumerate(properties): try: label = labels[i] except: label = p if p == "energies": data = getattr(self, "extract_" + p)() plt.plot(list(data.keys()), list(data.values()), label=str(label), marker='o', linestyle='--') else: for k in keys[i]: data = getattr(self, "extract_" + p)(key=k) plt.plot(list(data.keys()), list(data.values()), label=str(label) + " " + str(k), marker='o', linestyle='--') loc = 'best' if 'loc' in kwargs: loc = kwargs['loc'] plt.legend(loc=loc) if filename is None: else: pickle.dump(fig, open(filename + ".pickle", "wb")) plt.savefig(fname=filename + ".pdf", **kwargs)
[docs] @dataclass class OptimizerResults: energy: float = None history: OptimizerHistory = None variables: dict = None @property def angles(self): # allow backwards compatibility return self.variables
[docs] class Optimizer: """ The base optimizer class, from which other optimizers inherit. Attributes ---------- backend: The quantum backend to use (None means autopick) maxiter: Maximum number of iterations to perform. silent: whether or not to print during call or on init. samples: number of samples to call objectives with during call. print_level: Allow customization of printout in derived classes, is set to 0 if silent==True. save_history: whether or not to save history. history: a history object, saving information during optimization. noise: what noise (e.g, a NoiseModel) to apply to simulations during optimization. device: the device that sampling (real or emulated) should be performed on. Methods ------- reset_history: reset the optimizer history. initialize_variables: convenience: format variables of an objective and segregrate actives from passives. compile_objective: convenience: compile an objective. compile_gradient: convenience: build and compile (i.e render callable) the gradient of an objective. compile_hessian: convenience: build and compile (i.e render callable) the hessian of an objective. """ def __init__(self, backend: str = None, maxiter: int = None, samples: int = None, device: str= None, noise=None, save_history: bool = True, silent: typing.Union[bool, int] = False, print_level: int = 99, *args, **kwargs): """ initialize an optimizer. Parameters ---------- backend: str, optional: a quantum backend to use. None means autopick. maxiter: int, optional: maximum number of iterations to performed. Note: overwrites attribute of same name to 100, not None, if default. samples: int, optional: number of samples to simulate measurement of objectives with. Default: none, i.e full wavefunction simulation. device: optional: changeable type. The device on which to perform (or, simulate performing) actual quantum computation. Default None will use the basic, un-restricted simulators of backend. noise: optional: NoiseModel object or str 'device', being either a custom noisemodel or the instruction to use that of the emulated device. Default value none means: simulate without any noise. save_history: bool: Default = True: whether or not to save history during optimization. Defaults to true. silent: bool: Default = False: whether or not to be verbose during iterations of optimization. False indicates verbosity. print_level: int: Default = 99: The degree of verbosity during print. Meaningless on in base. args kwargs """ if backend is None: self.backend = pick_backend(backend, samples=samples, noise=noise,device=device) else: self.backend = backend if maxiter is None: self.maxiter = 100 else: self.maxiter = maxiter if silent is None: self.silent = False else: self.silent = silent if print_level is None: self.print_level = 99 else: self.print_level = print_level if silent: self.print_level = 0 self.samples = samples self.save_history = save_history if save_history: self.history = OptimizerHistory() else: self.history = None self.noise = noise self.device = device self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs
[docs] def reset_history(self): """ replace self.history with a blank history. Returns ------- None """ self.history = OptimizerHistory()
def __call__(self, objective: Objective, variables: typing.List[Variable], initial_values: typing.Dict[Variable, numbers.Real] = None, *args, **kwargs) -> OptimizerResults: """ Optimize some objective with the optimizer. Parameters ---------- objective: Objective: The objective to optimize. variables: list: which variables to optimize over. initial_values: dict, optional: a starting point at which to begin optimization; a dict of variable, number pairs. args kwargs Returns ------- OptimizerResults instance with "energy" "history" and "variables" as attributes see inheritors for more details. """ raise TequilaOptimizerException("Tried to call BaseClass of Optimizer")
[docs] def initialize_variables(self, objective, initial_values, variables): """ Convenience function to format the variables of some objective recieved in calls to optimzers. Parameters ---------- objective: Objective: the objective being optimized. initial_values: dict or string: initial values for the variables of objective, as a dictionary. if string: can be `zero` or `random` if callable: custom function that initializes when keys are passed if None: random initialization between 0 and 2pi (not recommended) variables: list: the variables being optimized over. Returns ------- tuple: active_angles, a dict of those variables being optimized. passive_angles, a dict of those variables NOT being optimized. variables: formatted list of the variables being optimized. """ # bring into right format variables = format_variable_list(variables) all_variables = objective.extract_variables() if variables is None: variables = all_variables if initial_values is None: initial_values = {k: numpy.random.uniform(0, 2 * numpy.pi) for k in all_variables} elif hasattr(initial_values, "lower"): if initial_values.lower() == "zero": initial_values = {k:0.0 for k in all_variables} elif "zero" in initial_values.lower(): scale=0.1 if "scale" in initial_values.lower(): # pass as: near_zero_scale=0.1_... scale = float(initial_values.split("scale")[1].split("_")[0].split("=")[1]) initial_values = {k: numpy.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=scale) for k in all_variables} elif initial_values.lower() == "random": initial_values = {k: numpy.random.uniform(0.0, 4*numpy.pi) for k in all_variables} elif "random" in initial_values.lower(): scale=2*numpy.pi loc=0.0 if "scale" in initial_values.lower(): scale = float(initial_values.split("scale")[1].split("_")[0].split("=")[1]) if "loc" in initial_values.lower(): loc = float(initial_values.split("loc")[1].split("_")[0].split("=")[1]) initial_values = {k: numpy.random.normal(loc=loc, scale=scale) for k in all_variables} else: raise TequilaOptimizerException("unknown initialization instruction: {}".format(initial_values)) elif callable(initial_values): initial_values = {k: initial_values(k) for k in all_variables} elif isinstance(initial_values, numbers.Number): initial_values = {k: initial_values for k in all_variables} else: # autocomplete initial values, warn if you did detected = False for k in all_variables: if k not in initial_values: initial_values[k] = 0.0 detected = True if detected and not self.silent: warnings.warn("initial_variables given but not complete: Autocompleted with zeroes", TequilaWarning) initial_values = format_variable_dictionary(initial_values) active_angles = {} for v in variables: active_angles[v] = initial_values[v] passive_angles = {} for k, v in initial_values.items(): if k not in active_angles.keys(): passive_angles[k] = v return active_angles, passive_angles, variables
[docs] def compile_objective(self, objective: Objective, *args, **kwargs): """ convenience function to wrap over compile; for use by inheritors. Parameters ---------- objective: Objective: an objective to compile. args kwargs Returns ------- Objective: a compiled Objective. Types vary. """ return compile(objective=objective, samples=self.samples, backend=self.backend, device=self.device, noise=self.noise, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def compile_gradient(self, objective: Objective, variables: typing.List[Variable], gradient=None, *args, **kwargs) -> typing.Tuple[ typing.Dict, typing.Dict]: """ convenience function to compile gradient objects and relavant types. For use by inheritors. Parameters ---------- objective: Objective: the objective whose gradient is to be calculated. variables: list: the variables to take gradients with resepct to. gradient, optional: special argument to change what structure is used to calculate the gradient, like numerical, or QNG. Default: use regular, analytic gradients. args kwargs Returns ------- tuple: both the uncompiled and compiled gradients of objective, w.r.t variables. """ if gradient is None: dO = {k: grad(objective=objective, variable=k, *args, **kwargs) for k in variables} compiled_grad = {k: self.compile_objective(objective=dO[k], *args, **kwargs) for k in variables} elif isinstance(gradient, dict) or hasattr(gradient, "items"): if all([isinstance(x, Objective) for x in gradient.values()]): dO = gradient compiled_grad = {k: self.compile_objective(objective=dO[k], *args, **kwargs) for k in variables} elif 'method' in gradient and gradient['method'] == 'standard_spsa': dO = None compiled = self.compile_objective(objective=objective) compiled_grad = _SPSAGrad(objective=compiled, variables=variables, **gradient) else: dO = None compiled = self.compile_objective(objective=objective) compiled_grad = {k: _NumGrad(objective=compiled, variable=k, **gradient) for k in variables} else: raise TequilaOptimizerException( "unknown gradient instruction of type {} : {}".format(type(gradient), gradient)) return dO, compiled_grad
[docs] def compile_hessian(self, variables: typing.List[Variable], grad_obj: typing.Dict[Variable, Objective], comp_grad_obj: typing.Dict[Variable, Objective], hessian: dict = None, *args, **kwargs) -> tuple: """ convenience function to compile hessians for optimizers which require it. Parameters ---------- variables: the variables of the hessian. grad_obj: the gradient object, to be differentiated once more comp_grad_obj: the compiled gradient object, used for further compilation of the hessian. hessian: optional: extra information to modulate compilation of the hessian. args kwargs Returns ------- tuple: uncompiled and compiled hessian objects, in that order """ dO = grad_obj cdO = comp_grad_obj if hessian is None: if dO is None: raise TequilaOptimizerException("Can not combine analytical Hessian with numerical Gradient\n" "hessian instruction was: {}".format(hessian)) compiled_hessian = {} ddO = {} for k in variables: dOk = dO[k] for l in variables: ddO[(k, l)] = grad(objective=dOk, variable=l) compiled_hessian[(k, l)] = self.compile_objective(ddO[(k, l)]) ddO[(l, k)] = ddO[(k, l)] compiled_hessian[(l, k)] = compiled_hessian[(k, l)] elif isinstance(hessian, dict): if all([isinstance(x, Objective) for x in hessian.values()]): ddO = hessian compiled_hessian = {k: self.compile_objective(objective=ddO[k], *args, **kwargs) for k in hessian.keys()} else: ddO = None compiled_hessian = {} for k in variables: for l in variables: compiled_hessian[(k, l)] = _NumGrad(objective=cdO[k], variable=l, **hessian) compiled_hessian[(l, k)] = _NumGrad(objective=cdO[l], variable=k, **hessian) else: raise TequilaOptimizerException("unknown hessian instruction: {}".format(hessian)) return ddO, compiled_hessian
def __repr__(self): infostring = "Optimizer: {} \n".format(str(type(self))) infostring += "{:15} : {}\n".format("backend", self.backend) infostring += "{:15} : {}\n".format("device", self.device) infostring += "{:15} : {}\n".format("samples", self.samples) infostring += "{:15} : {}\n".format("save_history", self.save_history) infostring += "{:15} : {}\n".format("noise", self.noise) return infostring
class _NumGrad: """ Numerical Gradient object. Should not be used outside of optimizers. Can't interact with other tequila structures. Attributes ---------- objective: the objective whose gradient is to be approximated. variable: the variable with respect to which the gradient is taken. stepsize: the size of the small constant for shifting. method: how to approximate the gradient. Methods ------- symmetric_two_point_stencil: get gradient by point + shift, point - shift forward_two_point_stencil: get gradient by point + shift, point. backward_two_point_stencil: get gradient by point, point -shift count_expectaionvalues: convenience; call the count_expectationvalues method of objective """ def __init__(self, objective, variable, stepsize, method=None): """ Parameters ---------- objective: Objective: the objective whose gradient is to be approximated. variable: the variable the gradient of objective with respect to which is taken. stepsize: the small shift by which to displace variable around a point. method: the method by which to approximate the gradient. """ self.objective = objective self.variable = variable self.stepsize = stepsize if method is None or method == "2-point": self.method = self.symmetric_two_point_stencil elif method is None or method == "2-point-forward": self.method = self.forward_two_point_stencil elif method is None or method == "2-point-backward": self.method = self.backward_two_point_stencil else: self.method = method @staticmethod def symmetric_two_point_stencil(obj, vars, key, step, *args, **kwargs): """ calculate objective gradient by symmetric shifts about a point. Parameters ---------- obj: Objective: objective to call. vars: variables to feed to the objective. key: which variable to shift, i.e, which variable's gradient is being called. step: the size of the shift; a small float. args kwargs Returns ------- float: the approximated gradient of obj w.r.t var at point vars as a float. """ left = copy.deepcopy(vars) left[key] += step / 2 right = copy.deepcopy(vars) right[key] -= step / 2 return 1.0 / step * (obj(left, *args, **kwargs) - obj(right, *args, **kwargs)) @staticmethod def forward_two_point_stencil(obj, vars, key, step, *args, **kwargs): """ calculate objective gradient by asymmetric upward shfit relative to some point. Parameters ---------- obj: Objective: objective to call. vars: variables to feed to the objective. key: which variable to shift, i.e, which variable's gradient is being called. step: the size of the shift; a small float. args kwargs Returns ------- float: the approximated gradient of obj w.r.t var at point vars as a float. """ left = copy.deepcopy(vars) left[key] += step right = copy.deepcopy(vars) return 1.0 / step * (obj(left, *args, **kwargs) - obj(right, *args, **kwargs)) @staticmethod def backward_two_point_stencil(obj, vars, key, step, *args, **kwargs): """ calculate objective gradient by asymmetric downward shfit relative to some point. Parameters ---------- obj: Objective: objective to call. vars: variables to feed to the objective. key: which variable to shift, i.e, which variable's gradient is being called. step: the size of the shift; a small float. args kwargs Returns ------- the approximated gradient of obj w.r.t var at point vars as a float. """ left = copy.deepcopy(vars) right = copy.deepcopy(vars) right[key] -= step return 1.0 / step * (obj(left, *args, **kwargs) - obj(right, *args, **kwargs)) def __call__(self, variables, *args, **kwargs): """ convenience function to call self.method, e.g one of the staticmethods of this class. Parameters ---------- variables: the variables constitutive of the point at which numerical gradients of self.objective are to be taken args kwargs Returns ------- type: generally, float, the result of the numerical gradient. """ return self.method(self.objective, variables, self.variable, self.stepsize, *args, **kwargs) def count_expectationvalues(self, *args, **kwargs): """ how many expectationvalues are in self.objective? Parameters ---------- args kwargs Returns ------- int: how many expectationvalues are in self.objective """ return self.objective.count_expectationvalues(*args, **kwargs) class _SPSAGrad(_NumGrad): """ Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation Gradient object. Should not be used outside of optimizers. Can't interact with other tequila structures. Attributes ---------- objective: the objective whose gradient is to be approximated. variables: the variables with respect to which the gradient is taken. stepsize: the size of the small constant for shifting. """ def __init__(self, objective, variables, stepsize, gamma=None,method=None): """ Parameters ---------- objective: Objective: the objective whose gradient is to be approximated. variables: the variables the gradient of objective with respect to which is taken. stepsize: the small shift by which to displace variable around a point. nextIndex: Integer indicating the next index of the list stepsize to use if(nextIndex == -1) stepsize is a float """ self.objective = objective self.variables = variables self.gamma = gamma if isinstance(stepsize, list): self.nextIndex = 0 elif gamma != None: self.nextIndex = "adjust" else: self.nextIndex = -1 self.stepsize = stepsize if method is None or method == "standard_spsa": self.method = self.standard_spsa else: self.method = method @staticmethod def standard_spsa(obj, vars, keys, step, *args, **kwargs): """ calculate objective gradient using standar spsa. Parameters ---------- obj: Objective: objective to call. vars: variables to feed to the objective. key: which variables to shift, i.e, which variable's gradient is being called. step: the size of the shift; a small float. args kwargs Returns ------- the approximated gradient of obj w.r.t var at point vars as a float. """ dim = len(keys) perturbation_vector = choices([-1,1],k = dim) left = copy.deepcopy(vars) right = copy.deepcopy(vars) for i, key in enumerate(keys): left[key] += perturbation_vector[i] * step right[key] -= perturbation_vector[i] * step numerator = obj(left, *args, **kwargs) - obj(right, *args, **kwargs) gradient = list() for i in range(dim): gradientComponent = numerator / (2 * step * perturbation_vector[i]) gradient.append(gradientComponent) return gradient def __call__(self, variables, iteration=1, *args, **kwargs): """ convenience function to call self.method, e.g one of the staticmethods of this class. Parameters ---------- variables: the variables constitutive of the point at which numerical gradients of self.objective are to be taken args kwargs Returns ------- type: generally, float, the result of the numerical gradient. """ if(self.nextIndex != -1 and self.nextIndex != "adjust"): stepsize = self.stepsize[self.nextIndex] if(self.nextIndex != len(self.stepsize) - 1): self.nextIndex += 1 elif(self.nextIndex == -1): stepsize = self.stepsize else: stepsize = self.stepsize / (iteration ** self.gamma) return self.method(self.objective, variables, self.variables, stepsize, *args, **kwargs) def calibrated_lr(self, lr, initial_value, max_iter, *args, **kwargs): """ Calculates a calibrated learning rate for spsa Parameters ---------- lr: learning rate (a variable in spsa related papers) initial_value: the initial values of the variables used in the optimization max_iter: number of iteration used for the calibration args kwargs Returns ------- type: float: the learning rate calibrated """ dim = len(initial_value) delta = 0 if(self.nextIndex != -1 and self.nextIndex != "adjust"): stepsize = self.stepsize[0] else: stepsize = self.stepsize for i in range(max_iter): perturbation_vector = choices([-1,1],k = dim) left = copy.deepcopy(initial_value) right = copy.deepcopy(initial_value) for j, v in enumerate(initial_value): left[v] += perturbation_vector[j] * stepsize right[v] -= perturbation_vector[j] * stepsize numeratorLeft = self.objective(left, *args, **kwargs) numeratorRight = self.objective(right, *args, **kwargs) delta += numpy.absolute(numeratorRight - numeratorLeft) / max_iter return lr * 2 * stepsize / delta